What are your requirements for a partner, r9k?
>Can be short or tall, 5'3 shortest and 6'6 max
>White or hispanic(but still pale)
>Brown/black hair
>Brown/green eyes
>Max BMI of 23
>Able to visit me once every two years at the very least
>A little feminine
>Cute accent
>A little extroverted
>Loves animals
>In school
>Sometimes for lewding, mostly for hugs
>Nice hands
If I wasn't so picky and weird, I'd probably have someone by now. I just really don't want to settle.
What are your requirements for a partner, r9k?
>Have a pulse
>Not be too fat
That's it.
honestly I just don't want a fat girlfriend, that's it really.
I want a Hispanic gf probably 5/10
>5/10 or higher
>wants a low maintenance relationship
>clicks with my sense of humour
And that's about it.
Tolerate me for 2 days out of a week and leave me alone the rest.
Surprisingly impossible to convince women you can love them without wanting to be around them perpetually
>no STDs (unless it's HPV since I have had that)
I am these things! too bad you're probably a top/switch
also you have an std and are a disgusting whore, pls die in a fire
>any height
>any race
>any hair color
>any eye color
>not sure about exact BMI
>has to live nearby able to see me very regularly (once every week at least)
>Any age between legal age and 5 years above mine I guess
>Some kind of interest/passion/talent she is proud of
>Good sense of fashion?
>VERY cute face/smile/laugh
>Wide hips
>C cups or above
>Down for any type of sex
>Including my most fucked up fetish: holding hands
>Any kind of brown skin
>Very long hair
I'm a bottom. I'm actually a virgin and got it from a bathroom (no seriously)