Told my therapist that I attempt suicide on a monthly basis

>told my therapist that I attempt suicide on a monthly basis
>she sends me to a psych unit for a week

So much for being honest...

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Me, but completely serious and I'm actually professionally dxed with depression,

Being in the psych ward feels like a punishment. It is not helpful in the least.

you reach 20 yet?

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I know that feel. They could've extended my stay at the ward but I lied my way out to keep it a week, got my antidepressants and found out they were shit. So much for trying...

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How have you failed so many times?
>Step 1) secure rope tightly to neck
>Step 2) wait 40 seconds

Another option

>Step 1) do big line of street opioids

More options

>Step 1) point gun at head
>Step 2) pull trigger

>Step 1) find tall building
>Step 2) walk off it

>Step 1) place neck on railroad track
>Step 2) wait

Nope, that will be November. Whenever I promised myself to attempt suicide once per month the April of last year, I never thought I would still be around. I'm so bad at this.

>got my antidepressants and found out they were shit. So much for trying...

At least you weren't put in anti-psychotics.

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Exactly, this isn't rocket science OP

>Going to a therapist
>Ever being honest with your therapist about suicide and depression
Rookie mistake

I highly recommend that last one, worked every time.

Have you tried praying, user? It really does help. A lot. Just try it to see if it makes you feel better.

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How did they get you? Were you pulled in by cops? Or did they ask nicely? Also how your stay? Were their actual insane people in there?

I'm not suicidal but I feel funny and I'd rather not go to one of these places.

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Retard, stop being honest.
It won't help you.

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You're kidding yourself. You do not attempt suicide on a monthly basis. If you were really serious, you'd be dead.
You've got such a hard on for attention, it's embarrassing.

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You don't want to die. Stop your bullshit and get your shit together.

What have you been doing, ODing on aspirin? Shoot yourself in the head faggot

>I rold my therapist I am an attention whore on a monthly basis
>Then I told Jow Forums what a huge attention whore I happen to be

You'd think by month 3 you'd finally have it down and actually succeed, chucklefuck.

>female therapist
you deserved it

This was me but I attempted suicide by drinking too much water, all that happened was me getting a stomache and being dizzy.

Try a toaster bath next time.

Kek when will you learn that other people can't solve your problems

>>told my therapist that I attempt suicide on a monthly basis
And you fail each time? I don't think you're actually serious about killing yourself.

>the therapy meme
well what the freak did you think was going to happen eventually lmao

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Well if you attempt it every week, she has to act or she would get in trouble when you actually pull it off after telling you.

I'm currently in a psych ward. 4 months already.

>attempt suicide on a monthly basis

Attention-whoring faggot.

They rostaed you already in the last thread. Suicide is something what you do one time you go all in.

>attempt suicide on a monthly basis
either you're like 2 months into it or a liar
suicide is not that difficult
be more honest with yourself. you know why you do it

>look at calendar
>ah, time for my monthly suicide attempt

kill yoursel

I used to have to transport people to and from psych hospitals in EMS. I don't get how that shit is supposed to help.

Can you answer this for an user

You aren't actually trying to kill yourself then. It really isn't difficult to end your life. Bullet to the brain or jumping from a high building will kill you every time. Can't believe some edgelord like you gets a mental health bed meanwhile schizophrenics that can't function are out on the street. Please actually go and kill yourself you weak human.

thats your problem user. fuck therapists, especailly the female ones. they will not help you. remember that.

so close to
gosh darn

Not that guy, and I'm not sure if this applies outside of my state and there are several levels.

But if you tell a medical professional that you're feeling sad in any way they assume the worst and get you a psych to talk to.Then they'll decide if you just get meds or need further evaluation.

If you tell them you're feeling depressed or suicidal then they may try to admit you to a ward. They can say in their medical opinion that you are not in a right frame of mind and thus can not consent for yourself anymore. And then the police can be involved. Police hate forcing people to go so they may offer you an ambulance ride so it wont look bad on you. Once you get their they force you to take medications and you may be around people with different mental illnesses which can be intimidating.

I can't say for sure if going to one helps. I'm this guy I'd recommend looking up mental health facilities around you and checking their ratings and reviews.

Don't ignore your problems, but keep in mind mental health is poorly treated in our country. If they give you any medications ask Anons here about them before you keep using them.

Is it bad in there? I imagine there are actual suffering people in there. How long do they have you. Are you with someone else in a room with no phone?

Not him, but it sucks. You can't go to the bathroom without someone unlocking it for you and letting you in. People checking every hour that you're not doing something wrong. Have to go to group therapy and if you don't you're seen as uncooperative and they threaten not to let you out.

Plus, now they're charging me for my involuntary stay, for what insurance didn't cover. And it costs like 2k a day before insurance.

Fuck. I have garbage insurance and I know it'll be a fuck up somehow there. How do I make myself as mentally healthy as possible? I'm not depressed or suicidal, it just seems like something changed. Like the world got bigger and images posted here are somehow being meant for me. I do not know how to explain it.

I dunno man, but it's not always a matter of willpower. Don't get me wrong, they probably help a lot of people. Staff there with the exception of one doctor were really really kind and good at what they do. But it's got some downsides.

Hang in there man

I mean its not pleasant. If you focus on trying to get better and are nice to the staff they'll be nice with you too. Usually, im not sure what their titles are, but the people who actually watch you are friendly and understanding if you're polite to them. They're just people doing a job.

They separate based on types of mental illnesses too. Like you won't be around children, but if you're 20 something you'll probably be with non violent types. Drug addicts and severe mental issues are kept on different areas. But theres always people looking to pick on those they see as weak. Tell them to go fuck themselves but NEVER throw the first punch/instigate. Just let things go.

How long they have you is up to the doctor and how you cooperate with treatment and medications. Not sure about the rooms and theres only pay phones.

This sounds correct. The group therapy is apart of the treatment. The better you handle it/deal with it the sooner you can get out. The bathroom thing is because they can't trust people wont start fucking in them.

Price must suck I know, health care in our country sucks but it could be helpful to other anons if you think its worth it over how you were feeling mentally before and after.

Post tits now roastie cunt

never ever mention
>attempting suicide
>reading up on suicide methods
>constantly thinking about suicide
to your therapist. this will get you locked up. you can say you have suicidal thoughts but anything deeper than that will get you shipped to the loony

Yeah, it's pretty dumb.

>Oh, you're telling me you need serious help? Here's your punishment.

It's basically putting you in a cage, adding a pill to your regiment and hoping it passes once you get out.

The only time I think it might actually help is if you aren't already on medication.

Has anyone ever thought about just dealing with depression? How have generations before us in much shittier circumstances managed to cope? Have they all gone crying to the doctor for magic tablets or have they just gotten on with it?

brilliant. you've solved mental illness.

Not OP, but through faking and lying i've managed to build a nice character around myself.
Also, i've found out that the real me is actually quite nice. He only appears after a beer or two, though

That shit is awful. Tried them because I was having mixed bipolar episodes and it was like I was lobotomized. We're lucky in Australia they won't usually send you to a psych ward if you've threatened suicide multiple times. After getting on my meds I'm too scared to kill myself now.

If you really wanted to die you wouldn't be attempting, you wouldn't be getting therapy and you certainly wouldn't be telling them.

Think critically for one fuckin' second.

therapist are useless for peoples like us. they only work on normal peoples who think the worst thing in life is not having your favorite coffee in the morning of not enough like on facebook. oh and never use a female therapist if you are a guy. they cant understand man

Has anyone ever thought about just dealing with a broken leg? How have generations before us in much shittier circumstances managed to cope? Have they all gone crying to the doctor for a magic cast or have they just gotten on with it?

Is it not a valid question though? How has every human up until the last 10 years dealt with mild mental health issues. Depression for example not full on schizophrenic people.

>tell therapist about my pedophilia
>sends police to my house
>they confiscate my computer
fucking cunt, good thing i was always prepared and keep everything on a bootable usb

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How fucking retarded do you have to be to tell them that? There's some things in life that you keep to yourself and that's one of them. Honestly what was going through your mind when you told them?

it was a test to see if i could rely on her and tell her all my issues.

In life people truly don't care about you. There will be things that you alone have to deal with. Sure it would be nice to have someone to talk to about all your issues but it doesn't exist. Act like a normal person to other humans.

>only for a week
holy shit

i would imagine a partner with be someone you can share each others burdens with, no?

I am the exact opposite.
The real me is vicious and devious and full of despise for humans and their way of thinking.

But I just played along at school and a the recent years played the role again to get easy NEETbux.
Play innocent and people are more willing to help you.

Only my mother and sister know the real version of myself, those stupid cunts.

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All kinds of ways that don't solve problems and create more suffering. people killed themselves and then no one talked about them anymore, or lots of people drank heavily their whole lives making everyone else's life around them worse, or they did drugs, or a million other things. I mean people still do those things, but at least we aren't pretending like these things don't exist anymore.

If you told any partner that they would most likely leave you or forever have a tainted view of you. Why do people think a partner is someone you can reveal you psychotic self to without judgement. In life nobody truly cares about you expect maybe your parents. Even in a relationship the opposite person sees something they like in you and getting your company is what they are taking from it. Only you matte to you. I suggest you stop looking at shit like that morally and so that you aren't murdered in prison if morals aren't enough. You can vent to an extent but remember you have to seem like a normal human to others where possible.

So is giving this problem a label any better if we can't truly fix it? Isn't better off just letting the mind adapt in its own way?