Is anyone else her really interested in forestation?

Is anyone else her really interested in forestation?
I can't be the only one

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I need the forest so I can hide my dwelling from the satellites.

Trees need to be cherished.

OP said forestation, not deforestation

I didn't even look over the catalog but I instantly spotted a duplicate of this thread and it was being shilled hard a while back as well. You trying to start some retarded go-green hippie movement or something?
Just buy some land and if you don't live in a country where the right of ownership is gradually getting reduced to nothing you should be able to plant as much shit as you'd like. Unfortunately the usual problem with hippiefucks is that they only think it's fun to dick around with others property and has only enough money to buy a box stuffed with pinecones off amazon.

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I know, I did not imply otherwise.

oh my bad, sorry user aha

yes this i like privacy
>one piece
get out normalfag just die and deleted your post

My town was named after its woods yet everyone is needless cutting them down. It's despicable to me. Sick people don't like a tree on their lawn.

>boohoo mommy my safespace is being violated

Shut up faggot and if I ever see you talking shit about 1P again you're gonna die from testicle cancer

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one piece is so bad even the hentai is terrible ffs

the art style is atrocius

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Definitely. Forests are extremely attractive on a fundamental level and I would trade a filthy city any day to live in or near one.

yes in one video it said we derive a sense of beauty from things that resemble tha natural world and i love dense forests im trying to plant so many that no sunlight pentrates and i can live a comfy life. Skyscrapers replicate what redwoods are supposed to do. and that is provide a home and block out sunlight

I like trees, but they fuck up buildings and power lines too much to let them grow too close to anything. I'd grow.some.furs, cherry blossoms, and a few other things on my property, tho.

Enjoy your cancer, boyo. Try airing whatever whatever shit is your favourite weekly for 860 episodes and I guarantee it'll be subpar to 1P.

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People of European ancestry feel a natural attraction to the forest. Used to be a tree planter and it was the best job I ever had

How do you get a job as a tree planter seems very comfy. im only half european but i get what you're saying

there are seasonal openings in many regions for tree planting. if you're interested you should be able to find one as they always need people. very comfy though if you dont mind working outside and you can handle a spade

I've dug massive holes and tunnels when i had a backyard. I used to sleep in there

then you should have no unfamiliarity. look into it if you are inclined. positions usually open up in the spring time

Cherry trees are lovely in spring, unfortunately they're pretty fragile trees with a short lifespan. I live on a 260 hectare property and there are rows of them out on the open areas, it becomes a whiteout for a couple of weeks and then one big rain of petals for a couple of days.

In what sort of areas did you work?
I'm going to plant a newly cut 4 hectare area in 6 months or so, 25000 fir plug+1 to start with. I'm thinking I'll do prepwork with an excavator. If you've got the experience, which do you reckon is more efficient, prework or not?

Did you even originally read his post?