There is no other way to say this. If you are not playing Red dead Redemption 2, you are an idiot

There is no other way to say this. If you are not playing Red dead Redemption 2, you are an idiot.

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Back to faggot.

>mfw almost reached the state where videgames are no longer interesting and worth playing anymore
Shame on you.

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waiting for the pc release

im a poorfag, so ill just wait for a crack

Why? the first game shit the bed like halfway in when you get to Mexico. Then it picks up a bit when you finally take care your main enemy. Then it goes to shit again because they make you do a bunch of insanely boring quests with your idiot son. The only thing that saves that entire ending is the last stand you make at the end.

I just don't understand why the RDR is so popular. Its not a bad game I would give it 7.8 out of 10. But fuck paying 60 bucks for it. Ill wait until its $30 or below. Of course on the flip side its likely so popular because there really is fuck all else releasing as far as AAA games are concerned.

>literally cowboys and indians: the game
I'm not 5 years old

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How about not playing the shitty version?

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You still watch cartoons though, so what's the diff

I hardly play any video games outside of TF2, Arma 3 and some Paradox games. Why would I spend 60-100$ (depending on how essential the DLCs are) for a new game every month or so when I can spend thousands of hours playing the same 4 or 5 games.

>environment is basically empty hills
>still looks like gtav on last gen with cities and cars and stuff

but i'm playing Soul Calibur 6

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I was a hard one grinder I'm gta v more fucking way am I giving it up to go ride horses. I'm sure it's not a bad game but, I can give up GTA V.

Shit dead shidition: Cowboy outhouse bungaloo 2

I've already put 20 hours into the game and I hate it. I'm still going to play it some more but I just fucking hate it.

>I've already put 20 hours into the game and I hate it.
Elaborate? What's bad about it?

>spending 60 hours on a video game

Nah I'm good

stupid dumb meme game like GTAV.

PC mastur...

Too realistic. I'm playing a video game for escapism, not to be worried if I'm getting fact or to remember to clean my fucking gun.

owning a console is a hallmark of normalfaggotry, get off my board

don't really care about GTA with horses, i'll just torrent it when it's out on PC

I'm a month and a half into quitting games.

I got Soul Calibur today

I reached this state years ago user
The last game I was actually hyped for was GTA 5 and I lost interest afterlike 3 months

Yeah sure....enjoy your """cinematic""" experience

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I'm not about to spend $400 to play one game

>cowboy game
>not in the desert

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I don't really care I like (j)rpgs and hack n slash games.

>he doesn't understand that actual cinema is actually 24fps


games are for manchildren. i'm trying to not be a manchild desu senpai

why would I play that when I haven't beaten the first one?

imagine going out with a gf and then coming back to play rdr2 all comfy

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The midwest isnt one big desert....


It's not a cowboy game, it's a game about outlaws

I don't have money to stop being an idiot

The only games I'll be playing are the elder scrolls 6 and maybe gta 6. Another counter strike could be nice but there's no point in doing that

I'm a broke idiot and I didnt need you to tell me that, user

I played soul calibur II endlessly when I was 13. When I played the new one I got bored really fast because it's just the same thing.

this game is like witcher 3 but with no stuff to do. The 90% of the gameplay is riding your horse from place to place. It gets boring so fast I'm kinda sad I bought into hype.

I have never particularly enjoyed a rockstar game for anything other than wandering around
they build good, detailed worlds but their story and gameplay always felt subpar
I haven't seen a single thing about rdr2, but I hope people enjoy it anyways

I don't own a cucksole

don't post chaotic's if you're this retarded

basically this.
read dead has hit a point where it's not actually fun to play. it's an interactive movie. it doesn't have any heart or soul into it. I hate when video games try to make it as realistic as possible. i can have way more fun playing lethal league with a mate, where there is constantly something crazy happening, that makes you forget about life itself. this is what video games were for.

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Only consoles I have are a ps2 and 360

I feel the exact opposite, I hate the ubisoft-style crazy themepark open world games where every 2 feet there's some map marker to "clear" so kiddies don't get distracted or bored, in fact it makes me feel good seeing all the plebs slowly getting filtered out and going back to their zoomer games.

I hate ubisoft games aswell, i don't see how you understood otherwise from my post. Actually, i hate almost every open world or realistic looking game. the moment time and ressources is put into realism and grounding the game in reality is where it loses me. if something is so life like i am not interested in it. these giant AAA huge budget cinematic games are the worst thing for video games in quite some time.

>these giant AAA huge budget cinematic games are the worst thing for video games in quite some time.
Cinematic games are a thing for 20+ years now. Half Life is a FPS game where you don't get to properly shoot anything for almost an hour after starting a new game because you're forced to slowly go through the opening to create the cinematic feeling, and people are still sucking it off to this day. Most old adventure games can also be called interactive movies/stories/cartoons where the story is just interrupted by occasional puzzle solving. The only thing different now is that the budgets and technology is at a point where they can actually make it look and feel like a movie as well.

open world games aren't fun

They can be. 9 times out of 10 though it's an ocean 1 foot deep.

I reached this state years ago.
I have a PS4 and Spiderman (inb4 PC master race) but I haven't touched. I just don't see the "point" in playing games. I'm 27 ffs.

The western genre is probably the best genre out there. It's something only real men can truly appreciate, so odds are you're a female or a tranny.

My favourite game in the genre is GUN, I'm currently playing through rdr2 but games arent as fun for me as they used to be, I'm enjoying playing this for an hour or so at a time. My only fault with the game so far is that movement feels so clunky. Also if I had a gf I'd rather be cuddling with her than playing rdr2. God I want a gf that I can love so bad.