Jow Forums approved anime only

Jow Forums approved anime only

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Not that I dont like GL, but the fuck does it have to do with this sad sack shit hole?

really activated my synapses

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Jojo origanololi

NHK is obviously good and applicable to this board's culture.

It's scary how accurate this is.

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it's a show about being a social outcast weirdo, but saying "fucking it" and embracing what makes you weird and finding success from that

This is a meme right? Been a neet since 2012 but never watched this shit. iyasikei's is the right answer when talking about Jow Forums approved animes.

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>the right answer
Yep, there can only be one generally liked anime on this board. Checks out.

im not sure what you think a robot is. Simon is far from robot. Kamina is very far from robot. We have nobody to believe in. Great anime, but it can represent us as a means to improve ourselves.

dog cop

Obligatory Oregairu answer

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>protagonist chooses an undead class
>online friends move on from game leaving the guy behind
>he stays in game until the server gets deleted alone just seeing old game achievements he made with online fake friends
>gets transported to a new world with his game character
>thus turning him undead
>feels nothing anymore and if he does the effect of his undead class calms him down
>rewrites npc female character so that she loves him
>longs to find his old "friends" in the new world basically his own objective

obviously self insert power fantasy bullshit but i like how slow it is and less edgy than sao and the usual isekai shit
I forgot something important
>zoomers hate it because its slow and doesn't have a young hot blooded protagonist

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anime genre*
Read my post again nerd

Don't get the whole "Jow Forums anime means it has to be about grim reality" thing desu. gets the idea.

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Bleach First arc

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When it's a meme, I fell into it when I was 19, even I wasn't a hikki or neet. I still like it and even more the novel.

robots =/= incels
fuck off

Re:zero obviously.

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a great anime known as "boku no pico". it's robot required viewing

Simon was a robot until after Kamina died and he learned how to be Chad, it's inspiring.

your post is bullshit but your numbers are almost holy

Fooly Cooly. Naota is the definition of /ourguy/

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>tfw no big bro bf (not in the literal sense, of course) to almost instantaneously build an unrealistically futuristic society with and then later also break the fabric of reality with
Life is so fucking pointless. It should've been an anime. The devs are confirmed retards.

It is lidderally about memes

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It is lidderally about dreams and also escapism and the blurring lines between it and reality, to the point where what you're escaping to is almost certainly more real than what you're escaping from

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ReLife wins this thread

Best anime (series) i've ever seen

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Kaiji kun ;_;

I stopped watching during the lizardman shit. It just felt gross, building up those characters when we knew beforehand that skeletor was just going to destroy/subjugate them.

The end of season 3 is an even bigger garbage. They've somehow managed to make sacrificing 70000 people to summon giant monsters look lame. CG is as off-putting as always. Their mouths don't move when they bleat. Momonga acts like a sperg.

kill your fucking self if you're talking about part 1.

although i agree with you and think that iyashikei is the purest form of escapism, wich is ideal for us, NHK is still aplicable for this board culture. This is because NHK is a crude reflection to a life of neetdom and it gave place to the misaki friday threads.

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dogshit, objectively kon's worst work, mc is ofc recycled in pb and millennial along with the movie production motif, shit got old quick

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Otaku no Video

Part 1 is kino you fucking simple minded neanderthal

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Kino no Tabi (2003)

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Overlord was really boring after the first few episodes desu

>we're never going to get a 17 steps anime

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oreki is literally me
except for being intelligent
and handsome
and competent
and a good person

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The tatami galaxy is absolutely robot material, it's a shame I don't see many people bring this up more often.

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Literally edgier SAO

Well, Space Dandy is about a failed normie.

that's a pretty bad opinion

I've been watching Armored Troopers Votoms recently, and I'm really enjoying it. I can't watch anything made past 2000, because it's filled with obnoxious fucking moeshit and weak, unthreathening protags.

Zoomers hate him i already know that

How long have you been a homosexual? Do your parents know?

And you never thought there was a girl online
Ako is Jow Forums approved

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>>nigga genius evolution
B/c robot rei

Also obviously Lain.
We should all love lain!

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>normie in university
>chasing after a girl
>with a friend
>and a mentor
>and has a desire to join a club for social interaction

Yeah, very relatable indeed.
See pic related for true robot and failure at life.

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Yeah, but the main character from Tatami galaxy is just some every man that over analyses everything and tries way too hard to have his life (more specifically love life) go by some sort of script and be perfect. Something a lot of people here could probably relate to and try to fix. While as in Eva, shinji is overly whiny and depressed to the point of being unrealistic. Not to mention he is quite special (has magic robot piloting capabilities, dad is a famous scientist) so that makes him much less relatable.

Also Eva as a whole is over rated. Suck my 4.5 tatami cock.

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>to the point of being unrealistic
fuck off

>Pic related
Seriously deserves to dethrone that One Piece of Shit, by far the greatest anime I've ever seen, with so much potential

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>What kind of loser spends all his time watching romance anime because he'll never have real romance?

Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop only.

Found the zoomer

Ravioli ravioli give me originoli

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It's shit. Name a redeeming quality.

>anything other than normalfag trash

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B/c sailor moon by viz media isn't a gem?!

You're a heartless monster

are you actually a child?

> Generic Shounen 573 seriously deserves to dethrone Generic Shounen 389
Ok, kiddo.

Oregairu is great but god it fucking hurts

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Original froot loop Captain crunch gay sx with Tony the tiger

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you all have good taste.
don't forget watamote.

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>subverting expectations by not following the same rinse and repeat anime tropes
Seriously it feels like I'm watching the same fucking anime just with a protagonist with different neon colored hair every time I see most other animes. MHA dismantles common tropes, like the main character having fucking plot armor. It isnt godteir like another anime I'll be bringing up soon, but it has much more value than most other dime a dozen shounen.

Imagine actually watching anime.

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Imagine starting your post with "imagine"