I have Borderline Personality Disorder AMA

I'm so fucking stressed about everything right now
I'm on edge reeeeeeee

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how do you usually handle your stress? What happens when you don't have a way to cope with your stress?

No you don't, you can fix all your problems but you're just lazy. Stop self-diagnosing and get a grip.

I knew someone with bpd. They were fucking insane. I preferred hanging out with the schizos.

I talk to people about it and talking (especially to the one I love) usually allows me to get things off my chest and de-stress a bit but I'm in a pretty stressful situation that I can't just talk myself out of. When I'm too stressed out and I can't handle it I either isolate myself and have several panic attacks or flip out at others just causing more problems

Incorrect, I cannot control dissociation and constant moodswings, sure other things I can somewhat control but those I cannot

Every time BPD comes up. I'm pretty sure I have it but don't want to self-diagnose.

When where you diagnosed

You're probably just on the high end for nuerosis. It's like the autists who think they're sociopaths, anxious people think they have bpd. Don't sweat over it too much.

how were your parents? also what did you say that got you diagnosed?

i'm... fairly certain i have this and i've been not mentioning the redflags to my therapist because i don't want to be diagnosed due to all of the negativity surrounding bpd.

I'd say schizos are pretty cool I suppose, I've never properly met one but the fact that they have all that stuff going on in their head yet they can stay so calm and composed is interesting, and I'm interested in the psychology behind them too. The differences between me and schizos is that they experience voices and symptoms (excluding psychosis) as if they are external, split from their mind. My symptoms are part of my mind, as if someone else is in control of my emotions and thoughts. Schizos are able to take some control of their symptoms, more than I can mine.

Lots of people tend to self diagnose and BPD has pretty broad symptoms, I'd refrain and get yourself a good psychologist and maybe bring it up with them

When I was 18 I was diagnosed, after I self diagnosed for quite some time, before then I continually brought it up with my psychologist and she thought that I had it too, but she wasn't allowed to diagnose me until I turned 18