Why do people work just to give 70% of their earnings to some fucking RentJew Neet Rat,
What is the fucking is point of working if you can't save shit.
Do these NPCs have to slave away their life just to say they are contributing to "society"?
Bump faggots answer me
Seen some vid about shit in London that looked even smaller.
Only going to get worse everywhere I bet, those worldcities are only the start. And then we'll get the prophesied recession, lel.
Nobody is forcing you to live in New York faggot quit complaining
I've heard of worse things going on in cities like Sydney or Melbourne
Stuff like sharehouses with 4 to 6 people living in each room
maybe don't live in the most expensive city in the country then retard.
for 800 dollars you could get a pussy slayer apartment in rural areas.
>Omg I get to live in da big cityy!!!!
>I get to see both kinds of trash lining the street every day!
>I get to live in a literal broomcloset, I'm so happy!!!
I heard same shit happens in Germany
why do people choose to live in NewYork if its going to be so expensive?
Is it just for Social media appeal?
These cities are for the absolute elite who get great paying jobs. This is for someone who can easily afford something better but simply doesn't care about how big their flat is.
Poor people who would forced to live here live outside the city and commute in.
country tends to lack career jobs for most people and the pussy is all white trash so yeah fucked either way.