Stop being a "nice" guy

When is the last time you saw an asshole or jerk that never had a girlfriend?

After browsing these boards for a bit its clear that you all have an asshole side of your personality. Why dont you let yourself be that way in public and maybe you'll get a gf? Women have evolved to sense weak beta personalities and be repelled by them. A fat short guy with a dominant personality will get more girls than a tall skinny beta chump. I know this for a fact.

>t. Female normie with a robot little brother

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Rather be gentleman than rudeboy

> When is the last time you saw an asshole or jerk that never had a girlfriend?
Today, in the mirror

Send tits bitch or fuck off

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>the nerd has one huge masturbation hand

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The problem is you're all rudebois on this board. Its only when you are in public that you wear the mask of "niceness". Women are excellent judges of character and can sense authenticity in other people. If you are too nice it comes off as fake. I would rather be with an honest guy than a "nice" one.

Just take the test in pic related and post your "nice" scores. It will help you guys put things in perspective.

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>Why dont you let yourself be that way in public
This is how public shootings happen. Incels don't have a "dimmer switch" for this kind of shit. It's either submit to everyone or kill them all.

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I got 63 is that bad?

>tfw wizard
lol bitch i dont care

Its not your personality mostly its your looks. You can be soft spoken if you are have the right height face and frame. Women do plenty of approaching these days and if they see a good looking man they will guide him to sex.

muh nice guys have been debunked in favor of looks theory

>"Always treat women with respect, user"


>"EW you're too much of a "nice guy" you're terrible


i have never once gotten a gf by being an asshole though, in fact 100% of my sex has come from being extremely nice

14 is betamax
70 is normie
140 is Chad

(if you divide your score by 14 it will give you a score on a scale from 1-10)

Men care about looks far more than women. If anything, women care more about money and status. Looks are a nice bonus but women will fuck below-average looking guys if they have high enough status. Personality is one of the strongest ways to project status, especially in short term casual relationships.

This. Niceness isn't a mask, its common courtesy, I'm not about to walk around beating my chest like ape to attract more woman, I like being kind and easy going. If a girl wants to see my asshole side shes gonna have to make the first move and show me I won't get metoo'ed just for talking to her in a sexual way.

>If a girl wants to see my asshole side shes gonna have to make the first move and show me I won't get metoo'ed just for talking to her in a sexual way.

Men need to take the initiative in escalating relatiinships. Women aren't going to start asking guys out on dates, at most women will show interest and present themselves as available. If a guy doesn't ask her out in that situation it means he's not interested.

Serious question; if a girl is clearly interested in you and you like her too, why wouldn't you ask her out?

>Why dont you let yourself be that way in public and maybe you'll get a gf?
being an asshole only works when you have the looks to back it up
if you're not attractive, then you'll be ugly AND and asshole

Cause I tend to get locked up for that and jumped.

>t. Female
This is so obviously a male incel.

that art style is fucking ugly

You're obviously talking about WHITE women
Which are, dare i say, fucking trash

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If it were obvious enough I'd try, but girls are rarely upfront about showing interest. I'm just gonna enjoy the single life until a girl shows significant attaction.

Seriously just shut up. Women care way more about looks than men. Many guys would fuck an ugly girl. Average guys on the other hand are ignored

Ugly alpha males get more girls than ugly beta males. Thats a fact.

>Serious question; if a girl is clearly interested in you and you like her too, why wouldn't you ask her out?

I hate making myself vulnerable. I've been in many situations where the girl was clearly interested in me and most likely would have said yes if I asked her out. But I don't ask. Because I don't want her to say no.

Every girl I've been with has made the first move.

135 total, 9.6 final score. Is being upfront with yourself and your opinions so rare?

There is no such thing as an ugly alpha male.

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Asian women are the same in regards to Asian men.

I got 68, is that bad?

girls don't like assholes

that guy was an asshole towards you because he wants you to to stay away from her

he is probably very nice with her

dying breed on this board
pleased to meet you user

The terms "Alpha Male" and "Beta Make" have never included physical appearance. They have always referred exclusively to personality. If someone led you to believe otherwise, they're wrong.

>just hold frame and spin plates bro
Go back to r/theredpill boy, this site is for adults.

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Nah, girls do like assholes. But it's because they are dominant and assertive. Too many "nice" guys are really just meek, weak-willed faggots.

It is possible to be both nice and assertive without being a douchebag or a pussy.

>dying breed
So I've noticed, friend.

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I think it's just the guy who drew it that is complete shit.
If you notice, the Chad also has a fuck huge right hand compared to his left

>There is no such thing as an ugly alpha male.
I've seen plenty of those.

I seriously doubt I can beat a woman with rude logical debate into fucking me

Look at most top UFC fighters and boxers. They are ugly as shit

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I'm a 6.8, but I think its because I also included how I act at work and a lot of that involves me playing political games and shit, which doesn't really reflect as too alpha on these kinds of tests, but whatever it keeps me off the shit list

nah, girls who fuck guys like that like the ugly ones because it turns them on the more the guys look like fucking ogres

user I can't tell whether or not girls are into me, and I've learned to assume not

stop being an ugly manlet more like it.

"Bad" just means fearless.

>someone tells you do to something
>don't do it


you mean like this mug?

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>someone tells you do to something
>don't do it

Is this legal?

>he thinks "nice guy" is a literal term
It's no different than "creep", "incel", or "loner."
This is some weak bait.

Attached: also google C137cest.jpg (736x1146, 471K)

im 6'3 with good facial aesthetics and i lift

soon it wont matter what i say or do, bad or nice, i will get women

Why did you edit poor Marty's eyes?

im below average and have fucked pretty girls and have had them mad i didn't want to pursue more

it's called having a good personality and ambitions

>Life is unfair when you're attractive
Holy fuck, that's life. Get the fuck over it. People hate incels because they just bitch and moan about it all day long.
I'll admit that society can make some fucking pieces of work, but the same goes for dudes too. You're literally just kicking and screaming at something noone can change.

greentext how you fucked one to prove you're not LARPing

where are you social gains mr. fit?

>do the things on the right side of this list
>get called a Nazi and get fired from my job

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fucked that up but yeah nah

You missed the main point of the post.

I will be so attractive that I can say whatever shit I want and people will eat it up

>azin wymn are best!
t. perma virgin

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I got a 3.4. I just don't like being rude.

People hate "incels" because they're ugly and nothing else.
NPCs don't even use the therm "incel" correctly.
It's just a term you stole off of reddit.

Hell yeah dude, that girl will scream the paint off the walls every time they fuck because hes such a caricature of masculinity between the size difference, and that fucking jawline/brow ridge, and plus he can buy her that big fuck off ring and watch which is the ultimate pussy lubricator

The absolute state of (You).

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>; if a girl is clearly interested in you


3.4 as well, it's just how I be

I have a hard time believing people hate you solely because you're ugly. There are some assholes in life, but that's a given. I just don't think these people get anything, and yeah it sucks, but nothing is ever going to change it.
People hate them because there's this clique that just seems to look like that they're bitter that they're undesirable when it's their fault.
I'm not saying shit on who's right, but you're largely simplifying it

>im below average
What's your height?

I'm only rude with people whose entire families I wish death upon, e.g. Chads

She was actually super cute before the surgery. Kind of tragic. Also hoe the fuck did they make her jaw that much smaller?

>I have a hard time believing people hate you solely because you're ugly.
That's because you yourself are likely not ugly and when you hate an ugly person you make up reasons to do so such as "they bitch and moan about it all day long."

why doesn't this place have chad hate threads

The ideal of beauty in Korea is a heart-shaped face. Most Koreans have jaws like Lego people, so they shave them way down

Pic is thousand of pieces of shaved bone at a surgery clinic

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If you really want to get a girl, you need to make an effort to be the kind of guy that girls like.

Girls have to do the same thing, its just that men have such rock bottom low standards that women usually have a ton of options to choose from. If men weren't so desperate, women couldn't be so picky.

>suggesting that everybody doesn't already know this
>suggesting that one would be able to change their personality at whim
>suggesting that people would shill their principals for sex
>suggesting that even if someone did this, it wouldn't look completely out of place
>confusing "asshole" with "alpha"
Guys don't fall for this meme. You'll just end up looking like an awkward unlikable guy who isn't even a nice person.

I used to think it was a problem I had but then realized that most people fucking suck and are only good at 1 or 2 things, if that. Makes life way easier knowing this fact

I'm not the ugliest guy in the world you're right, but i am a kissless virgin at 20 years old, and that's for my own faults. I'm saying that they have every right to be mad at the shitty hand they got dealt, but no one's to blame for any of it, and no one can really be forced to give them "what they're owed"

beta can come in many forms OP overthinking faggot

one of the weakest forms is that many men agree with the bullshit other people say just to be liked or to be included

when this niggers stop doing that shit and start liking something because they do like it they will get a date or laid

the thing is they only like vidya and fap to 2d butts, they dont go out drinking, no drugs, no going for walks, festivals, cons, art, music, fitness, nothing they like nothing but being like that

well then maybe you get a gf that likes that but its going to look hideous in my opiniion not on the outside but on the inside

go drink alone, go listen to music alone, go for a walk, then normie talk about the shit you like to do and people will come


that works for me

im 27 1.63m dwarf and i get constant texts from normie stacys to go for beers and fuck

So you're saying we should put on a facade of dickishness and hope women won't see through it

Also women have basically no sex drive and are willing to share the top 10% of dudes

So you're saying we should pretend to have hobbies we aren't actually into and hope women won't see through it

OK, but seriously, how is monopolizing conversation and steering them by the nostrils a good thing? "Oh, the majority here in this group want to talk about last night's hockey game? Well too bad, let's talk about the latest pedo anime instead!"

>genuinely nice for years, want to experience love
>no success after 5 years
>get cynical, angry, and finally wholly apathetic, if not avoidant
>focus solely on physical fitness and education/career goals, become an asshole to women outside of professional contexts as a result
>they now swarm me
FUCK this shit. Ive rejected two in the past two months. Fuck you stupid bitches, only interested in me after I quit. Shits fucking stupid and I refuse to play this game. Just leave me alone, fucking hell

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can you improve my negging game, mystery?

And what people never mention is that even if you are an assertive guy who can stand up for himself, woman will still prefer a guy who is aggressive, rude, and borderline criminal.

yes, thats correct my friend, if you want to fuck like you faggots want, like 24/7 then yes, if you want to get a comfy girl then be yourself.

other thing i noticed here is that many of you faggots have nice weird ass knowledge about certain topics, all different, so that gives you a plus

normies and bitches are all entitled to "how it looks", in regards of life, photos, clothes, hobbies, most people under 25 years old do shit for the like of people.

have you heard about how when you pass 25 years old mark you become a fucking grinch?, well thats not entirely true, the thing is by that age you dont give a fuck anymore about what people think, you like your own music, beer, activities, and young people say you are a stuck up when you're just being your real self

Women only care about men who fit some bullshit list of criteria, including being taller than them, funny, takes control sometimes but not other times (knows when to do so based on telepathy), masuline jawline, no physical deformities, no acne, no 'lame' hobbies like tabletop games or unpopular vidya, etc.
Women are shallow for the most part.
>but not all women are like that!
There exist wolves who are trained to not attack humans, but you're a dumbass if you go play with them in the wild.

>just go outside bro works for me
Such horseshit. I do things constantly: walk my dog, go to concerts, hike, climb, and various other things, but that doesn't make people want to be your friend/fuck you when you're a ugly fuck with no social skills.

>bullshit list of criteria, including being taller than them, funny, takes control sometimes but not other times (knows when to do so based on telepathy), masuline jawline, no physical deformities, no acne, no 'lame' hobbies like tabletop games or unpopular vidya, etc.
not true in the most cases.

Some of the shittiest, normalnigger-tier advice I've read this week.
>hurr durr just be yourself
Go lynch yourself.

True in literally every case besides perhaps a 0.00001% proportion of outliers who aren't succubi.

I'm about to turn 26 and still can't make eye contact with girls

I got a 7. Arguing a point with someone who means close to nothing to me is a waste of both their time and mine.

I can agree than having humor sense eases things at ridiculous speed (same as having good looks) but it's not defining thing.

This is true as well, most of the people I talk to are customers or coworkers I have nothing in common with so there's little point in arguing or telling them about my autismoid hobbies

she looks cute before and after...

nigger, have you tried a new look, wash your ass?, maybe a haircut, would you like to hang with someone that smells like shit and prozac? fuck off

look 33 being yourself will get you a shit ass gf but you have to talk to them like just talk, stop watching anime shit to think it will happen by itself dummy.

kay no problem, do you have any activities like college or something, the thing here is you dont have to talk about you or her at all at first dumbass, example:

college scenario

girl on class
youafaggot: hi, do you remember when the final is due?
girl: responds
youafaggot: ok, thanks

thats fucking it, you do shit like that until you can just sit and say hi with no excuse like hw, finals, etc.

I communicate with my female coworkers every day but it never makes me less afraid to talk to them unless it's necessary

I have good hygiene and dress decently. Not the problem.

got 4.64, borderline NPC

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>just get a haircut bro
>take a shower
>get a makeover
>just be yourself and talk to them
What the fuck, is this some bot who just copypastes the most stale, shitty, useless normalfag advice possible?

what women are you going for? The kind of woman who goes for "tough guys" aren't worth the pussy they are attached to.

>inb4 thats all women tho
no it's not, go outside.

that's all women tho

>stop being a "nice" guy
Why not stop being a guy altogether?

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So what you're saying, is that you want us to out ourselves by calling people niggers, spics, and faggots in real life. Please neck yourself.