I'm going to drop out of college, I can't go back home though, what should I do?
Dropping Out
Don't drop out user, see it through.
Under bridges makes for nice real estate. Better than a home with the right mindset
I've already made up my mind, there's nothing for me here. Way too conflicted about everything.
I know I'm going to have to live in a shitty apartment and get a minimum wage job probably.
>I'm going to have to live in a shitty apartment and get a minimum wage job probably
Well then I guess you get the normalfag bad ending. I'm disappointed honestly. Go Ted mode or something, that's boring.
I don't want to ruin other people's lives, Elliot etc. were self-centered degenerates.
do any other anons at least have experience with this? what did you do, how are you now, how long has it been etc.?
>I know I'm going to have to live in a shitty apartment and get a minimum wage job probably.
Ding ding ding. It sucks, but not as much as you expect. Living in shit will give you perspective. You have a fair chance of not being stuck there forever.
No I mean becoming a hermit in the woods. You don't have to do the terrorism, he already did that business for you.
Its been 5 years after I drop out. Life is shit, you cant get anywhere without a decent degree.
Dont be a retard like me OP, theres nothing worse than being an autist without money.
Join the army. Its the perfect place for fuck ups
is there any upward mobility at all, or is it a dead-end job? any light in your life at the end of the tunnel?
I've already lived in isolation, it's nice but I don't think it's for me, I crave other people's acceptance too much to truly enjoy it. Not saying it's right or wrong, just the way it is for me.
that's what I feared, any light at the end of the tunnel? anything decent in your life? I wouldn't be considering this if I was seriously fucking miserable.
actually have thought about it, but I don't like being told what to do so I think I wouldn't last.
I work factory right now. My job has tuition reimbursement, so if I go back to school and do a good enough job, they'll pay for it. There's definitely mobility with a degree, but you don't need one. Getting anywhere takes effort though and that job drains my soul. I'm looking at some other jobs right now. There's better work for people with half a brain and a few dollars to throw into some kind of certification. Honestly I could just keep my job if I wanted. I make about twice as much money as I need.
Also I was in your exact situation. I dropped out and immediately had to move out of my parent's place, so feel free to ask any other questions.
ty, what state did you move to once you dropped out? how did you get a job/apartment? I feel like once I get an apartment set up and a stable income I could get kind of settled.
I stayed where I was in MI, just because I didn't want to rebuild my social circle. One of my friends was a few years older than me and had rented before. We moved in together, and he basically knew what to do. I was super stressed out about it, but it wasn't actually that hard. Just a new thing. For your first time getting an apartment, I would look at one of those apartment complexes. They might cost a little more, but they're nicer and more professional. You will talk to a housing manager or a maintenance guy about your problems, instead of your potentially shady landlord. I can talk through the actual process of getting an apartment if you want. It's pretty basic.
Some friends and my dog. aside from that, nothing.
Having a good pay is a must if you cant into sex or have an active social life. Escapism becomes almost mandatory, and a comfy life makes it worthy to live to the next day. And you need money for all that.
Belive me, theres nothing more stressing than working a bottom of the barrel job and counting everything to reach the end of the month.
Max out student loans,
Play the stock and crypto market
Get rich
pay off loan
yes please do, that would be very helpful.
ok I will try, but it's hard in the us to even be comfy on minimum wage
ik you're memeing, but I'm actually in the stock market rn with the pipe dream of making it one day trading, it's one of the things keeping me from ending it even if I'm losing money doing it/delusional
Didn't read thread if you live in Michigan I can help you out with nonshit job
I'd be willing to move there potentially, what's the job/pay?
How do you pay taxes if you're homeless but also have a job?
You just don't pay them. No one will pester a homeless guy for tax evasion.
why dont just try an easier college?
fuck off dickhead you didn't hear OP?
The main problems would still persist (chronic medical issues etc.), and it would be way too shameful, I'd rather just get out of this fucking mess and start over if I was willing to do something as drastic as a transfer.
I just want to preface this by saying you usually need a job first to get an apartment.
>google "[current area] apartments"
>find a complex with a decent website and try to do some research
You won't be able to find everything you're looking for, but try to find out general price and if they have office hours.
>make an in-person visit at the housing office or call to make an appointment
>talk to office guy
>ask for a tour of one of the units
This guy is trying to sell the apartment to you, so he will be nice to you and relatively easy to talk to. Imagine a used car salesman. He might be kind of pushy to try to get you to buy right away, but you can always say no or come back later if you're not sure.
>if it looks tolerable and you can afford it, tell him you're interested
>if not, say maybe and explore other options first
>price is usually standard, so don't try to haggle
>you will need ID and proof of employment, pay stubs usually work
>they will run a background check on you (credit, criminal history, ect)
>you will sign a bunch of documents known as your lease
You can ask the guy to walk you through the legal talk as you sign, and he might do it either way. It basically boils down to you having to pay rent every month until the lease is up (usually a year). That and not breaking shit, harassing people, ect.
>you will get your key and have an apartment
thank you user, this was very helpful