gay or no?
Gay or no?
Literally no by definition
she's forcing retractile testicle which is absolutely gay by default as orgasm by another means other than phallus is homoerotic
Calling it gay just shows that you have a small vocabulary.
Having any sort of foreign object up your ass is gay as fuck if you're male
what's gayer for the man? this or buttfucking a very passable trap?
Better gay than having prostate cancer.
I wonder what it's like living life being so insecure
>homofaggots in heavy denial
>t. stuck in the closet
Why are posts like this so common nowadays? It's kinda boring talking to people here now.
Nice deflection buddy. Regret revealing you shove dildos up your ass for fun?
lmao, be honest user, how many dicks have you sucked?
>not realizing the prostate is enervated by a completely different branch of nerves than the penis meaning it can give a completely different yet equally, if not more, satisfying type of orgasm
>thinking stimulating your prostate makes you sexually attracted to other men
Nah, I just see that shit all the time.
nice excuse gayboi, gonna go have Tyrone ram your ass later?
>gonna go have Tyrone ram your ass later?
No, I don't like black people
oh shit she's pegging him? i thought she was just being aggressive af...
Hmmm woman fucks man with toy or man fucks man. Wtf do you think
Almost looks like the Amazon position
That's exactly what I thought until I saw
You can see the pegging gear around her hips brainlet
>If you look closely...
Yeah no shit, I only noticed it when I read that post.
pegging is one step away from getting banged by a tranny
Up the bum, no harm done.
(Of course that wasn't original).
>thinking stimulating your prostate makes you sexually attracted to other men
based and prostatepilled
>but i like black dildos though
Really hot, but I'm bi. I wish girls had dicks.
>tfw trans and my cis gf pegs me all the time
it's amazing