Got job 2 months ago

>got job 2 months ago
>my supervisor is a cute petite girl
>she's friendly and funny and cool
>fall in love with her
>we hang out as friends outside of work
>add her to social media
>she's single
>work up the courage to ask her out at work today
>check her IG
>she got pic related tattoo'd on her

Please don't tell me it means what I think he does. Maybe she just liked the design, right? I should still try to ask her out even though I'm a 7/10 white guy, right?

Attached: Oneitis - Cropped.png (444x347, 208K)

Other urls found in this thread:

if she's low enough to fuck niggers, she'll probably fuck an ugly robot like you, too, lad
go for it

what does that tattoo mean? Queer?

Queen of spades. Means she prefers black cock

I wouldn't tap that with three layers of condoms, lad. Forget the coalburner.

Nope, it definitely means she's into black guys only(or cucking). Did she turn you down?

Ask her if you can spectate at her next breeding session

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ok now this thread is epic

>People actually think this is real.
Now this is epic!

Attached: ItsADude2.gif (262x187, 79K)

ghost her immediately if you're smart, it doesn't matter how attractive or cute she is, some one willing to get that has the most fucked up mind possible. It's possible she doesn't know what it means but the fact she got it anyway is a huge red flag.

It could be like a girl that gets dog paw tattoos and not realizing it means they like to fuck dogs(it's a real thing btw). But if you ask them you'll still not be able to tell if they're lying about it when they just say "I just thought it was cute!" and smirk after... too risky.

Come on user you know you're dying to clean up that sloppy pussy

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>Please don't tell me it means what I think he does.
lmao of course it means what you think it does. this shit is spreading like a virus.

there are lots of fake or henna ones. But do a google image search for this. You can find dozens that are obviously real and hundreds that are ambiguous - could be real could be henna but obviously not the stick on kind.

keep living in your /pol dreamworld.

It's obvious without you mentioning it. You fucking scum disgust me.

Go easy on him. If he knew how common interracial sex is (something his precious marriage stats dont reflect) he would literally hang himself in his moms basement.

i dont know who's more delusional, retards who think women are BBC craving whores or retards who think women are nigger hating white supremacists. you should both hang yourselves in your mom's basements.

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>If he knew how common interracial sex is (something his precious marriage stats dont reflect) he would literally hang himself in his moms basement.
not just interracial, but women going so far as to brand themselves permanently about their love for BBC. really makes you think.

I had a similar thing happen. I didn't fall in love with this girl or anything but I noticed a white female coworker with that tattoo. Couldn't believe I actually saw this irl. I thought it was just a pol meme. Hopefully she pays the toll soon.

I'd love to have a hot Queen of Spades to serve please

Attached: 61d902b1-5e9e-48ec-9792-2126c675ece9.jpg (640x1136, 71K)

and i'd love to murder all cuckposters, but we cant all get what we want.

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I wish I had a queen of spades wife I could watch get filled up by BBC

Attached: 61Sz8IP.jpg (474x631, 43K)

You won't need to worry about your micropenis once you take the cuckpill user

Be honest OP you'd rather be her than one of her bulls

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holy shit this is real?
i really don't know anymore. i try to deny that shit i see on here is actually common then next thing i know it pops up on social media or in real life.
Like, i really didn't think incel was anything more than a meme. Then I saw a couple of facebook friends post actual hate filled statuses about incels, linking to some article on them. Scary times, lads. It's a scary time to be a lad in America!

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you literally could very easily get this. just go on fetlife.

i know that feel user

where do i go from there.

post a picture of her and what state are u in

white girls usually get those tats in white areas

>be me
>undercover robot on construction site
>one work mate has a king of spades tattoo
>exclusively fucks black women, be they fat usually
>Hitler youth hair cut
>racist to mudslides
Mfw I think he hate fuck black women

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg (670x800, 55K)

Not how it works. Nigger tier is masculine and as ironic as the manosphere is with it's le phytoestrogen bean comments, robots are not manly.

It's something women get that is basically a brand that says they have a blacked fetish. No memes.

That type of woman I'd have to agree with. it'd be different if it weren't for the fact that robotism and nigger culture do NOT mix.

If you think these tattoos are common in real life, you actually need to get off the internet and go outside. Now.

>gobs of pictures of them
>not common
Next you'll say neckbeards don't exist.

>holy shit this is real?
Yes. lots of the tattoos are temporary fakes, but there are also lots of real ones. You can do an image search for: queen of spades tattoo also: bbc slut tattoo
then cry. or beat off.

that's probably a great gig. from what I hear black women love white men who treat them well. apparently they don't mind the tiny cocks?

Yeah, it's happened 12 whole times! It's an absolute epidemic!

Dude, its just a small group of vocal fetishists. To say that it is common would be retarded

>To say that it is common would be retarded
looking at my own posts, nowhere did I say that. just that you can find lots of pictures. obviously it isn't common or normal. but brainlets are in this thread asking if it is "real" - yes.

OP's post is not fucking real. That's what everyone is talking about.

There are maybe like 200 people in the entire US with this fucking tattoo. The chances that 1. one of them is OP's boss, 2. OP's boss posted a picture of it on her social media account associated with her REAL NAME, and 3. OP then posted it here are infinitesimally small. Thus, it's bullshit.