Stocks are a meme
Stocks are a meme
Alexander Collins
Gavin Allen
yup. youre just paying for the excitement of gambling.
Bentley Myers
How did you not recognize this simple pattern? It's obvious that it would've dropped.
Kayden Thomas
>paying for
t. brainlet
Cooper Edwards
you only make money on stocks when someone else loses it.
Lucas Smith
Nigger can you even into? Are you retarded?
Adam Hall
enjoy losing most of your money chasing stocks
Dominic Green
Have fun losing money to depreciation fucking namefag
Benjamin Jenkins
>you lose money to depreciation
a great meme
Colton Wood
kinda funny lurking on Jow Forums and seeing imageboard dwellers, probably in their early 20s, unemployed and living with their parents, using sophisticated patterns like "dead cat bounce", "bear trap", "firesale" and such while betting at most a couple hundred dollars.