How are some people dumb enough to actually convince themselves that a god exists?

How are some people dumb enough to actually convince themselves that a god exists?

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how are people dumb enough to think everything came from nothing, or that humanity comes from a oozing pool of acid

>Doesn't believe modern theories formulated by empirical evidence
>Instead follows some 1000 year old eccentric's manifesto that draws theories from pure imagination

>dude let me follow this thing that nobody can prove
>ugh but i hate those other people who follow that thing that nobody can prove

you're right. we come from clay

ofc we do, and the breath of God, dont forget the most important part

average IQ people need something to believe in to give them morale

the thought to going to an after life of your choosing for worshipping a mythical being is perfect for that

you're just not smart enough to evaluate the evidence. you're a troglodyte

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We obviously should go with the one with the best evidence. The cognitive dissonance required to believe in god is actually hilarious.

I don't really believe in God, but I kind of feel like I should in a way. Like we can't really perfectly prove that there isn't a God. Don't think that's an excuse or anything, but I can't help think about what if there was a God, you know?
Imagine how he'd feel about all of his creations just killing eachother over ideologies. And maybe he's not omnipotent. Maybe he can't stop it. So many people are just killing eachother and not believing in fact. It would hurt.
So I guess I also hope he doesn't exist. This world would be painful to watch, especially if you're the one who made it.

>dude i dont get it so im smart and you dont lmao

>literally the son of God came to earth, created the foundation of wester civilisation, but oh well it has no prof
people are retarded, it's nice to know yall are going to burn in hell

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

remember that you could be saved RIGHT NOW
and dodge it, but you wont
you arent going to do it
your ubris is going to stop you
>price? me? nah
lmaoing at your lives right now

The nature of the western concept of god makes it obviously a human creation, however, it is very reasonable to assume that are many things that exist that are beyond the human capabilities to understand or even perceive.

Wait I thought it was aliens who came down and did some gene mods to creat people for slaves to mine gold to save their home planet

>foundation of western civilisation
Then explain why hinduism is the world's oldest religion?
You project so many baseless fantasies into realities. I bet you also think that your dubs are a sign from god.

what is being older having to do with making something significant? hindus were conquered by british Christians, as any other religion

>hinduism is the world's oldest religion?
No it's not not even close there are others much older oh and by the way Animism is the world's oldest religion. Look it up

>conquered by british Christians

Wtf does them being conqured have anything to do with how old their religion is

their gods doesnt work, there are no other gods that can beat the Cristian God
well other than the jewish or the muslim, but it's the same God in the three cases so it doesnt matter

I am saddened that your thinking is so illogical. Do you realise how many of your premises are assumed? Did the christian god have a fist fight with the hindu god??

What does british colonialism have to do with god being powerful? The british are just assholes that didn't love their neighbours.

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Gods are personifications of the spirit of real things. A goddess of the earth, a god of war, a god of music, a goddess of love, etc.

How dumb are you to think that god isn't a more complicated suggestion than that?

if your god cant save you from being conquered it's a shitty god that is not worth worshiping, the Christian God made a fist fight with the hindu and won
Christianity make great empires, and the britons loved they neighbours, the thing is you dont know what love is
teaching and making progress is love, letting them to be degenerate and not educated is not love

the thing is you cant ignore what God is when literally him tell you what he is
>dude im like this
>nuh uh nobody can undestand you
literally retards

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Christians conqured do their blatent immorality. They were outright killers thieves and rapists. It had nothing to do with your imaginary sky friend.

Your god didn't save you from being the loser that you are. Are you saying anyone who has ever had something bad happen to them believes in a "shitty god"? And the british were made to leave india, where was their god then?

>waaah i hate them when they win
stop crying you baby, for people like you the world is going to shit, everyone is pandering everyone and nobody is fighting for what is worth
Cristians did nothing wrong, and they need to take hands in the situation of the world, and change like the used to

>Christianity make great empires, and the britons loved they neighbours, the thing is you dont know what love is

Forced conversion or death. Sounds like true love to me.

>have a job
>have a house
>have a family
makes me go hmmm

>teaching and making

Nigger the church and the monarchy did t even want pesants to know how to read or to educate them. Stupid people are easy to control

What? Saying we came from god is more complicated than saying we came from nothing because you still need to answer where god came from, it's an endless loop. The only thing we know for sure is that life is (not that that's something we can be sure of even but for arguments sake), to say god is too is just an unnecessary and illogical conclusion to draw from life existing.

mercy kill, we need to do it again asap, people like op need to be the first to go
do you think God didnt do it in the old times? HA

>posts on r9k
What of devout christians who are destitute? God doesn't help them, government benefits do.

i come here are Christians conversations, maybe some people can be saved it's not hard to be saved and people still wont do it

just remember, when you face God, dont say nobody told you

>Cristians did nothing wrong
>nothing wrong

Murder, torture, rape, theft. You got one fucked up moral compass if you think that is not wrong. But I wouldn't expect anything less than from someone who has imaginary friends

If I meet god I'll be sure to ask what the point of him is because for the life of me I can't figure it out.

you virgins dont know how to talk to girls and you want to find the misteries of the universe
at least save your soul wich is easy

>when you face God, dont say nobody told you
Imagine being this brainwashed, well your cult leaders must have some crazy charisma I'll give you that

you dont know your point and you want to know God's?

>afraid to attempt suicide
provide better solution user, calling me something I have already accepted that I am doesn't hurt me. Circumstances and events of absurd happening has made us all dumb and mad, passing the time with mindless entertainment.

you just gotta, like, have faith bro lol

God - spoke everything into existence

Atheism - pond scum can evolve into a a mousr than evolves in a human over million years.

Occams razor favors god

>How are some people dumb enough to actually convince themselves that a god exists?
The same way that inceltards convince themselves of all of the dog shit that they believe in... they take it on faith because it makes them feel better.

And that's called an ad hominem bud. cmon humor me, what questions does god even answer? If something can't come from nothing where did he come from, if he just is why can't we just be?

How about we just gangrape your mother instead. Then behead the bitch

No it doesn't. You take the evidence of life and say that it means god but all you really have is life. Occam's razor says there is only life and no god.

Absolutely based and blackpilled. cheers

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i mean, you know we arent imortals, right?

Believing in a god because you can't face the idea of the world not having an intelligent design, plan or inherent purpose is the same as convincing yourself that your blowup doll is real because you can't get a gf. It's a cope, albeit a cope that has been systematically shilled for generations.

Why does there have to be immortals?

nature proves God, if you want to ignore it it's your problem, dont call other people that study it crazy

Nature doesn't prove it an intelligent creator of it at all.

>nature proves god
Well, give me your arguments, show me what you got

>there are LAWS in nature and physics
>everything fit perfect, if you move something just a little bit to some side everything breaks
>life is and cconsciousness is just a coincidence
dude and atheist think they are smart

Easy. They don't have to convince themselves he exists. They were convinced of God's existence when they were so young they couldn't think critically about it. Hardly anyone grows up in a secular household and decides as an adult to convert to a religion. You're more likely to swing from one religion to another, because you've already been primed to get something out of it.

I think it's more likely that a good exists rather than the universe existing out of nothing.

The argument that something would have to create god is flawed, because an omnipotent being doesn't have to follow human logic, so it would be able to create itself, or maybe have no origin at all.

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We just go back to something existing not being proof of a creator because then who created god. If you think god can just be then why can't you think laws of physics can just be? I don't know if life is a coincidence but I don't know if it's a god either.

>this thread
The ultimate redpill is what you are missing. It isn't necessarily the beliefs that encompass the religion that make religion great, it is the fact that it is used to strongly control behavior in a certain, ideally non degenerate way. What were the point of the stories of Norse Mythology and the ultimate goal of the religion? It was to teach Vikings how to be great warriors. If you were to die in battle a great warrior your seat will be in Valhallah. Alas if you die and lose the battle though, you have been tricked by Loki. Postmodernism does not offer this and we see it everywhere. Naked hedonism being accepted as the norm. Degenerates parading themselves across our TVs trying to debase the strong Western values that made us great. You want data to back this up?
Religious people kill themselves less. Being in a happy, monogamous Christian marriage is a better indicator of long life than lower cholestorol. The CIA famously hires more Mormons and devout Christians because our beliefs make us less likely to be corrupt. Christianity works and the timelessness of the Holy Bible comes from its lessons on life and behavior. Or continue living lives of moral degeneracy strayed from God. I'm sure it has worked well for you. I am building a career, lifting, on nofap, and have a trad gf. While before I was lost in trying to pleasure myself under the postmodern ideals that "if we are just here why not just watch porn and become fat? It's the current year people!"

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Nigger please that's not exclusive to one belief system and besides it goes against it

let's say there's a God, but we dont know where he came from, is it enough for you?

Patterns and tendencies in the universe doesn't mean they were created by an intelligent thing with an interest in the human race. What about them is perfect? Many of the laws of physics are relative.

>dumb enough

No, it's not related to intelligence.

Being skeptical and being intelligent are two independent things. It turns out there's a lot of highly-educated and intelligent people who really aren't very skeptical about things -- they're simply good at learning how existing systems work and how to work those systems.

But skeptics are a different breed: we question the system. And that's not a necessary trait to have to be considered "intelligent".

Being a skeptic is a natural talent that you're either born with, or not. It's like being artistically gifted, or a being a natural athlete. It's not something that can be taught or learned. And it's quite possible to be an intelligent and successful person without having any natural talents.

When you meet a true skeptic -- someone who questions everything (even himself), consequences be damned -- then you've encountered a person with a rare natural talent.

You know those guys who try to teach sign language to chimps? They're pretty intelligent guys. But their entire effort is pure pseudo-science, and has never achieved any provable, repeatable success. (Think about it: have you ever seen a video clip of a human having a meaningful sign language conversation with a chimp that lasts more than about 5 seconds? That's because it doesn't exist.) They're intelligent researchers, but they don't have the natural talent of being skeptical about their own work. All their work is just a cleverly-designed ruse to fool themselves and others, but their inability to be skeptical prevents them from being able to see that.

That's why you can have intelligent people who are religious. Their lack of skepticism prevents them from questioning their religion, but it doesn't affect their intelligence at all. It seems weird that it works that way, but there's a ton of evidence that it does.

Who says there's a god? Everything that happens in the bible is obviously some ancient scifi dream. There may be somethings in the universe we can never understand but not at all the sort of things religionfags describe.

All those pedophile priests that keep getting busted sure blow your degeneracy argument out of the water don't they

I would support a society of christian morals but god is where I draw the line. It seems to be that god is being corrupted by these fanboys and religion isn't even a little bit about morality anymore. Maybe I'd be inclined to keep my atheist tendencies a secret for the ideal of christianity.

Degeneracy = what christians say it is.
Also what's so moral about doing something just because you were convinced by a cult book? Isn't it better to cultivate your own morality from a variety of experiences and sources?

Let's say there is life but we don't know where it came from, is that enough for you?

You act as if the only options are to become an ascetic Christian or be a complete nihilist with no direction in life, something which I've seen people like you argue before. It's a false dilemma. I don't think you need religion to have order or purpose in life. If you think religion should govern our lives because it's a technology that's been successful at maintaining social order, then I would just say, at what cost? What about all of the holy wars, and violent repression of anyone considered "degenerate" throughout history? What about all the colonialism that was justified by spreading God's word?

people are starting to derive to this way of thought
>God exist
>but it is not your particular God!
i loveeee this way of thinking

cause in the end, the anti Christ needs to be revealed as God, and he will be explaining and doing some miracles so people may believe

BE PREPARED PEOPLE the end is fucking nigh

and fucking repent of your sins so you can be saved

well let's say it came from God

>well let's say it came from God
That makes no sense though. Let's say it came from my uncle pauly same logic.

That's a fair point, but I find it puzzling how intelligent people cannot acknowledge their own cognitive dissonance.

what is morality to you? the 69 sexes? accepting homos? not having a family, doing drugs, not working?
today we dont know what morality is, we forgot God, we forgot morality
>b-but we dont need God to be morals
reality proves you wrong

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he meant oldest religion still alive and having a pretty big following today

Believing in god doesn't make you a dumbass. Some of the smartest people in history believed in God, smartass

just think about it, we were made, everything was made, like everything has a begining, we had a begining too
if you think this is not logica you are retarded

We shouldn't need god for morals... if humans were good we wouldn't need to trick each other into it.

I never said god exists, I simply said that there are things that are beyond our understanding. Similarly to how a dog cannot be taught to read.
The difference between atheists and religion fags is that we believe what we see whilst you believe what you're told. If the devil shows me some empirically provable magic then I'll believe that the devil exists.

Then who made gooooooood? How can you not see the flaw of your logic? There's no reason for god to exist because he only opens more questions. It's a bad theory.

we need guidense, you have people telling you go to one way, and you have God telling you to go to the other, it's about choices, about what voice you hear

I approve of god as moral ideal to strive towards that's it. As soon as it becomes about worshipping him it's been corrupted into something else.

i wonder, if Christianity is man made as you people say, why God doesnt explain this point, why he doesnt explain what was before everything

Sure would be nice if god gave you guys some better arguments. Reading this thread made me quite sad for you but glad atheism is on the rise.

>dude i read all the books about physics that are out there
no, you dont, you believe what people told you

Well you have Shinto with 4 million followers which is older

They believe in god because they were groomed to since childhood. There are many types of intelligence and they obviously lacked the kind were you are able to assess the foundations and relevance of your beliefs

Maybe god doesn't explain how he works because he's not real?

we are living thanks to God, we at least need to be graceful about it
>inb4 but living is haaaard

Are you now going to tell me that modern science is a conspiracy? I have read proofs that read to logical conclusions in physics, can you say the same for the bible?

God explain how He works pretty well, and why we are here, and what we need to be careful, and what we need to do
it doesnt explain the next step, the next part

No that's the part I like, morals are really great, it's just the deluding yourself that I don't like.

ofc, the Bible is pretty logical and it has relationship in our every day world

God doesn't explain any of that. Maybe you should worship the dudes that wrote the bible if you find it that appealing.

Then why does he exist? There's literally no point in god when it comes to explaining the universe, you make the universe more complicated by adding god. You make him up out of nowhere to answer the hard questions. When it comes to explaining the world around you believing in god is the equivalent of giving up.

If you're going to be christian, then at least actually read the bible in its entirety.

go read the Bible if you dont believe me, and they were prophets
many people say, dur if God comes down here and tell me personally that he exist i will believe im him
that's false dude, you wont, people didnt believed in Jesus even when he did miracles in front of them
>it was a coincidence
>it was satan helping him

The only gods that will ever exist are superintelligent AIs.

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>Jesus performed miracles
And harry potter defeated voldemort

Did you ever see a miracle of jesus? I mean a real miracle, not 'the beauty of the setting sun'

i did, that's what im saying

who do you think makes takes that physics laws in check? it cant work alone
the more you study the world around you, the more you start believe in God
you just have givin up, people are just nihilist nowadays for a reason

Too much direct and """coincidental""" suffering inflicted on certain people such as myself for there not to be a hateful or simply callous God to takes pleasure in causing this suffering

i did, many people didnt believed, they said it was a prank or made up, other people did believe
nothing changes