Four Options

There are four reasons you are single. This applies to everyone who identifies as single. No exceptions.

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No it doesn't apply to me.

I'm not talking to anyone since I barely leave my room
Don't have any exes
Not chasing anyone
No one wants me since I barely ever leave the house

OP is a faggot

>Being this naive
The person who wrote that up probably pulled it all out of their ass.

None of those apply.

not very true. being single is literally not an issue anyways.

I can't get any responses on dating sites, Tinder or irl, so no
>implying ex
I'm chasing the following
>has vagina
>isn't completely deformed
>isn't a 500kg land whale

It must be so nice for normies, so fucking easy for them.

I ignore some gay dudes, you got me.

Oh, ok, it was posted by a mobilefag so I know it's official and important
Also, no, none of that applies to me, retard

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Accept this and move on. You are not involuntarily celibate. Somewhere out there is a disgusting quadruple amputee fat and hairy brown chick that would bang you.

nice job guys, top minds right here

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This is exactly me, op is a fag.

There's a fifth reason.
5) You are posting awful baits.
Now back to plebbit with ya.

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>Somewhere out there is trash that will neverh ave seen you
>That equals "you ignoring someone"
Those things are not the same you know?

that is an assumption not based on actual fact, there are certainly men that even the most disgusting women would not anything to do with. i'm not an incel or single btw.

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>involuntarily celibate
You said single, not incel you fucking moron

5. Am currently not available enough to feel like I should rush into a relationship with high commitment, so am patiently waiting and working on myself until the opportunity does come

Maybe OP was bait, but you can find shit like this on Normiebook, where it's not bait, everywhere.

Yeah, just like that meme pic you like to post "someone somewhere has masturbated to you." Fuck off.

Furthermore, I'm not a bad looking guy, I used to be nice, kind, caring. I was rather interesting, I ate well, kept in shape. I played guitar and worked as a stage hand in theater. Why do I have to settle for your description after all the trouble I go to with upkeep? All women have to do is >have vagina, and they get their pick of the litter. What fucking bullshit. Meanwhile I have to be entertaining, funny, charming, exciting, interesting, not depressed, neurotypical, fucking intelligent, sexy, AND have to also look like Channing Tatum.

Plus, I'm not allowed to just say "hey," I have to open with a funny joke or some ask them about something they like, when the only shit in their profile is "I'm Kate ... :D ;)

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Shut in.
never wasted time on anyone
still not wasting time
people don't even know I exist
I like it this way, relationships are for normalfags.

Good thing I'm not single. Next month I'll even get married to my tulpa. We're so excited to finally start wearing rings so the outside world will stop treating us as lonesome singles.

>he browses /x/

>or maybe /mlp/

Well technically /x/ but I had my tulpa before that
My mom collects books on the occult, mystical and mysterious, at some point I found the term "tulpa" among the "what are egregores and how your cult can summon one" books

I mean who gives a FUCK about relationships
just plant redwood trees
its the most rewarding hobby of all time

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gET outta My board you fucking normie!! ree

>Ignore someone who wants you
Where are they then?

youre wrong. you are also banned for being such a faggot. end your life immediately.

1,2, and 4 apply to me. I've been talking to people in order to get over my ex. I've been sorta leading them on so that they become obsessed with the idea of being with me. It helps my self esteem oddly enough.

They're ugly so it doesn't matter.

i mean i guess, i really like this qt3.14 from my italian class and i want to get with her
dumb stacy roastie bitch who i kept forgiving too many times because easy sex
meh i guess not? i'm not even sure if she has a bf wouldn't be surprised if she did
mfw underage girl trying to hit on me and sleep with me (no thanks don't want to go to jail)

I'm not talking to anyone
have never had a gf
i don't know anyone to chase
i literally don't know any women so no

>1: There's nobody to talk TO
>2: What Ex?
>3: Not interested in anyone
>4: Nobody is interested in me

Based, my friend. Let the luck be upon you for this wisdom.

I was, but she rejected me yesterday, so technically no, not as of now.
Never had a gf
I was doing this for a long time, but I've largely gotten over her. It was extremely hard.
Maybe. Somebody might have wanted me a month or so ago, but I definitely couldn't have brought myself to go for her, and she seems to have moved on by now.

Call me a normie if you will. Still a birgin.

They forgot

5. Had enough dating bullshit to last them a lifetime.

Gonna go with that one OP, thanks.

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Please get this Twitter normalfag shit off this board

1. I'm talking to boring tinder matches
2. Probably still a little
3. Not anymore
4. I think they are two of them

tfw talking to several people

You gotta play the field, man.

This applies to single people with an active social life. If you're isolated none of this applies.
>inb4 just b urself and make friends bro

I go in public but I am an autist that can't make friends so terrible social skills plus I look like a 6/10 which means no one would even pay attention too me

3. But im over it. Still think about her but im over it. Got rejected feels bad
4. Yeah because theyre ugly and or black

This only applies to females.

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I live in a country with a population of less than 10 million people. In my age group (lets face it most women want men who are around their age) there are 50.000 more men than women (this is true for the other groups as well). So basically 50.000 men already lost by being born because there aren't enough woman for everyone.

Shit, I guess I'm not single then. Good to know.

None of the above, not a true robot.
Ironic that it's actually you that is biting, retard.

Or I'm just unapproachable, hmmmm.

why can't i be like bluepilled normalfaggots who make these pics?

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yeah, this is pretty much true, but only because it is so broad it necessarily has to cover 99% of situations. Most of r9k is probably
>chasing someone who's taken
and this is either an irl stacy/oneitis or an egirl like ciara or some other degenerate

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