If you are an incel you are a piece of shit

You are genetic trash
But it's not enough, because by existing you are putting women in danger of being raped by you. This is why yall need to be killed off.
Just kys and make the world a better place.

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About time another person on here hates those fuckers

>But it's not enough, because by existing you are putting women in danger of being raped by you.
that's where you're wrong fucko

But I'm asexual ;c

I'm going to go ahead an assume that you yourself are an Incel. You hate yourself so much, that you make a thread for people to fill you with hate. It's sad that Incels are genetical trash, and suicide is the only way for them to find peace. Take note of this OP, kill yourself and you won't be an Incel anymore.

You are poluting the world and waisting resources by existing.

You cannot bring up the "genetic trash" argument and then declare rape bad. Rules of nature and all.

>you are putting women in danger of being raped
Hello, fellow white knight.

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Therefore making humanity extinct faster and making earth a better place.

double 7's of truth

Double 9's of confirming the truth.

>you can't reproduce
>you are putting women in danger of being raped
Bit of a logical fallacy there my boy

>even posting yall
This is not reddit. I repeat. This is not reddit.

Since you can't get women in a normal way, you will try to get them in a different way.
Now purify the earth from your existance

>I'm going to go ahead an assume that you yourself are an Incel
You can go ask your mommy about that
Now kys incel scum

Humanity won't go exstinct because 1% of disgusting male virgins can't breed.

Cringe and blue pilled.

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Did my statement hit too close home Incel? Please tell me how much you hate yourself that you make a thread dedicated to you hating yourself.

Sorry kiddo Jow Forums is now incel territory, go back to your friends, gf, and hobbies you normal scumbag.

Incels are Robots

I don't even know what's ironic on here anymore

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I'm afraid of some people here are serious...
I just really want to beat normalfags up.

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epic b8 m8 I r8 8/8 no h8