The same people who bullied you all your school life are now lefties fighting for "equality" and "tolerance"

>the same people who bullied you all your school life are now lefties fighting for "equality" and "tolerance"
>the same roasties who spread rumors about you and treated you like a subhuman are now fighting for "feminism" and "fair treatment"
>this same people who acted and act like fucking sociopaths around losers they don't like have the guts to believe they unironically have the moral high ground in life
This makes me unreasonably mad

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>the same people who break the laws and hate cops want world peace

Does you being mad over something you can't change help in anyway. Honestly it's a waste of time.

The one that always gets me is the people who talk about bullying and say how it causes anorexia even though anorexics don't see anything to complain about. They're all doublethinking idiots though.

>he thinks that the current legal system has anything to do with peace or right and wrong
>he doesnt realize supporting cops who must enforce the current law is directly against peace

These people will never realize how hypocritical they are. They lack cognitive dissonance.

do you ever think people bullied you because you're a shit person and you didn't just have a target on your back?

cops are demons and instruments of satan

stopping rapists and murderers is okay

making drugs illegal and shooting innocent people and harassing and scaring people is not

notice how people like firefighters but everyone EVERYONE hates cops

>Being Nigger
>Be Autistic nigger
>Bullied by racist white and pahjeets preps in HS
>Bullies are now absolute chads that drown in pussy, friends, and scholarships
>Still getting bullied by incels and neckbeards online

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Yeah, everyone who normies bully is a shit person after all, with a big target on their back. Clearly it's never the normies who are shit, it must have been something about the victim.

>getting bullied by a leftoid

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Stop lying.
Antifa commie fucks will beat-up and hassle emergency services as much as they do cops.
>muh stateslaves are teh evil

every person ive seen who gets bullied and is "nice" actually ends up being a total prick and they're always angry and miserable and degenerate as fuck

i tried being nice to those people and they were just ass holes to me and act like angry children when they didnt get their way. i was glad everyone hated them after that and then i did too

ive never seen anyone who gets bullied not be an actual literal prick and the people who bullied them were usually nice to me because i was just nice they had no reason to hate me

>literally just making shit up
Shouldn't you be mailing bombs to someone boomer?

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cops literally are evil. ive only seen them come after drug addicts and poor people trying to make ends meets

theres some chad out here thats had multiple girls say he raped them and nothing happened to him. some child got killed here and they never solved the murder but everyone knows who did it.

they're literally just here to push the satanic agenda and them "solving crimes" is just a front

I wonder why they become assholes after years of normies shitting on them. Fucking mystery.

This is the kind of crap I'm talking about. You want to be a horrible person yet you still want to feel virtuous about it too, it's disgusting

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one of the guys I saw wasn't even bullied he just acted like that and people stopped hanging out with him and then people were just dicks to him

im pretty sure they were just miserable people. ive had a literally hellish life like worse than any of those guys and im never mean to anyone

im just nice to everyone i dont do it to try and feel good about myself im just neutral. im nice to whoever is nice to me and if anyone is a dick well i just dont hang out with them

if you're a good person then i do feel bad for you and thats shitty

why are you virtue signaling on Jow Forums

I agree, people are usually shallow woke but don't want to change their habits. They don't deeply analyze themselves

>the left