Grocery shopping

>grocery shopping
>go to produce aisle, picking out strawberries
>girl appears next to me at the grapes and just stands there looking at them
>take my time searching for the best pack, grab it and leave
>later at self checkout, see same girl walk past giving me a dirty look

what happened? why would some random girl i dont know look at me like she wants to kill me?

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You obviously took the grapes she wanted you fucking incel monster

Why would you even care?
I thought we were all robots here.

i had grapes at home, i was getting strawberries

because i tend to avoid interacting with people if i can help it, and being targeted by some girl i dont know, for some reason i dont know gives me anxiety

She was trying to feel better about her lilliputian tits by comparing them to grapes. You basically ruined her day by taking away the best ones, you grapist.

i kek'd

but i got strawberries though, i had grapes already at home. i still don't understand

you guys are crazy
really crazy
a single look and you'll be thinking about it until next year
maybe even 10 years from now you'll mention
hey I was picking grapes bitch gave me dirt look

Maybe she was expecting you to hit on her or something and was mad that you didn't give her free validation?

You're probably just ugly OP, I doubt it has any relation to fruit or your behaviour

How do all of you guys think he was getting grapes. Learn to read man fuck sake.

Probably this. Why do women expect men to initiate everything? Women just want fucking mind readers.

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>later at self checkout, see same girl walk past giving me a dirty look

Why did you even recognise her? You hadn't interacted at all.

Is it because you stared at her the whole time like a creep?

because OP is a retard and ambiguously worded his fourth line

that isn't even the point

Its not hard to remember faces you just saw, even if for a moment. Unless you just have the memory span of a goldfish.

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Why the fuck would he be "picking out" strawberries and then take the best "pick" of grapes? Come on man get a grip.

maybe you shouldnt be opening up the punnet of strawberries and fingering each one

>free validation
so i did good to ignore her then right?

i know i'm ugly, that's no secret

she was blonde and skinny with glasses, i tend to observe my environment and those are things i would remember

who does this?

It's frustrating but occasionally rewarding too. I tend to ask girls out that I like and when they say no they immediately go back to being platonic people in my life. It's hilarious, they flirt with me, touch me, make jokes, all seeking seeking seeking, and I don't give them shit. I laugh all the way to the bank. You can't have your cake and eat it too, bitchasssssss

>it's another episode of user thinking that everybody is out to get him

You probably did some autistic shit without realising, like she caught you leering at her/checking her out or something. Or she just thought you were. Or maybe you're just ugly/beta looking enough that you just disgusted her with your presence. Women generally don't hide their disdain well

>See same checkout girl every day as I do my daily shop.
>she always says random bullshit about how her day is going.
>I always go 'thats nice...'
>one day she seems depressed and as she is scanning my items she says her uncle committed suicide.
>"that's nice."

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>so i did good to ignore her then right?
Despite what some people on this board would have you believe, you're not actually scoring some kind of victory when you refuse to interact with women: it's not going to change their behavior and make them start approaching men. You're only cheating yourself out of the opportunity to gain some experience talking to the opposite sex and possibly even make a connection with someone who's interested in you. Gender roles might be bullshit but the winning move is not, in fact, to refuse to play.

they why the fuck would she be glaring at me so intently while walking by? i hate eye contact so i instinctively look away after 0.2 seconds but every time i looked up she was still glaring at me while she walked by

i saw her once on my way to the produce aisle, you know how when you look around a room and meet eyes with someone for a split second then continue on about your day? it was that. the fruit was in the complete opposite direction of where she was going so why she ended up back there baffles me

Lmfao roastie BTFO That's what she gets for pestering you when you're clearly uninterested

sdsd ds

but women only cause problems and drama, why would i want the "experience" of talking to the opposite sex when i can just ignore them and go back home? nothing gained nothing lost, and my comfy life remains

I second this but with the caveat that once a girl has rejected you, it is a legitimately "good move" to basically cool off of them entirely. It genuinely frustrates them not to receive attention from guys they deem as orbiters and it will give them a begrudging respect for you. Also,it just feels amazing to not need their validation, as well.

so ignoring them is the right thing to do then?