I really hate the right. They're filled with the most vile, awful hearted, and prude people to ever exist...

I really hate the right. They're filled with the most vile, awful hearted, and prude people to ever exist. They constantly tell you that they're better than the left and that the left won't leave them alone. They also tell you that "feelings don't matter", while mostly believing things that are based on feelings: think religion, gay rights, anti-science, global warming denial, yadayada...
They're set on making everything harder and less enjoyable for everyone, constantly ridiculing people for not being exactly like them, while calling themselves oppresed when called out on it.
As I've said they think "feelings don't matter", even thought that's 90% of all human matters, it's like saying "rebar doesn't matter when you're budling a concrete building".
Blaming others on their own mistakes.
They're mostly old men that are also poisoning the youth. Filled with violent sociopaths.
Seriously, they suck.
Thanks for reading my vent, I am excited to see all the faggots calling me an npc, reeeeeally fun

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Other urls found in this thread:


Left & right is a (((false paradigm))) your post is npc tier sudoku now

If you want to make them diminish make fun of the same way people did weebs. They're all autists with no self awareness so you need to mock them until they understand if you care.

npc goblin

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>deflecting arguments makes your correct
How about you're all retarded ideologues who need to die in the fire with the rest of the pigs you fucking fools without a cause.

THE ______ CANT _______

Did you start a new thread because you got tired of you and your antifa homies getting constantly assfucked every other post?

the right is bad but the left is bad in a different way. they both serve corporations. both sides are blinded by their own special ideology.

so much for the tolerant Ieft

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what the rest of the world thinks of you op

Thank you for that meaningful contribution. I've never seen reasoning like that before. You're so deep and intelligent and objective.

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welcome to the club. rightwingers will be the ruin of us all, unfortunately there's just not much that can be done until it gets worse and people finally realize that you can't rely on any politicians, NGOs or anyone else but yourself to get shit done.

>not a right winger
>therefore a left winger
Dumbass tiny brain trash idiot stop pretending to have an opinion you're a parrot with more flesh and fat. People have surpassed your trivial political matters and don't care whatsoever about you as a mind. You're a walking bag of flesh that can hold a gun, and that is why you are not driven into pens like the bovine you are. If you saw the truth you would cry and repent but the sickness burned your soul through and through retard.

The thing that weirds me out the most about the right is they act like they are the party of Jesus. Yet they bankrupt the government giving a pointless tax cut to the rich and then bitch about medicaid and other safety net programs. Literally giving money to the rich and taking vital resources such as food and healthcare from the poor. That isn't what Jesus would do.

You seem pretty close minded if you think you can use blanket statements on an entire political party. Silly libtard.

u're so smart

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Are you that fedora'd Faggotfornian from the other thread with a bigass chip on your shoulder about religion, even though the whole concept of the "Christian Right" has been irrelevant as fuck for at least 10+ years?

But there are no major left-wing parties in the US, everyone's a fucking liberal

If I had to choose to live in a world with the left or rights ideology I'm going to side with the right. Unfortunately there are bad things that come with both ends but the left is delusional as fuck and destroys western societies values and culture

I just want to have guns and be taxed less.

true leftists (i.e. anarchists or socialists) do not fall into this category. there are no major politicians or political parties which belong to these persuasions, because if they were, capitalism would have a real challenge.

this is true of liberals and most conservatives (excepting maybe monarchists). this is why democrats and republicans seem so similar to the working class; they represent two different slices of the ruling class, they don't give two shits about anyone who doesn't have money.

>You're a walking bag of flesh that can hold a gun, and that is why you are not driven into pens like the bovine you are. If you saw the truth you would cry and repent but the sickness burned your soul through and through retard.
hmm, a schizo goblin, such a rare occurrence. these npc algorithms are getting crazier and crazier these days

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pleb, incorrect post

No I am not that person and I don't really know what you mean about that chip on the shoulder thing.

I hate to break it to you but the evangelicals and other Christians are very much still a big deal in the Republican party. Not everyone is a Jow Forums warrior trying to change the world with memes. This is why Trump chose Pence because no one fucking believes Trump is religious at all so they needed someone to attract those sweet Christian votes. It was well played.

you're the most human piece of garbage i've ever seen in my life, go inject more idiocy into your rotting hole of a skull and come back when you can actually analyze and form your own insight into the structure of existence.

yes exactly. all of it is gross. both are different kinds of gross. but its all gross.

Isn't it the left that wants to give the government more control? How does that work if you don't trust the government?

you're short-circuiting, goblin
crawl backl to your hole, my skull is no goblin's nest

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The ad hominem party (aka "the left") strikes again

>"""true leftists"""
Imaginary utopian Scotsmen. Would you maybe like to join us in the real world?

>you're a goblin
Well you're an orc, back always turned to the eye running forward and forward to the dead horizon

y'all are both idots

Race doesn't determine intelligence, education & upbringing does.
This is how you have both Niel Degrasse Tyson and Tyrone.

It's just a meaningless coincidence that for every one affirmative action black science man, there are 20+ Tyrones.

I sure am. Now, my fellow greenling, won't you like to come with me to a party in this beautiful room? We have free cocaine and HRT.

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No, it's not.
Look at black communities, look at white ones.

There's no coincidence here.

Lower class societies with worse education make dumber people.

That's how you get Wiggas and Bill Gates.

Wasn't there a town where black people became the upper crust so the white trash burned down their neighborhood?

You're a fucking idiot remember to vote and be a good little cow. You're not worth sending to hell shitbag, die die die die die

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>caring about politics
you are a dumb faggot and an NPC

Impoverished white communities are more socially stable than affluent black ones.

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it's socioecnomical. not racial.

>faggot leftist accusing the right of thinking with feelings
Lovely bit of ironing that.

I agree but why are you so upset? They're ignorant, self-contradicting retards, best way to deal with them is to ignore them or laugh at them.

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Yeah, if the white community acted the same way the black community did, we'd have the same issues.

Sorry that you're a faggot, bro.

Name a self contradiction (inb4 not pro life pro childbirth)

>Blacks are inferior because of IQ scores
>Whites are not inferior despite being lower than Asians and Jews

Is racism right wing

Even if that's the case why does that not mean that blacks shouldn't be treated as inferior?

As "right wing" as anything else
>advocate traditionalism by rebelling against your elders and personal values
how about this one to suit your fancy?

>race is a factor in height, that's ok
>race is a factor in diseases, that's ok
>race is a factor in mental illness even, that's ok

>race is a factor in skull volume
>skull volume is correlated with intelligence
>race can't be related to intelligence though

>there are genes that correlate with intelligence and impulsivity
>these genes have different distributions throughout ethnic groups
>there can't possibly be a difference between ethnic groups though

Race realism is one of those things that is just overwhelmingly likely when you look into the available research yourself and seems so obvious in retrospect that the mental block people have when it comes to it is mind-blowing. It seems most people think you have to turn into a KKK gas the kikes race war type by simply acknowledging reality. But how you'd wish the world to be simply has to be separated from your assessment of how the world actually is.

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Beware the wiki link, but I think you're talking about this.
pretty much what I was trying to say

I guess I shouldn't have tried to make it out as only being an education thing, but I was trying to simplify it in my head.

Let me try to break it down:
>Be poor
>Most affluent people I see are criminals
>They have material things and women I want but can't afford
>Can't go to college school system was trash and my grades were ass
>No one in family even cares enough to push you to strive for great things anyways
>Working for McDicks is a very slow to get material thing I was
>Become criminal

That's what happens in low-income communities.
At least, nowadays. Your graph is pretty out of date, don't you think?

Because unless you willingly admit your own inferiority (they won't) it is a contradiction. If you say jews>asians>whites>blacks that is acceptable by that line of reasoning, but people who use the iq argument never apply it wholly.

If racism is right wing ad hominems are left wing.

Shitting on right wingers is the most satisfying thing you can do on the internet. They are the scum of the fucking earth, every idea and belief they hold is the most primitive and dimwitted thing a human could possibly think, you couldn't ask for a more deserving group of people to bully.

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>>skull volume is correlated with intelligence
>>>there are genes that correlate with intelligence and impulsivity
citation needed

Leftism is retarded. I don't care about it. Stop shillling your terrible politics on the board I use though. If lefties posted on here all day and night for 3 fucking years I would call them retarded too. I will break the hugbox whatever dumbass indoctrinated alignment it is. Fuck off back to Jow Forums

I admit inferiority of whites. Only a race as fucking stupid as us would let this shit happen to us, and still refuse to fight until the rifles are already held to our heads. Chinese and Jews can manipulate almost anyone into almost anything. Mexicans are so stupid that they just trust on instinct and as a result are fairly immune to manipulation. Blacks drag anyone that they interact with long enough down into the dirt with them.

Only whites are stupid enough to fall for it time after time.

1. I don't really think the "skull volume" thing makes any sense - elephants are stupid as fuck, for example.
2. Yes, there are genes that affect Intelligence and whatnot, but in the vast majority of cases I'm sure race only affects your IQ by a few points at most.

Take a black kid and a white kid and put them in the same private school. Wouldn't you agree that they'd make similar grades with the same upbringing?

Daily reminder that while studies documenting nog stupidity are consistently sound and unbiased, the studies """proving""" magical Asian and Jewish IQs are outdated, fallacious, propagandistic bullshit.

Neither of those things sound wrong at all, bigger brains are smarter and there are absolutely genes correlated with everything.

user this has been proven to be FAKE!
Your spilling lies.

Somalis have Caucasian skull shape friendos and they don't seem any smarter than the rest of Africa

>That's what happens in low-income communities
Oooh that's why poor white people are less prone to violence than poor and rich black people, it has nothing to do with thr prevalence of the chimpout gene amongst them.
By whom? The unbiased gatekeepers of truth at Snopes?

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LoL first thread didn't work out for you so you run and start another one. you got btfo there and you will here.

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>Oooh that's why poor white people are less prone to violence than poor and rich black people
That's not true you dipshit. And income doesn't tell you jack shit in reality, people change economic circumstances all the time. When you account for education black people's crime rates go down comparably to every other race, strongly indicating that it's all environmental factors.

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You're going to have to provide me with up to date numbers on the subject before you even begin to change my mind.

Especially with some of the shit i've heard white people say about their families.

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Then stop talking about races and ignore that factor. Associate with smart people instead of people the same color as you.
>the ones I don't like can't be true
Explain how Jews have disproportionately contributed more to every noble and intellectual pursuit and the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans have modernized in under 100 years and are giving the 1st world (who had a 400 year start) a run for their money? Stop talking idiot your opinions are worthless and facts can be construed whatever way you want to support a wrong opinion.

user the study in question doesn't exist, Jontron used that study for his point when debating destiny and it was found out to be frabicated when people wanted to find the study.
Obviously you can disprove it all by simple just linking this mythical study of yours.

>black people's crime rates go down comparably to every other race
>still consistently the highest lololol

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>they bankrupt the government giving
I'll finish this line for you
>Giving welfare to lazy fucks for life and illegals who shouldn't be in this country
sigh damn liberals

I do. The smart people realize that whites are under attack. The smart people also realize that whether you think whites are smart or not, if you're white you're under attack to. You don't get to dictate your enemy's targets.

because they're still the most racially profiled and biggest victims of other sociological factors

the point being their rates go down in comparable numbers to what every other race's crime rates go down by, indicating that when given the right circumstances and the right environment the "crime gene" seems to vanish

>Systemic racism
>generational wealth being absent
>poor housing build on as best and lead which have proven to have severe negative consequences for a child's cognitive development

Okay, how about this one nigger?

Attached: rich-black-kids-are-more-likely-to-go-to-prison-31947601.png (500x539, 54K)

Blacks are statistically more likely to be jailed longer and more often when accused of the same crime.
Is it too far-fetched to say this plays a factor in their risk of incarceration ?

Flawed study that you couldn't even link if I asked you to.


>whites are under attack
Prove it. The only people I see that care about race are whites and american blacks (who learned it from whites). Never heard any other group attribute so much dumb shit to their race or obsess over it. Just shut the fuck up about it already. Race as a concept is an arbitrary nationalist idea that makes no sense when analyzed under any serious scrutiny beyond culture.

>Explain how Jews have disproportionately contributed more to every noble and intellectual pursuit
I'll take crass nepotism, plagarism, and usury please.

Doesn't prove your point user.
All it points outs is that a poor white will get a lower punishment for cominiting the sane crime showing that wealth doesn't effect the courts ruling but race does.
You have once again proven that the criminal justice system is racist against blacks.

It's actually just high IQ. Jews have been among the most subjugated groups throughout history. The United States literally had to put a limit on how many jews could be accepted into college because they were outperforming braindead neanderthal whites.


The source is right there you sack of shit.

>when people I don't like succeed it is because they are liars and cheats
Jews are inbred enough that they actually do have cognitive trends but you refuse to acknowledge them. If you need proof outside of their successes look at rates of schizophrenia being much much higher. You're ignoring the truth right in front of you and mocking others for not seeing certain parts of the truth that you obsess over. Get your head out of your own ass and stop acting like an enlightened master of reason when you're another indoctrinated philosophical zombie.

Lol, okay. I'm not going to engage with you because you're either stupid or lying to me and that means your mind can't be changed anyways.

>universities have Jewish quotas
Yeah in the early 20th century when anti-Semitism was rampant.
No school in north America has a Jewish quota.

Poor Jews, being unfairly discriminated against. It surely must be because they're just 2smart4whites and not because whenever they congregate in large numbers, they instinctively work to parasitically subvert and destroy their host.

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By who?
The reptile people?
Aunt Becky's pumpkin pie?

I've lived in muttland my whole life and have never needed to acknowledge someone's race for any reason. It's stupid to pretend like everyone cares as much as you do. Tell me this, what is the objective criteria for where you draw racial lines?

Yeah that's my point. They faced every obstacle imaginable and still managed to outperform whites by a huge margin. Denying they are the highest IQ ethnicity, at least of the jews in the west, is just braindead. I hate Israel but ashkenazi jews are pretty much superhuman.

If you make a claim like that to say an entire race is under attack you better substantiate it.

not adressing his point: the post
you move goalposts so quickly and I know you do it. You're so disgusting and deserve to die.

Sorry I'm just remembering how basically white people are evil and the Obama administration stoked up racial fears.

>petty gifting didn't exist in any other ethnicity
>just jews

we all know why they evicted them, pure braindead tribalism. Appeals to tradition are a waste of time anyway. They don't work on people who aren't Jow Forumstards

i'm glad there's someone rational here

>people just hated Jews for no reason magically

>pretty much superhuman
Indeed Schlomo, at being quasi-sociopathic, delusional, hypertribalist, schizophrenic retards lmao.
>outperform whites by a huge margin
According to whom? Those unbiased self-report surveys by Professor Shekelstein from the Jewish Normal School in 1950, as described in ?

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>Obama stoked up racial tension
Again substantiate that?
Trump has unironically stoked up racially tensions far more than Any modern day president.
>Wouldn't initially disavow david dukes endorsement
>discriminated against black renters
>didn't criticize the alt right during Charlotte's Ville


It's called primitivism, group think, just general ignorance. People engaged in all kinds of dumb shit throughout history, ones that we'll never hear brought up by people like you. Just this one specific thing.

High IQ people are more susceptible to mental illness. I'm not seeing an argument here. Jews in Israel are pretty awful. Jews in the west have historically been based and used whatever power they gained to call for a more civilized society. Nazi conspiracies are retard as nazis acted exactly like the jews they demonized. Nepotism among whites is incredibly rampant, as is attempts to exploit anyone they deem lower.

I haven't heard how he supposedly discriminated against black renters, but I'm willing to bet he didn't even hear about David Duke's endorsement until some journalists jumped on it.
And I distinctly remember him saying "there are bad people on both sides" and then a hate speech bill being signed.

People engage in all kinds of stupid shit today, like sterilizing themselves because they believe it turns them into the opposite gender. Clearly they're the voices of reason.