>tfw no one to put inside a rubber dog suit and make him my doggy
feels bad
Tfw no one to put inside a rubber dog suit and make him my doggy
surprised there arent more doggos here we got everyone else. maybe their community is strong
yeah, weird. it's a super hot fetish too!
Traps are enough dog shit is too much
traps are much, much weirder than dogs tho
Tfw no gf to do this to me
>tfw no male to do this to me
(X) -- Doubt
Bitchsuits are so hot. I'd love to dress a guy up in one. It's like a hogtie but he's covered in sweaty latex and can move around a little better. There's a lot of fun stuff we could get into with that.
>There's a lot of fun stuff we could get into with that.
example?? owo
>some people having fun with rubber
>you finish it and it's over
>people messing with hormones and bizarre shit
>it affects their whole life
aw, subbies, how cute
Yeah most traps are not on hormones. I'm not talking about trannies.
bitch pups get in here NOW
imagine being on all fours in tight latex while you master watches you, the feeling of embarrassment... hot
not talking about trannies. equating trannies to cross dressing is like equating dog shit to bdsm lifer fetishists.
share your doggy fantasies :3
but 99% of "traps" are not traps unless:
a) they are underage
b) they are asian and have good genetics
c) they use hormones
Most people you see posting pics with kneesocks aren't traps. Now if you're just talking about twinks crossdressing, then it's all fun, but it should be called a trap fetish anymore.
dont even reply to me when i said cross dressing, i didnt even utter the forbidden word """trap""" fuck off
hum... I'd like to spend all day in a bitchsuit. Be ordered to do all kinds of doggy stuff. Have sex. And finish sleeping inside a cage before being let out in the morning. Pretty normal I guess. Oh, and the suit must be impossible for me to escape, so it's hotter.
Then why did you reply to me? I was talking about traps, not crossdressing. Retard.
I replied to you because you replied to me calling me a retard, retard. Take a look at your previous posts, retard.
You'll find plenty on /trash/.