Hey so the other night I slept at my best friends house and we fell asleep cuddling...

Hey so the other night I slept at my best friends house and we fell asleep cuddling. She asked if I could stay the night because her (recently ex) boyfriend got violent with her. He's basically a silverback gorilla, low IQ and violent. Unfortunately he also has the build of a silverback gorilla too.

What do anons? I laugh but I feel like ill actually be hospitalized if he ever see's me and I worry about her health too. Any tips on how to defend what means the most in this world to me or just keep myself out of harm in general? Im great at diffusing tension diplomatically but this time I cant do that if shit goes south.

Inb4 "nigger" he's not he's white South African.

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>best friend
You fucking moron. I'd tell you to forget about the bitch but I doubt you're that smart, so I'm going to tell you the hard truth:
No matter how abusive he is, she'd rather have him than you. Nothing is ever going to change that.
She doesn't care about you. Forget the whore.

I have some underlying feelings, I wont lie about that but seriously that isnt my intention here. I value her because shes always been there for me during my worst times and having suicidal thoughts and even if I cant always understand or relate to her mental health ive always tried my best to be supportive you cunt. Dont push your inse insecurities because you are some jaded incel who doesn't see the value in a woman if her legs arent spreading for you faggot.

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does your best friend know you want to fuck her? tell her to get some mace or something

I'm being real with you, and you should respect yourself enough to do the same. In her mind, you're nothing but a walking appliance. You're just a beta male yes man who she knows she can exploit for whatever she wants.

Yes actually and it didnt change anything

yeah fuck off nigger, all you incels are the fucking same. If you're not gonna help this dude get the fuck out of here.

get a light handgun and an open carry license, then keep it on you 24/7. If anything shady goes down make sure he knows you have ot, but don't be a pussy and flake out. It's a firearm, be confident with it without being overtly threatening.

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why was she cuddling with you? does she have feelings for you? i agree with the others that this sounds like a bad situation even without the ex.
stay best friends with her if you want but know that you are to blame for any pain this causes you.

I am trying to help him, but he's too much of a simp to see it. So are you, for that matter.

hating women because you're too much of a social reject to actually interact with one and pushing that set of values onto someone asking for advice isn't helping anything. Shut the fuck and get the fuck out

Best case scenario, what do you really think is going to happen here? The knight in shining armor saves the day, and then what?
I'll tell you what: the roast jumps headfirst into another abusive relationship, and she falls back on her trusty cuck when she needs somebody to cry to because chad was mean to her.

We have been friends for about 4 years now and about 2 weeks ago we were talking and she admitted she (like me) has always had underlying romantic feelings for me on the down low. Ive felt the same and I expressed that but both of us are scared it will damage the friendship if things go bad.

Want to know why women wont touch you? Its because youre a shallow cunt who despite criticizing chad for just wanting a fuck you dont seem interested in any level of interaction with a female that isnt sexual while at the same time you wont touch anything that isnt a virgin. What kind of autism is that shit?

Nice assumption, jackass. I couldn't give less of a fuck if she was a virgin or not. No female above sixteen is anyway.
>you don't seem interested in any level of interaction with a female that isn't sexual
And why the fuck should I be? I've been friends with women before, and they make shitty friends. It's always one-sided. They feel no gratitude for anything you do for them and no need to reciprocate any favors.

Okay ill give you merit alot of my female friends have been unreliable but what about those who aren't? Ones who stick around when its easier to leave? Ones who genuinely reciprocate favours and stick around through thick and thin and make the effort to solve a conflict rather than jump ship

What about them? They still put you on the shelf when their next boyfriend comes along.

Cant relate. Mine get into arguments and tell their boyfriend to either tolerate me or fuck off.

What a charmed life you must lead.

Anyone else find it funny he said silverback gorilla and he literally lives in Africa lmao

Actually live in Australia but now that you mention it that was a hilarious unintended pun.

There's nothing you can do for her, you have no idea what's going on in their relationship besides whatever she tells you which could easily be nonsense. You should stay out of people's relationships, you'll lose friends way quicker than you'll "save them" otherwise. As far a son your own health, if he finds out yes you'll probably catch a beating but that's what you signed up for when you slept with her knowing her boyfriend would have issue with that, if you wanted to avoid being placed in the middle of her relationship you should have told her that her request was inappropriate.

What you said is legitimate but for context's sake the reason I fell asleep with her than night is her (now EX) boyfriend got violent with her and she didnt feel safe alone.

I understand that but that's still her putting you in the middle of her relationship with a unfair and manipulative request. Now if they were split up at the time ehh depending on how much time they'd been split up for you'd have some wiggle room but that's purely in an objective logical sense...and her bf has no reason to be objective or logical about this...so you're probably due for a beating and you may or may not TECHNICALLY deserve one (you probably do) this is one of those situations where a person in your shoes at that point usually just says fuck it and has sex because the fall out is likely to be the same whether you actually do it or not

can a silverback gorilla stop bullets

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