Who here 20 year old Pagliacci?
Who here 20 year old Pagliacci?
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To an extent, also good taste in comic books, OP.
If I was actually funny to normies I would be.
18 year old pagliacci here
If anything i'm more like a fucking Pierrot
>le epic depressed zoomer
Bet you liked growing up and being a retard on the internet for all your life, though, right? Deal with it.
This was me starting in High School.
>painfully socially inept
>Want to be with people when I'm alone
>Want to be alone when I'm with people
>Have extremely high verbal IQ
>Use it to be funniest person in the room
>People only learn to associate levity with me
>Never get to talk about anything important, never get to know anyone very well.
>I can't count the number of times I've said "actually I'm being serious."
>Want to invest in serious relationships but no one takes a fucking clown seriously.
>Try to re-invent myself in college and grad school
>Remember that I'm socially retarded and so this fails spectacularly, just do the same old shit again
>wonder why I'm miserable
I'm 27 now. I don't know if it gets better, but it certainly gets worse.
13 and 20 and 30 and __
> wtf did I do
I didn't need this feel today
I swear I'm trying to be original bot, forgive me
Damn, this could also be called "Avoidant Personality Disorder" the meme. Humor is how I cope with all my pain. People seem to always want to hang out with me, and be around me.....but I would kill to be left alone. Time to go drink to forget these feels, and yell at people in online vidya.