Why are white men so jealous of kpop idols?

i made a thread about kpop and white men came in trying to ruin it because kpop idols and their sex appeal is rising around the world. are u intimidated whitey? you guys are all letting yourselves go and a new wave is coming. mark my words: you guys will be the least desired race by 2024. cope harder tho.

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white men are so jealous of real men desu



they are genuinely so mad and angry and constantly coping. i dont get it. if white men are as great as they claim they are why do they get so insecure when other men are mentioned. that wasnt even some race bait "asian guys are better" thread it was literally just about kpop.

white men ruin everything soon enough they will die off though

I know you're trolling but you're only making it worse kek.Also yeah,the way things are going we'll become a minority which in turn will make us hot again.See you on a date in 2024.

oh god Brooke's back

genuinely white guys are becoming less and less desirable. a lot of them think its a personality trait to support trump and be sexist and shit and every conversation i have with them reflects that. idk sperging out is really an ugly quality. i hope everyone race mixes so they die off. no tea, no shade, just lemonade.


not all of them ofc but yeah a lot of them lowkey do. since like b.c.

trump supporters are all ugly and born out of incest

>brooke will never lock your dick in chastity and make you hand over hard earned your money to her

life's tough bros

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