/drugfeels/ Acid Comedown Edition

Ugh I just wanna sleep.
Anyway, what are you up to tonight druggies?

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I dropped acid 2 days ago so I'm gonna wait at least until Wednesday.

suboxone and green tea

i'm a good boy

Do you guys have any idea about IVing or snorting bupropion(wellbutrin)?

Since when can you snort that?
I'm using bupropion as an antidepressant, are there different effects when you snort it or does it depend on the dosage, cuz i just take 150mg a day


I've got some phenibut on the way, pretty excited. Anyone have any experience with it? I'm used to ecstacy and kratom. I know about not mixing it but I was wondering if there was anything I should know. Thanks robots.

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alcohol and booze as usual.
occasional crying.
gonna watch a gag anime.
playing overwatch later until i feel tired since it's a braindead game.
can't wait to see jimmy kimmel sperg about the latest shootings.

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I like Mashiro but her anime is shit, at least her brother is a retarded robot so he's relatable I guess

you should wait longer than that. 2 weeks minimum

>when normies describe anything that's even remotely out of the ordinary as "like an acid trip"

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>"dude i took two puffs on a joint and i was tripping hard. i was seeing pink elephants and shit."

Dude I took 2 puffs on a joint and I was tripping hard. I was seeing pink elephants and shit. It's not a joke lad, chronic insomnia had me up for about 3-4 days on the trot because the medication wasn't doing it's job. The joint sent me over the and it was horrible, wouldn't recommend.

Phenibut can be fun especially if you smoke weed with it. You just gotta be careful it's super easy to get addicted to. I wouldn't suggest using more than twice a week the withdrawals are hell

Gonna play rise of the tomb raider until I fall asleep on the keyboard

>Phenibut can be fun especially if you smoke weed with it. You just gotta be careful it's super easy to get addicted to. I wouldn't suggest using more than twice a week the withdrawals are hell
I don't really mind addiction, just looking for an easy way to feel nice. Haven't smoked in years, is it a nice enough combo to warrant picking it up again?

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I don't see the harm unless you're a faggot.

I never withdrew from phenibut. Most I used was 3x/month tops and I haven't touched it in months. Don't try it if you can't control yourself. The more you use GABAergic drugs the more problems you cause yourself.

Shit makes you feel like Cinderella. Phenibut + adderall = Chad for a day.

whomst took 2cb before ? i love acid but im looking for something more visually focused

2C-B is a much better rave drug than LSD. The visuals are sorta similar but more more neon colored.

>very mild mental effects; tripping while sober
>CRAZY tracer effects
>color brightness of everything goes up to 11^2
>better music appreciation effects compared to LSD
>makes tactile sensations incredibly erotic
>lasts shorter than LSD
>tolerance doesn't go up fast

It's also more versatile than LSD. Low 2C-B doses are not very trippy but heighten your senses. Higher doses = MENTAL + PHYSICAL ORGASMS.

Don't get me wrong LSD is nice but 2C-B btfos every psychedelic in fun factor.

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making music helps me not to do drugs, so i'm ok for the time being. at least until another depression hits. then its gonna be DRUG CITY BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

You should really try 4-AcO-DMT, user.

You're essentially wasting the acid, cause of tolerance

Sounds comfy, have fun user

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Gunna smoke the last of my weed today, I will most likely have to get a drug test within the next month, not sure of the date though, for a chance at a job with the village. Already been to 2 interviews and done a bunch of paperwork so I have a good chance. I probably should of stopped a while ago but I thought I was out since after the first interview It was silent for like a month. I think I'm fucked anyway though even If I stop I'm a daily smoker and smoke like 1-3 times a day depending on the day. I'm looking into these dumb detox drinks/pills and it all seems bullshit to me, I might have to resort to getting someone else's clean piss. If I fuck this up then I'm really fucked, almost 28 and still live at home with a absolute shit job now.

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I don't feel sorry for you. Your drug of choice is terrible and it makes you piss hot too long.

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Any bots here that survived benzo withdrawl?

yup. you're gonna feel cold and tired. maybe heart palpitations if you're too far gone.
maybe sip a beer once a day to fight that feeling. you're going to feel like shit. sorry.

Tolerance is at baseline within 5-7 days user

sittin' in rehab



>you should wait longer than that. 2 weeks minimum

WTF? LSD without some THC is just... incomplete

PLUS your pot highs are greatly improved for days if not weeks following a solid dose of LSD

It fucking hurts, stop.

What do you enjoy about benzos? Do they make you feel anything else but tired and sleepy?

shrooms comedown :(


Definately taken that shit.
DO NOT snort it. It will make you scream from the painful sensation.
Also - just know that the dose-response curve is exponential.

Like: 10mg = dose, 15mg = doseX2, 20mg=doseX5 and anything beyond that you will absolutely lose your shit

but it's fucking fantastic

i can get this real easy

comparison to lsd perhaps ? visual wise

Does anyone else really struggle getting to sleep the night after doing coke? I'm always convinced I'm going to have a heart attack in my sleep.

Honestly. The best thing is that I can lucid dream. And I love it.
So if I take Gabapentin, or any benzo, it will knock me out for a quick nap and I will have some fucking crazy experience.

Sometimes even legit, verifiable remote viewing / astral plane experiences

yeah. did a LOT of coke for a LONG time.
When i'd smoke weed on it = major paranoia of heart attack, anurysm, stroke... whatever

honestly. cocaine is just pretty rough on the body.

That's a fucking terrible idea, why would you wanna do that?

dude. are you experimental? or just hard up for street drugs?

anyways. erowid.org
they have user reports for just about everything. been around for like 20+ years

good luck

Yeah that's normal, usually i have some alcohol or a benzo to help ease myself to sleep

Different user, but It's a lot less visual than acid. It's also nowhere near as electrifying and "fun". It's still great, but idk why he suggested it in the context of a party psychedelic, it's really not at all.

Thanks for your support friend, I also take xanax almost daily and a few vicodins every now and then when I get them I guess shit like that or some weird RC is a better DOC. Whats your DOC friend? Mine has pretty much always been weed but for a few years when I was younger it was the old oxy 80s, roxys then dope, OC 80s not that was a drug, were always my favorite and fairly cheap back then.

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Yeah, I developed pericarditis after a heavy weekend. That shit was absolutely awful, haven't touched the stuff since and don't think I'll be tempted to again.



"the same high as CRACK, but with ugly side effects"

as if crack didn't come with enough "side effects" to begin with

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/comfy/ off of some kratom, might smoke a bowl in a bit.

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Is that DMT? or a DMT derivative?
Can you explain the difference in effect?

Also. Where get?

Start with a gram and work up from there (I usually take 2-2.5 grams), don't take more than twice a week, and remember that it can take hours to take effect (so don't just start knocking back more if it hasn't done anything after an hour or two)

>Whats your DOC friend?
Amphetamine. So much that I got an Adderall prescription.

Shit is cash. Being on stims every day isn't an issue at all.

Very enjoyable and powerful visuals on 2cb. Best ROA is unironically mixing it with water, putting that water in a syringe (with no needle) and then squirting that up your butt.

>Start with a gram and work up from there (I usually take 2-2.5 grams), don't take more than twice a week, and remember that it can take hours to take effect (so don't just start knocking back more if it hasn't done anything after an hour or two)
Well I'm wanting to take it every other day or after two days. Is it that awful to take more than twice a week? I'd prefer four or five times a week

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>Is it that awful to take more than twice a week?
Yeah it's pretty bad. Why, do you party every day? Have some self control buddy.


Yeah, phenibut is a wonderdrug for treating social anxiety for me but you cannot take it more than twice a week.

It's a prodrug of psilocin, so basically it's a shroom analogue.

Think I'm gonna do some 4-ho-met or 4-aco-ept on Halloween, any spooky movie recs?

It's very similar to mushrooms, which contains 4-ho-dmt, but maybe a bit cleaner since there's other tryptamines in shrooms too.

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Yeah I was never a fan of stims but found they were easy to stop. Adderall actually made me focus as opposed to shit like coke or crack that would just have you paranoid as fuck and cant sit still, cant comment on meth though never done it. I just hated being up all night and it was worse with the other shit too cause of the cravings you get as soon as you stop. But that goes away after like a day or 2. How you take your Adderall you eat it or snort it?

>How you take your Adderall you eat it or snort it?
Under the tongue.

I just really like feeling good and kratom has gotten kinda old and I've taken ecstasy nearly every night for two weeks and I really don't wanna use it anymore. So I figured I'd just use this. I wouldn't cold turkey it so the withdrawal shouldn't be that bad right?

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>I've taken ecstasy nearly every night for two weeks
...lol. RIP user's IQ points. Get help.

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>I've taken ecstasy nearly every night for two weeks
What the fuck how are you still alive/functional?

Is taking a kratom extract as a first timer going to make me vomit? I have a fear of throwing up.

2 weeks of non stop X

You might have done permanent damage to yourself, retard.

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I see no issue

The powder is super nasty and best taken with something like orange juice or in a pill. I haven't experienced much nausea but it's just the powder. I got a capsule machine and it's so much better

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I once ate 5, 10mg "bluemoon" 2-cb pills.
>Shat myself in excitement
I'm a good little frog

OK. I know that you can get sick from taking too much and i was thinking that I'd do that with the powder. Guess i'll that that capsules then

I took 8g of gabapentin and my eyes won't sit still

You're supposed to wait 3 months or at the very least 1 between taking MDMA. Any less and best case scenario it'll just stop working on you, worst case scenario (if you're taking it constantly) you'll die of serotonin syndrome.

I know about the risk which is why I stopped and am looking for something else. Figured addiction is better than dying

alien and alien 2 is amazing on psychdelics. the pacing ;)

IR or XR? Crushed?

this is going to be a real problem for you in the coming years

>it's another "tv/movie show characters take acid and start having wacky hallucinations" episode

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>take one hit off a shitty skunk weed joint

There was that futurama episode where bender won a cooking competition because he put LSD in the food and that somehow made it instantly palatable to the judges.
>pic related was mfw

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What drug should I do tomorrow robot bros? I don't want to do acid because I'm waiting to trip with friends. So my choices are
>dxm, been 2 weeks since I took it
>xanax, never really done it recreationally before though
I just got a pre-filled THC vape cart but I need to move the oil into a new cart because it started fucking my throat and stopped producing much vapor. I could use the oil itself to get high until then, can I just eat it or do I have to heat it up? I've also got a 10mg hydrocodone pill but not sure about that because it's definitely a press, so seems shady to me.

What drugs are least likely to cause psychosis? Can't have THC anymore, sadly.

do you guys know anything that could help with a meth comedown


will dye your mouth for a while but sublingual is better than just oral

A friend of mine passed away a couple of weeks ago from an overdose, cant seem to get the thought of his death out of my head...

Sorry to hear that user. I hope your protecting yourself from ODing.

Only thing the Army allows is booze. Feels so fucking bad man wish I could just burn one

Ecstasy maybe? I guess you could do adderal or coke, but I feel like thats addict shit not party shit.

smoked a bit of haschish and now i feel comfy

time for some hard cat posting and nice music

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Didn't think of that. I tend to get anxious fast. Maybe that is what set me off.

What kind of legal perscription could a burger get to abuse? I got a dr. Appointment coming up soon.

I had an LSD trip last night, feel like doing it again tonight. Is it worth it or will I just be wasting a tab?

Easiest would probably be xanax, just say you get panic attacks whenever you're in public.

The worst example of this trope.
Fuck 9 Lives of Fritz the Cat

Still waiting on my 4-AcO. Thanks for the user that gave me tips yesterday. Bought some whiskey today because I didn't want to take kratom all evening.

Itd be a waste. Lsd tolerance is a bitch. You need to wait 5 days at minimum, and you'll still notice diminished effects for 2 weeks, then your tolerance will reset.

wait at least a week imo, i've never tried it but i'm pretty much positive trying to trip two days in a row would be a complete waste of acid

I just took 4g of kratom
what should i expect?

>I've never done a drug in my life but I think this is how they work

To be comfy af in like 45 min

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i should have mentioned i'm also on 8g of gabapentin

Thanks anons. Any Psychs that I can take more regularly?

>Got fucking maced on a 50 bag (I think that's like an eighth ounce in America)
>Had to walk round town for an hour on a goose chase
>Big fuck off hills eveywhere
>Give up go home
>Get in shower, feel sad
>Get out, feel sad
>Whatever comfy af smoking left over nodges from a week ago
>Feel meh now
>Check phone to see if I got texts whilst in the shower
>Fucking dealers phone died whilst he was going to his friend across town to get my shit
>He texts me saying he can do a bit of extra hash on top of my original bag tommorrow because I trekked around for no reason
>Fucking legend
>Smoking joint with him tm for sure

>try kratom for the first time
>do it on and off for a few weeks
>also doing keto
>hair starts falling out like crazy
>stop taking kratom
>stop keto
>hair grows back completely within a few months
>mfw both are fairly often linked to hair loss online
>mfw I'll never know which one caused it
I'm pretty sure it was keto since kratom hair loss is usually in the context of long term use and it's a more common complain for keto but I'm still afraid to try kratom again

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