i'm literally 9/10. i just hate communicating with people irl. also never had a gf cuz too shy to talk to a one.
am i a robot?
i'm literally 9/10. i just hate communicating with people irl. also never had a gf cuz too shy to talk to a one.
am i a robot?
do you go out in public regularly? do u have friends?
You're probably not 9/10
>literally 9/10
you probably just have a majorly inflated ego
>do you go out in public regularly?
sometimes, i have to, cuz college.
>do u have friends?
used to, when i was a cringe normie fag
get out normalfag
i am kinda, idk, would show face but i'm insecure sorry
lmao i really wish i never go there. parents will kick me from da house if i didn't attend there.
also i go there one day a week so...
uh okay. idk roasties on internet tell me so..