/r9gay/ - #480

Height difference edition

Last thread: How tall are you anons? How tall do you want your bf?

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I'm 6'3", and I don't care how tall my future bf is. How tall are you, OP?

i'm 180cm and i want a smol bf, like 5"4 or something

6'5 tbqh original

I love the greatest man in the world, Kass!

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tfw only average height

6'4 but im super subby and want a average or strong bf to make me feel safe

I'm 6'2" and I'd want a bf shorter than me.

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I'm 5'7" and I would like it if my future bf is taller than me, but it's not a big deal.

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I'm 5'9 btw and love my much taller husband

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