Failed normalfag thread

Where my failed normies at?

Ever feel like you should have made it by now but somehow you still can't reach it? That thing you want. What do you think you lack?

Hated by robots. Looked down upon by true normies. Forced to lurk in the shadows of no man's land.

Share your feels.

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There's a word for that, Cyborg

i'm accepting i'm just lower iq, i can't win, i can't compensate for my physical limitations. It feels like it's over and i'm just in a cycle of despair that will end in death.

I have the mental capacity to be around normies and function but my self confidence is weak because I'm really ugly. I suppose that's my biggest flaw. I can even get over my awkwardness but then I realize I'm the ugliest person in a group of average looking normies.

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The Fuck


What this guy, quite originally might I add, said.

No, I actually am mentally incapable of being around people. I get scared and people even said they felt my anxiety in real life, they meant it as a insult though and weren't understanding. its complicated

i hate being ugly, i know it would fix at least half my life to be good looking

Failed normies and cyborgs are the functional opposite, one is accepted by both robots and normies and one is hated by both.

This. People actually believe confidence is the key but how am I supposed to be confident when I look like a fucking cancer patient?

I can get to talk to girl while a bit drunk, I have a good humor that works on them, but sticking with a girl longer than a month is impossible for me.

I lack consistency, and the girls notice this and back away from me as soon as they find out.

Cyborgs are failed normies, they're not accepted by normies but they have normie tendencies

>tfw when I have job.
>my own place
>no real problems communicating with women.
>women like my company but just my company
>told I have good personality
Still no gf. I possibly could get one but I have high standards. Spergy women kinda like me but eh... I want high functioning, high class, good looking women. Mission impossible with my weak frame and short stature.

I know quite a few things are wrong with me but still I want what I want.

see how as a male your whole life is shit because you can't make women happy even if you do everything right

Do you think your ugliness is manageable? Like have you thought about doing some of those self improvement things?

Like I feel like I am doing everything I can. Running the rat race because I have little choice now that I am on my own. No longer possible to be a coddled NEET. Still it's like I can't cross a barrier where I'm like normal people and people ultimately see there is something off about me.

You're all WRONG. A cyborg or failed normie is the same thing. An actual robot is pretty much synonymous with wizard. NEETbux, not leaving house, piss jars, THAT is a true robots life.

What is really depressing is when you put in so much effort in changing yourself and see that you're still where you always were. You see some improvement. Maybe some people perceive you better or envy you for this or that but still same old same old.

>NEETbux, not leaving house, piss jars, THAT is a true robots life.
Yeah, fuck that guy. This thread ain't for him.

I don't think so. The problem is my face. It's not something a surgery or a gym can fix. I got dealt shit cards and I just have to deal with it for the rest of my life.

I have a bunch of close friends I hang out with often, even female friends. Still seen as that "weird" guy by new people I meet. But no gf, ever, I sabotaged the only 2 actual relationship chances I've ever had, because I just can't do it

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This thread is for that dude that has friends. Is respected by his colleagues (maybe laughed behind his back but who is to know?). The one who goes to parties and clubs, can dance, hold his alcohol and has fun, but doesn't get invited to many of the hardcore normie gatherings. That guy who is a cool dude but somehow something is off, something is holding him back and everyone knows.

Well making women happy is no easy task. Making anyone happy, most of all yourself is even harder. People in general are never happy. They want more and more. The second you get something or achieve a goal you want something else.

For me, the more I've accomplished it seemed the women wanted that plus a little more. The moment I got a job it seemed like they want the guy in a managing position. The moment I got my own small apartment, it felt like maybe they wanted someone with a bigger place. The moment I got some gains from working out, it seemed like they just wanted someone who has trained their whole life and had a much better body, or was just taller. In the end I think I'm just rationalizing my failures.

You're never happy. You always want more and yes I'm not happy.

i spend my days drinking excessively and pretending to study in uni, the great thing about studying is that there's always some event you can go to fucking blitzed out of your mind, i have held certain drinking 'friends' for years now and i dont think i've had a sober conversation with them ever

Went to a beneficent party[1] with people from work last friday.

It was clear that the women were forcefully trying to get a conversation going. I think I didn't go too bad but I was definitely under what they expected me to behave like. One of them had an annoying partner who kept making me give him those "thumb" handshakes and giving me beer for no reason.

In the end I was left alone in the party (I stayed until the end).

Honestly I rate it as a good experience because at least I didn't engage in self loathing like the previous times.

[1] to get funds for a colleague who had a motorcycle accident

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DESU the worst thing were the stares. I couldn't figure out what fucking expressions they were making and started to wonder if I had something on my face or if it was just them noticing how weird I am.

>spergy women kinda like me but...
yeah no, you aren't a failed normie, you're just a regular plain old normalfag. You can attract women just fine.
I'm so sick of people bitching about girls not liking them only for it to turn out there are some out there but they're not good enough for the op.
It's not only stupid to not take the chance, but it's also insulting to actually lonely people like me who have literally had 0 interest from women throughout our whole lives

> 27
> Degree
> Car
> Job
> House

I just want a girl and friends.

I can't reach it because I am a piece of shit human bean. I am ugly, I am boring, and I am a fucking hapa.

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I have a normie job. I have normie friends. I do normie stuff. I can party if i want to. I cant get laid if i want to. But my biggest problem is my body dysmorphia thats killing me. Now that i have money because i work i spend them on all sorts of dumb stuff. I have got my lips done and my cheeks done and im waiting for more surgeries. But im still unhappy. I find myself very ugly and im never satisfied. My self confidnece is really weak. I can be around normies but i prefer to be alone. I have anxiety and have to hide it because i work in healthcare. Im mentally ill but i help mentally ill people.

I'm such a cyborg it isnt even funny. like i used to be a normalfag after i had sex i just regressed to a cyborg. because the girl im with has caused me such emotional stress and happiness at the same time. But shes a thot so idk if she really wants me

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What the criteria for failed normies?

>have friends who are really far away
>sabotaged possible gfs
>"cool mysterious guy" but actually do nothing most days
>Good face good height never had a gf
>want to start to smoke weed just to have some local friends
>Giant nerd/weeb but nobody knows because too cool for that


Cyborg and failed normie is the same thing

If we're at the same point in life do you think we'll see each other in dreams?

This fren right here

hit right in my fucking feels

Here's the refference.

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So a failed normie is a normal who can't get laid? I have been peeing in bottles and wasting my life in front of a computer since I was 13 and I have no friends but I've had sex a few times, what does that make me?

I guess "failed normie" doesn't describe me because I never even tried to be a normie. I don't know if you guys have ever seen a real failed normie in your schooling, but I have and I was always afraid to end up like them.
>dress in Abercrombie & Fitch and are fit
>talk a lot and appear to be charismatic
>normies still treat them like trash and openly mock their attempts to "fit in"
>women laugh in their faces

I'm not a normie, but I am trying to act/dress normally now. I really want a gf...

see this chart

Why would you even try to be a normie?
Normies are usually boring ass people.

I would honestly be a normie if I didn't have such fucking awful social anxiety that I've never had a romantic relationship (beyond some kiss on the cheek tier one when I was 12), that and I'm commuting from home to college and don't have a license. But the latter I at least have an excuse for

holy shit are you me? I never even tried talking to a girl bcs of social anxiety... who knows maybe I would easily get a girlfriend if I ever tried

>Got 60
Being physically attractive, but emotionally, and mentally repulsive fucking sucks. The only reason I'm as fit as I am is because I do nothing but lift weights in my room all day. So people approach me but immediately fuck off when they see how fucked in the head I am.

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depends, many normies have interesting lives (or make their boring events sound amazing)

It's not supposed to be hard to be a normie

ahahah well here we are though

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only normies use the term normie like that because they think they're unique and special and take egotistical offense to being grouped in with all nonlosers.

94, aka failed normie.

I don't know why am I still here.

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I can normally chat with people up to a point, but the idea of trying to romance someone seems fucking impossible. pretty sure I'd explode
some people get to play life on hard mode
probably doesn't help I live really rural I didn't have a chance for much social interaction anyway

Woo guess I'm not a failed norman

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I just want a lovely relationship i don't even care what gender anymore i just want emotional support in my failure life.

>too normal for robot
>too autistic for normal
>no friends

rural life sounds nice to me... my city is filled with muslims and turks

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>be me
>started college 2 years ago
>trying to get out of neet life, making friends etc,
>starting to get friends, even get to talk with females
>I get to flirt with some, even making up and having sex with one
>turns out I'm a good normando
>all of this at the cost of anxiety, because I feel that I'm lying to myself
>fast forward 2 years
>anxiety over 9000
>tummy hurts a lot, doctor says its just anxiety but I'll get checked just in case
>chronic gastritis and tummy cancer
>mfw I'm fucked
>drop college
>drop contact with friends, neet life again but with pain
>cancer is still on early-stage and might not be letal, but yeah
>enjoying maple story 2 now

You legit have autism?

my area has gotten fucking ravaged by opioids, and most 20-30 year olds are druggies or scumbags.
Definitely don't move to rural appalachia. though other areas are nice (my dream is to live in rural Colorado, at least by the time I retire)

So rural america. I live in a rural area and it's wonderful. People are kind of dumb on the average but it's a nice place and people are friendly and nice.

40, more than half from sexual experience

Why would you even want to become a normie? Individuality is a thousand times better

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I already posted the same argument but it completely depends on what kind of individual you are. I kind of like mine but there are those like grand fucking wizards that nobody likes.

Which argument?

Have depression since teenager, brainfog, could not concentrate failed schools because impossible to follow things. Got some drugs to anxiety and depression ten years ago, stopped taking them quickly because side effects. Then totally go hermit mode for many years somehow manage to get few jobs now and then in moments of clarity. Be massively stressed out of your mind all the time in customer service jobs, just take it because this must be normal for everyone. Actually train with weights and eat clean, no happy feelings or gf ever.
>Stop eating gluten
>Feel like superhuman
>Fuck is this normal human state
Now I feel like I can do anythings, mind is clear I can do long tasks without losing interest. Archived humanity, immunized against depression, still no gf thou.
>be 32, life was wasted but cant be even mad anymore.

Individuality has more positive association than any other word. Advertising companies have actually caught onto this and use "individuality" to sell things so in a way you "individuals" are like the original npcs. Not to mention everyone is an individual so you're basically saying some people are better individuals so you're also the original npc memers.

Basically, you're both terrible, kill yourself normies

Guess I'll share my story:
>be a massive faggot retard and drop out of high school junior year
>NEET my way through life for about 4 years, almost kill myself a couple of times
>around 20 start trying to improve myself
>lose 30 lbs, start cutting my hair/shaving regularly, start looking for a job, quit doing drugs and drinking, start hanging out with IRL friends again
>have a few relapses and setbacks but by the time I'm 21 am talking to a girl, have a band going that is pretty popular in my local music scene, and finally get a job after like a year of looking
>try to go to work, massive anxiety every day I'm there but try to just white knuckle my way to the first paycheck so I can be reminded that it's not all for nothing
>have a full blown panic attack during lunch rush
>end up not going back after i finish my second week
>literally couldn't make it two weeks at a burger joint
>say fuck it and start drinking again, don't go too deep in the hole cuz I'm still exercising every day and still have my band and the girl
>things are really looking like they're going to go my way with the girl, friends of mine are telling me she's giving me all the right signs and that I should just ask her out already
>she turns me down and says she isn't ready for a relationship cuz she just got out of a bad one
>next day pretty much all day repeat to myself that I'm not going to let any of this shit keep me down and I'm not going to go back to my previous lifestyle
>Fuck it I have my band, we've started getting a lot of out of town shows
>Eventually other guys in the band have less time to focus on the band due to real world shit and we start to suck and stop playing out of town and having practice
>band plays last show literally a week before another guy in the scene gets #MeTooed and causes a retarded civil war and killed the whole thing
>still see my real friends sometimes but they mostly have their own lives now with jobs and gfs and i mostly have devolved to where i was b4

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Literally the only thing stopping me from being a normie on this scale are romantic relationships and my virginity... c-can I make it, lads?

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>feel like I did okay
>mfw couldn't even it make it out of robot mode

Oh well

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yeah bro i lost all my friends and spend all day everyday fapping, drinking, overeating, and farting on myself but at least im an INDIVIDUAL

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Seems like the normalfaggot lifestyle is for you

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Oh shit nigga I have the same problem. My "adhd" is ruining everything. I can't even concentrate on things I LOVE the most in my life. That's how bad it is. You say removing gluten helped you? How does this even work.
Suck there is no such thing as adderall where I live. FML. I'm 20 and I have achieved nothing. I even dropped out of college because how bad my concentration is.

Original poster here.
Same dude. I scored 77 and I got 0 point from anything girl/sex related.

no, the whole point of a cyborg is that they masquerade imperfectly as normies (have job, gf, apartment, degree or career, social media etc.) but are deeply fucked and troubled by normie life and if normies look too hard they'll realize the cyborg is not one of them - like the synths from fallout or the terminator robots. Hence the name. A failed normalfag may have been a complete normie at one point with the mindset and lifestyle and activities, but lost all of that and ended up here.

the key point is that a cyborg could currently be misconstrued as a normie while a failed normalfag fucked everything up somewhere

Pic related is basically me
I could make it but I don't think I will anytime soon because I can't even take myself seriously

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They're never understanding.
I heard it explained as, "people are disgusted by weakness, and disgust leads to anger."
Basically, we won't be accepted until we're accepted...Its kind of a raw deal, but what can we do?

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>making a meme for yourself

I guess it's okay to do it if it help with coping. We have alot in common. Especially the intimacy part. It almost makes me think I'm bipolar.

It has its perks, the one drawback is that it lacks almost all of the convenience of urban life. If you're able to do shit yourself, maintain relationships with those around you enough to get their help, and/or travel for what you need, I recommend it.

Going from DC to rural Austria was the biggest change of my life.

>yeah bro i lost all my friends and spend all day everyday fapping, drinking, overeating, and farting on myself but at least im an INDIVIDUAL
Well no, you're not even an individual

Individuality is a meme and you're a memer

Im basically the decent looking guy who's had so many awkward childhood memories that he doesn't socialise anymore.

I can eat as much as i want without gaining a pound tho. Perfect for vidya

19 here, and I don't know how to start again.
I've been so anti-social for the past year that my decent social skills atrophied, and I slid from a "slightly strange" to a cyborg.
I can remember what it was like to have friends though. It gives me hope, but it hurts at the same time.

I'm also constantly getting flashbacks to all my failed social attempts

>tfw have shit job
>my own place
>no male friends
>told I have a shit personality
Had 3 hot gfs and casual lays, but spend most of my time alone

>making a meme for yourself
No I found it here on r9k and it hit hard

Hello, friend. I was so close to the good life...
>be me last year
>friends with a solid group of 15 stoners
>Party every weekend and drink and smoke every day
>Fall in love with the girl next store
>Everything a robot can ask for
>Start to ascend into normiedom
>before I knew it, lost all memory of past
>who was I before I became a normie?
>sudenly become gay, then abruptly get gayer than that
>come out to GF as nonbinary
>dumps me, kicks me out becomeing homeless for a week
>move back to parents house and become NEET

Its been half a year and I have done nothing to help my situation. I turn 21 tonight. Last year I thought I would spend the night bar hopping, now I am just going to drink alone.

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fuck this hits too close to home
why are we like this lads?

If you got celiac disease gluten fucks your small intestine up and you cant absord all the nutrients anymore. I first supplemented Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D, B12. If you have weird stomach problems like frequent shits go get tested.

My childhood was truly a mess and in my early teens depression swallowed me whole. I wasted nearly a decade blowing my brains out with drugs so I wouldn't end up blowing it out with a .45. But after losing my friends, my fiance and our child to drugs I finally realized that they only further fueled my self-destruction. I finally got out and now I'm trying to go back and finish my bachelor's, luckily I'm still young. But I know that's only a matter of time before the mundane and the repetitive drive me back into the corner of slow drug fueled suicide or a quick and easy death. I hate drugs so much sooo fucking much, they took the only people who ever really mattered to me.... and I know I'll never touch them again... so how long do I have until I just can't do this any longer, I wonder? When you know you're just going to fall once again it becomes really hard to keep motivated for a future you know you'll never have.

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the one time a girl has wanted to be intimate with me she doesn't want a serious relationship. why? it makes me seethe. how do you have sex without emotion?

she isnt worth your time
these whores will get whats coming for them

go the fuck back

Couldn't of said it better myself. Anything worth having takes effort and work. Chicks that jump on any male they find attractive for nothing but hedonism are worthless. Femanon's that doesn't mean approaching a man makes you worthless, it's only the case if the reason is a ride on the cockcarosel. To find and build something worth having takes effort from both sides. Putting your heart out there over and over again, sooner or later all those rejections will be more than worth the price of finding the one that'll love you forever.

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>what does that make me?
That makes you a fucking go kill yourself. Sex is the big quality assurance self-test of life. There are tons of men out there who bust their asses off to get educated, get fit, get careers, get ahead and still can't get laid. Women might not avoid them but still they smell them out and don't wanna touch them.

>I have been peeing in bottles and wasting my life in front of a computer since I was 13 and I have no friends but I've had sex a few times.
If those women were at least decent looking and you didn't pay for it then that means that you always had the potential. If women have accepted your seed and have given you a pass but you never made anything out of your life then that just means you are a fucking lazy piece of shit.

Because I'd be at least somewhat happy. Even if it was built on a thousand lies.



Fucking failed Chads everywhere.

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This scale is dumb and feeds into your egotism.

It feeds the illusion that you're special in anyway, much like this board in whole. No one genuinely gives a fuck. There is little that is unique or special about your problems or how you identify yourselves. Its autistic to try and fit into this board's culture despite being a bunch of yoohoo's who "robocred" means nothing at the end of the day.

Also 81 on the mark.

I'd advise not giving a fuck mostly. Stretching for individuality is the same as holding a virtue/sense of standard for yourself which limits you from developing when you're being challenged, but also makes you idolize a particular sense of being for yourself.

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>gf broke up with me
>Life feels empty and without meaning
>All my long term goals that looked so promising and attractive when I was with her now seem unreachable
>Bored with everything, it feels like shit to be mindlessy wasting time on video games or whatever, but I don't have the energy or drive to do anything productive
I've been trying to keep busy, but it just feels like I'm spinning my wheels in vain. I'm trying to get out and be more social, but it seems pointless, you go to meet some people and you introduce yourself and have a nice talk and then never see them again, repeat ad nauseum, never getting closer to someone than an acquaintance. I don't know how to form a genuine bond with someone but somehow it's the only thing I want in life right now. Why does life deny me the only thing I want?

If you want to know what a cyborg is, a cyborg is basically a virgin bot who can still socially interact with people(do small talk, build rapport, have some friends, get and maintain a job, etc). The cyborgs ability to effectively get into any intimate relationships or show emotional or physical intimacy in anyway though, is still heavily impaired. Since they are cyborgs though, an element of robotness is still retained, and some people may see the cyborg as weird.

Androids are robots(still virgin), who can interact perfectly fine and appear totally normal to everyone around them. They however are still heavily impaired when it come to intimacy.

Failed normies are technically still normies(non virgins), they just have a shitty life comparable to robots and the shitty social skills to boot.