I hate Jow Forums followers

honestly this shit has been annoying since 2013 at least. All of these pol cunts think they are member of enlightened 8 and anyone who disagrees with them is a "cuck","goy", "shill" or some shit.

It's taking over Jow Forums and the web, why did moot allow this? Before them we were all one Jow Forums.

What are your sentiments on this bots?

I also think Jow Forums is the reason sjws appeared, they weren't around before it.

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Man I've nutted to Carmen so many times, when is she gonna post a new video?

It wasn't Jow Forums, it's right winger propagandists and right wingers in general. When the president switches back to left winger they'll get back to pacification of the left. It's just a mental game. They're playing that's all. Back when bush was in there were safe places, there are none now but what can you do but remind people they're shit if they commit to a political opinion of any kind upon realizing that it's all placation.

you hate the american right, which is completely normal and healthy

fucking heathens

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I dont think the feeder porn is bolstering your case

Why do people fall for this,? It seems as though political affiliations are sports teams. They need to cut that shit out.

>hate other races because they're statistically worse
>this is somehow wrong

poorly drawn thinking pepe.jpg

idk gotta have an eye catch, if I post a lamp or some shit no one is going take a second look.

non of those stats have backing, you are 12