Anyone else in love with this beautiful angel ? I think about her every day

Anyone else in love with this beautiful angel ? I think about her every day.

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She is just a femal human, doode.

Plenty of those in this planet

Isn't Jay's stinky Mexican dick enough for you, roast? Do you really have to keep coming here every day?

>She is just a femal human, doode.

She's a beautiful angel beyond all words and descriptions.

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Man, look at the sunken eyes, oily hair, shitty bone structure and forehead acne of this beautiful angel. Truly the pinacle of the female form kek.

She's a junkie skelly.
Plenty of better fish in the sea.

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Looka t her and tell me you wouldn't want to hug this cute tomboy angel.

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I would not, being that close to her would probably let me smell her rotten teeth and junkie musk.

I genuinely am. She is a perfect waifu for me. Am an older guy can get her the same pills I take. Or harder stuff too.
However there is a contender too for me.

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>rotten teeth

She fixed her teeth. It was minor cosmetic problems, nothing major.

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She's got a real lesbo face lmao

If you truly care for this girl, you wouldnt make daily threads like this inviting harassment

She has acnee in that pic but not in op. She had it while younger ergo the pic with teeth was before that they have gotten shit.

pop that pimple you dirty slut

Idk the darling seems to be narcissistic af, just like pic related.

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Nope, they shave hair and paint it retarded colors too.

Imagine not brushing your teeth

Acne comes and goes, retard

I use baking soda instead of toothpaste because of the amount of coffee that I drink. Make the brush wet get a large pinch of powder on it and there you go. Takes away bad breath faster in my experience.

Not like this. I have eczema that has outbursts of this size.

stop being fucking assholes. teenagers get acne.

There's a new best girl in town boys

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Yeah when they are teens, Eliza is an adult now.

> There's a new best girl in town boys

What's her story? She a dick girl? A pornstar? What?

This is when I realize how fucking old I really am chronologically and start to pray for instant death.

Whatever happened to this cumdump?

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still in her teens, also those pictures are from when she was 15 or 16 kek

Or this cumdump?

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Just remembered this white knight as well, but I dont remember his trip. I wonder what he's up too

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First time I saw her and I have been for a year at least.

In op she is like 17.
In the zitpic she is 15.

It's hard to find ones that are cute and also use the same things you do like she did.