Is insecurity really the most unattractive thing a guy can have? Aside from being short or ugly I mean. I'm decent looking and tall but I have mental problems which might make me "insecure" sometimes. I can easily land an 8/10 GF but I'm considering settling for lower now because I don't want to always be worried that when I show signs of weakness, my gf will leave.
Femanons, is this true?
It's not so much as you being insecure/weak as much as me not being able to fix it for you.
I've redpill'd myself enough to know that I go for guys who are slightly insecure and are trying to work it out, but the moment I come in and try to help them and they become dependent on my help yet do not seem to be getting any better, I choke out.
It's a mess.
this is evil
how could you do that?
or are you just too stupid to realize what you are doing?
If I can't help and they obviously can't fix themselves, then what's going to happen to us in the long run? I never said I wanna make them dependent and leave them; I said that the moment they become dependent and yet to do show any signs of improving, I choke out. We ge exhausted, too, user.
Anyway, it's just me. Maybe other women deal with male insecurity more kindly.
Good luck, user.
Contact please desu?
do not show any signs*
Well, seeing as short or ugly guys have no problem getting girls but you do...
well it should be obvious
you should recognize a pattern
social patterns are my autism super power and you cant pic up on basic things
its just stupid
Are you sure you wanna contact me, user?
If that's so, and that you recognize your own problems, then why don't you resolve them first before getting into a relationship?
You're coming into a relationship with a shit ton of baggage hoping that the person you're with is going to help you carry it, rather than fixing it first.
Although, I understand why you think it's "just stupid." This isn't the way you envisioned your insecurity to be addressed. As I said, it's just me; other women might have a more nurturing disposition.
its not your disposition and I'm not talking about me
you are choosing to be ignorant
have you ever thought about how your careless "pet projects" might further destroy the self esteem of the men involved?
absolutely unacceptable