Robots, I would like to hear why you hate women so much. I am not here to argue...

Robots, I would like to hear why you hate women so much. I am not here to argue, I would just like to see why you all dislike them as much as you do. You can be as harsh and grim and bitter as you like.

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I don't hate women, I'm angry that they don't show me any love. I've never been intimate with a girl, so when I see them in public I get irritated and vent my frustrations on here to people who can relate.

i dont have any hate
im just scared to break the ice, painfully shy and i get mires all the time from qts

because they don't like me and have more or less treated me like shit throughout my entire life, so fuck them all

I don't really hate them it's just offloading my emotions by ranting on an anonymous cunt hating forum. I interact with women on a daily basis and have no particular dislike for them.

For most robots it is a love hate. Some hate women because of the way women have treated them and the way they see women act. Some hate women because they life is so much easier for girls yet the women still complain and the guys here resent that, some hate women because of how they derail threads and seek attention, and some hate them for other reasons. Yet the love comes from the fact that most guys here are just really lonely and what would make them happiest is for a girl to love them and make them feel wanted/needed in this world.
I do not hate women, I just see them as something alien to me that I do not quite understand because I have not really ever interacted with one aside from my mother and siblings.

Bait thread as usual, i generally dislike em as they seem to feel more entitled to shit.

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Its their nature and how they manipulate and only truely look out for themselves at the cost of others. Its also how entitled they are just because they have a wet hole between their legs, but I dont really blame them to be honest because men let them get away with this shit.

I hate more or less everyone, but women in particularly possess more of the traits that I hate than men typically do. Those being weakness, false kindness, poor communication skills, emotional outbursts, fear of confrontation, inability to be direct with people, cowardice, dishonesty, gossiping, and general manipulative behaviour. I see women whine a lot about "toxic masculinity" on the internet but it's these typically feminine traits that I think are the source of a ridiculous amount of social issues.

they dun want to hav sex with me

They're privileged but try to make people think they're oppressed it's disgusting, nothing more complicated that that. No longer considering them people.

Pretty much what said. Women just happen to have the traits I do not like more than pretty much any other group.

That's understandable.
Wait how have they treated you like shit?

good that picture is horrendous I hope you didn't draw that
it's fucking disgusting not even in the bad art that's actually good way (i.e the poopoo pepe/retard wojak memes) either
it's ugly and not only does it take all the worst parts of the anime esque style but enhances them by 10
i hope you get your hand caught in a meat grinder

You are dishonest and manipulative and sell it as being "a nice and social person".
Maybe it IS true that one should shut up if you have nothing nice to say.
But if you have nothing that is based in truth to give that claptrap would better closed too.

I stole it lmao calm down

my issues aren't like most robots. I grew up in a matriarchy of extremely sexist man hating women.

I was sexually abused by a woman multiple times from 3 years old to 5 with attempts made when I was a young teen(was big enough to stop it by that time).

I know how women think(or don't rather). I dislike how most attempts of trying to have a conversation with them they automatically just assume I'm trying to get into their pants.

Yeah I understand that even though women have life on easy mode with the only thing to worry about is the rare case of random acts of violence from men. I also know that just because they have life on easy mode doesn't it protects most of them from the dumb choices the majority of them are inevitably bound to make.

What do you want to know specifically? I dislike a lot of guys too, I could go into details on my gripes about dudes if you want too. Even saying all that I'm still not really that bitter about it, I don't do things to intentionally spite women exactly, I don't want to "exact" my revenge, i'm not an abusive person. Most of the people in similar situations as me are gay(which I've come across quite a few), they're lucky.

Because women live in the realms of emotion.
They push for laws demanding a stated consent from women before sexual activity, yet they at the same time hate the thought of a man asking permission to do anything with them. They refuse to speak in plain terms and then get mad that men don't understand them or did as they asked. They say stuff like "leave me alone" in a fight yet desperately want you to stay and 'fight for her'. Women love the concept of plausible deniability, so they will do things two-facedly. Women want, nay demand attention all the time, even when they haven't done anything worth attention. They seem to thrive on it. I can't relate to this at all. If I wasn't so sleepdeprived I could go on for several posts, but basically the female psyche makes me almost furious when I think about it.

And that's not even mentioning all the privileges women get that they refuse to admit, while blaming men for everything bad happening to them, even though many things are the faults of other women.
Getting to know women has actually been a pretty sad experience, I preferred the time when I didn't interact with them.

Poor communication skills? I would say that a pretty big feminine trait is the ability to communicate well. If you look at surveys of men and women, at least in the western world, you see that men are rated as having more qualities of aloofness and being stoic whereas women are usually rated as having qualities of being good communicators and having high emotional valence.

I disagree though. Women talk, a lot. It doesn't mean they're good at communicating.
That said, men who refuse to say anything at all are worse, of course.

>having large friend groups because you're seen as non threatening
>actually being able to communicate about important or interesting things

Would you say that your reaction to how women behave isn't steeped in the realms of emotion? I think that men like to believe they are completely rational and live in the realms of logic but I find that men are as emotional as women if not more due to how much importance men put on concepts like honor and respect which I believe are wholly emotional. The difference between men and women has more to do with cultural differences and how men and women are socialized than anything. I think this idea of culture is an important idea because the world that women live in is like a bacterial culture that thrives in a particular environment and the culture that women have definitely thrives off the ability to leverage power passively through all the means you described in your post.

Doesn't this have more to do with how women are brought up to never be passionate about anything that isn't superficial and doens't add value to her as a member of whatever social class she finds herself in?

>nothing is ever their fault

The ability to express emotion and the ability to communicate are two completely different things. If they constantly storm out of the room during arguments, resort to screeching when something upsets them, and do a poor job at describing something that happened then no they are not good at communicating. Men are far better at being concise and calmly discussing things which is what communication is all about.

Women talk 70% emotive air, if you are lucky the rest is substance.
Only another female would consider that good communication. Your feelings are plain irrelevant if you are not talking to your relationship partner.
But then again you females probably are ALWAYS looking for another better partner, so it has a use for you.

But expressing emotion is a way of communicating to the world that you feel something.
It's not their fault if they're ignorant and have literally been trained to behave a certain way. It's an unfortunate thing and we should try to encourage women, and men, to behave in ways that aren't destructive.

I dislike feminism and what it has done to my country. I dislike PC culture which has been pioneered by women trying to neuter our opinions and sense of humor. I don't hate women, but a lot of them really piss me off, especially feminists who want even more privilege than they already have.

>It is not their fault they have been trained that way
>If Chad and Tyron excites them with apish behavior of a cave man and the pasty virgin got conditions to be a meek and bland brainiac, it is the virgins fault

Are you not noticing you are making excuses?

The problem here is that you communicate your feelings when there is no reason to, and not only that but you do it in a disruptive manner. That's poor communication. If there's a problem I don't want to hear you yelling what amounts to nothing more than "I'm unhappy with this" for ten minutes before storming out of the room when what I asked is how we should deal with it.

It's steeped in emotion in the way that I try to understand how women think and in the end i often find it infuriating or annoying. And how women will outright lie or deny when you challenge them by questioning the ways they operate, often it seems they don't even understand it themselves.
I don't think honor and respect are especially complex, basically it's just the golden rule. Men like rules, that's how we perform the best. That said I'm not an expert on neither.

Oftentimes your feelings are irrelevant and don't need to be expressed. Women will state their emotional state all day long I've noticed, and the only thing they want is to be emotinally validated. This can be very annoying to especially men, since we are problem/solution-oriented. It took me a long time to understand that women don't actually want solutions to their negative emotional states, they often seem to just want someone to validate them. This is something that seems absurd to someone like me.

>It took me a long time to understand that women don't actually want solutions to their negative emotional states, they often seem to just want someone to validate them. This is something that seems absurd to someone like me.

They do not even WANT solutions, and when we rack our brain and do find one, they get pissy and feel slighted and stupid since they couldn't find a solution on their own.

They just want to hear coddling baby talks (which is factually spoken REALLY demeaning to them), and noone sees fit to tell a guy that shit.

Just tell her how nothing was her fault and all will work out and let me kiss your emotional boo-boo. Disgusting as fuck.

There is a difference between letting people know your stance on things and just stating them for the sole purpose of reinforcement. Way too often I see women do the latter, men may be emotional but it is a different kind of emotional to women. Women dont want to argue or to debate, women want to be validated in everything they do regardless of circumstances. They will deflect, lie, gaslight, and do everything else under the sun to either skew it to you being the bad guy or them being a mere damsel, despite also somehow being stronk and independent. They want to be those perfect little princesses who can do nothing at all wrong that for some dumbass reason people keep grooming them to be.

I don't hate women anymore than I hate anyone else.

Okay, sure.

I will try and explain to you why I seem to have problems with women.

# 1. I grew up with an overbearing, overprotective mother. My mother was good to me growing up. She took care of me and made sure I was fed, clothed and bathed everyday but she was also controlling and possessive of me. To this day, she still likes to clean my room and do my laundry (I still live with her and my dad). She is domineering towards my father and my father is submissive and hypersensitive.
# 2. I am not an incel but I have had little success with dating. I am love shy and afraid of intimacy. I am also insecure about having sex in general. I feel as if most women are repulsed by my personality more so than my looks. Although I can say that I am probably a 4/10 in physical appearance (the face). Men seem to be comfortable befriending me but most women avoid talking to me. I suffer from social anxiety and low self esteem. I also have depression and most likely mild autism.
# 3 I cannot relate to most women. I will be honest and say that I do not understand why most women like what they like. Most of them have different tastes in music compared to me. Most of them have different personalities than I do. Most women are socially driven whie I am a reserved and hypersensitive loner.
# 4 I can recall some women of authority being abusive towards me when I was growing up. My fifth grade teacher was an older lady who berated me, refused to let me get a snack on fridays while all the other kids could get food. She also told my mom that she thought I was autistic and she gave me a lower grade because she said I didnt do the project and my mom did it instead. Then there was a time when I was a real young kid and this female caretaker apparently choked me for a very short time (i dont remember).
# 5 I look at women and I see them as being extremely superficial and glib. They only care about appearances in themselves, other women and in men.

I just hate how every girl I talk to, 95% of the time, makes the conversation about her in some way, shape or form. I hate people who are so self-absorbed that they can't see how toxic they are. One girl I knew did this literally every single time anyone would bring up a conversation with her. She would always make it about herself. I've met plenty of men like this, but this type of behavior usually comes from women in my experience. Just my two cents.

I cant keep up with the hypergamy and I have a small, poorly functioning penis

Poorly functioning? what's wrong with it

More art of this cutie please

i think its the fact that they are just inherently more valued than males are
This is fine, if it was actually recognized but a lot of women think that having periods and being approached by beta men are the worse things in the world in comparison to all the shit that men have to go through i.e 99% of work deaths are male and i am a flatbed trucker which is a semi dangerous job
Finding a girl who is the least bit humble is near impossible
males seem to have more humility which is ironic because men are supposed to be strong and powerful
the few women who are humble 99.9% of the time go for chads

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I don't hate women. I mean I dislike "whores" and , by extension, the modern culture of over-sexualization and promiscuity. But not all women are whores, so it'd be irrational to hate all women. I'm not a hateful person in general, and all my issues I blame on myself and not other people. Have I been hurt by females? Of course, I wouldn't browse r9k if I was a lady killer. But even the girls who hurt me, and the one who hurt me the most in particular, I don't hate them either. Life sucks, love sucks, but all we can really do is endure both and keep moving forward.

They are vile whores, self centered sluts who feel entitled to anything they want because of the fact that they have a hole between their legs. Most of them have no morals, or pretend they do and discard them when no one is looking. I can think of a handful of women I would choke out right now.

I hate niggers
Oregon trail

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