Why is it that people realize that the Bible or Quran are untrue and retarded and then jump to the conclusion that, because of this, there's no God? Disproving Christianity and Islam doesn't disprove a godlike being, it disproves Christianity and Islam.
Why is it that people realize that the Bible or Quran are untrue and retarded and then jump to the conclusion that...
Because god makes no logical sense. If anything the bible and quran are better things to believe in than god.
Deism is the way
If god was real, why doesn't he just show himself hmm!?
i think if reality shaping being existed we would just know
cuz right now all we got is really old books
Why would we "just know"? How would we "just know"? Would it communicate with us in a way we could comprehend? Would we be able to see it? How?
What logic are you using to deduce that there is no god? Why are a Bible and Quran better to believe in? 'Cuz you can see 'em? There exist colors that can't be seen by humans, our brains can't comprehend them. We don't even know what's in the ocean of our own planet. But we know enough to say that a god just doesn't make logical sense.
Monotheistic religious books are manuals to establish a slave and a master, the words heavily hide truths, those who understand their true meaning gets to rule over the weak.
Just see how women are represented in those books, not to be trusted is the main rule.
The whole mythical and fantastical events lead by an all powerful figure such as god are just there to bait into discussions and controversies between the simple minded.
Oldest and most powerful example of divide and conquer.
Both religious zealots and die hard antagonistic atheists are massive idiots.
No gods were willing to show up when I asked, so if they exist or not is an irrelevancy for me.
yeah we would be able to see planets blinking into existence or something, anything! i have no clue but we'd be able to observe it in some way even if it didn't make any scientific sense
In the case that we can't perceive it in any way then its the same as it not existing right? we're back to whether the cat is dead or alive