Any ancient fags here? How was Jow Forums back in 2003-6? Was it all CP?

Any ancient fags here? How was Jow Forums back in 2003-6? Was it all CP?

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You can't even save an image from here correctly.

no. it was all soc. similiar to the girls posted here basically willingly got nude on /b/ for attention.

if you werent fast enough to join the livechat, or w/e for the camshow u begged on /b/ for screenshots.

Not all but there was quite a lot posted on /b/

Was on /b/ at circa 2005. It was mostly young kids who raided other websites/podcasts and no moralfaggotry whatsoever. People would post fucked up shit and no one cared. The internet back then was still for nerds only, so you can imagine Jow Forums was filled of deranged nerds who were into gore and other strange things. CP was rare, even back in 2005.

how did people find out about Jow Forums?

enlighten me, how do I save an image then?

For starters, you open the fucking image. Don't save the thumbnail like a retard.

Save it as .js

I seem to remember getting a link to /a/ through newgrounds or something similar


i did see cp maybe twice but it wasn't common. I split for Jow Forums as soon as it opened. I can barely remember what /b/ was like.

I actually can't remember how I found out about Jow Forums. I'm 28 now so it's a blur, sorry lad.

barrens chat or guild chat

I found out about from someone in a chatroom.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I seem to remember people would post a picture of a pizza slice and continuously bump the thread until cp was posted.. That's what I remember.

I'd give a lot to have a website that was like 2008-2010 /b/

me too man, me too. some people have tried but they always die off after a bit

i think thats too old for me. I started browsing in 2007. I dont even know when this place was created.

Around 2009/10 there still was some fucked up shit posted on /b/ but it was dying down. When I first went on /b/ it was 90% goreposting and little girls in latex.

(2008-2010 /b/)

Cancer detected fuck off

how about you fuck off actually

Most CP was spam dumped by dedicated pedo shitposters. It wasn't really a consistent thing. Just whenever the morons decided to do a bombing run on /b/.
It honestly wasn't as big of a problem here as it was on spinoff chans. They really took a beating because they didn't have many mods. I really miss some of those old spinoff chans. Only foreign ones remain except ones like 7chan which is completely dead with threads from 2008 still up. It's strange to look at. Like walking through a ghost town.

Anyway, there were a lot of stupid raids, m00t used to post almost every day and join in conversations. He would make edits to /b/ and the site at large to troll. They also announced bans for everyone to gawk at. And m00t held a Jow Forums panel at anime conventions for a few years too, which were pure cancer. The tranny porn star "bailey jay" got "her" start flashing his/her chest in a Jow Forums panel line. Hence his/her nickname "linetrap" and the continued popularity here.

All in all, it was faggotry. Just a different kind of faggotry than we've got now. And in my opinion a more fun kind. But that has more to do with external factors and not Jow Forums itself (the rise of Reddit to copy our memes and distribute them to normalfags, smartphones and phoneposters, social media, SJWism, anti-SJWism, etc). Back in the day it was a bunch of stupid ass nerds. Now internet culture is mainstream, "meme" is a household word and I'll never get used to those things.

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>post-chanology /b/
This was the beginning of the normalfag flood, which has now fully integrated with the site.
Speaking of which, "Anonymous" the group is such a bastardized concept now that it's absurd.

I got a link to /a/ from some weeaboo Haruhi Suzumiya forum posts back in 2006 or 2007.

I miss being the dark corner of the internet where l33t hax0rz of anonymous hang out and plot shit like Project Chanology. Now it's just filled with redditfags posting epic funny greentexts xD

>Any ancient fags here?

>How was Jow Forums back in 2003-6
Much more lighthearted in general, but the spirit of anarchy was similar. Still plenty of freaks and people who lived here, but by and large most of the people who would go on to become the older generation weren't nearly as dead inside.

> Was it all CP?
Nah. CP was mostly spam on /b/.

I remember the short period of time /l/ existed.

One of the oldest boards too

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