If you met a clone of yourself, would you become friends?

If you met a clone of yourself, would you become friends?
Or would you hate each other?

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It would be neutral.

I think it'd be awesome to meet an exact copy of me. I mean genetically as fenotipically speaking. We know each other so we'd talk friendly and about interesting topics. We'd be reserved about our dark thoughts and intimate problems tho but I can see us cheering each other to try and do the things we like.

>good thread, wrong board
Try /x/ for this kind of threads.

We would probably fuck each other since I like anal play.

I would attack myself and fight to the death.

We would understand that we both hated each other and would agree to avoid meeting in future

We'd take turns dressing up as a girl and getting fucked in the ass

i like myself, and maybe having another me around would help me improve. plus we can take turns going to work.

Finally, somebody willing to hold that fucking failsafe key to nuclear armageddon.

Both, in high intensities. We'd criticize each other endlessly over our flaws but also be extremely happy to meet someone like ourselves. Also there'd be a fair amount of poking and prodding because we'd both want to know how what we do would appear if we were outside observers.

Probably better than finding the 1-in-never, loyal-forever gf. Unending fun till one of us dies, then the other is going to die of loneliness soon after. No more sleeping alone, no more pointless conversations, no more solo play in videogames. This is probably the best situation i'll ever imagine.

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>rape stacy in the school bathroom
>shoot up the school
>get arrested
>sentenced to lifetime imprisonment
>spend 10 years behind bars
>clone appears claiming responsibility for the shooting
>can't prove which one of us did it forcing them to release me
>get several millions for having been innocently put in prison
>kill clone because I'm not sharing the money
>move abroad and live happily ever after

Also I bet it'd do a lot to fix our self-esteem, or at least have a more accurate one and know what to do about it. I would predict a lot of tumult at first but then a peaceful and happy resolution. After we're done using each other as mirrors we could coordinate projects between us and basically do whatever we want. Would be comfy af.

I'd kill him, or he'd kill me

We would share a job and never speak to each other. I think I might kill myself if I got drunk for an evening with myself

We would make an agreement to kill each other at the same time, so neither of us has to suffer.

Would 100% dress him up in girl's clothing 24/7 and make him my gf

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He would probably do the same to you user

We'd be disinterested in each other

I think that having him as a friend would be a bit pointless because I would always knew what he is going to tell me.

I have a fetish of fucking my own clone, he's basically you so he wouldn't resist

"Blames self for world"

I'd hate me, it'd probably be nice at first. Someone who truly understands, someone of equal skill level, tastes... But I'm a lazy piece of shit who spends most of their time doing nothing productive. I'd end up being disgusted by me, and feel encroached on in my own home, I'd probably expect other me to do chores or to pleasure me. But I'd hate always doing it return so they would too

Yeah you're supposed to blame all of the problems in the world on yourself. Because that's somehow healthy

We would lose our virginities.

I like talking to myself, but I also appreciate that I don't take up a lot of space. Having a clone would mean less space.

I would have to kill him. I don't mess around with that doppelganger shit.

Neither me nor my clone would ever open up to each other but I think we would be complete fucking bros, have sophisticated conversation about our fetishes and weather or not traps are gay without feeling weird and we would constantly ping our ideas off each other to ultimately come to a supreme conclusion. Radical!

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Where is the 12 plate deadlifting super saiyan goat?

hate and love at the same time

this is slightly off topic but what the fuck is that image? I can't tell if it's some weird political thing about how reps are childish and libs are mature, or if it was written by one of those "class is for real men" edgy 17 year olds or what the fuck

Why can't it just be an interesting image someone made?
Not op

i wish i was cuter though desu

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We'd be pretty good friends. We'd have someone to play vidya with who's actually good. I'd be ok with 69ing too since it's my body. Also, we could work one week on, one week off at my job.

primarily because it seems like it was made by someone that didn't know what the fuck they were talking about.
what the fuck does "is built for climbing" even mean in this metaphor? someone that's just.. naturally more mature than other people?
How the fuck is telling someone (I assume) to do/how to do something? immature? there are a shittone of jobs where that is a large part of your duties.
Does not having any friends make me childish?

Seriously. That sounds like it would lead to some serious self hatred.

More like 'the cuck climb'

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We'd probably fuck each other in the ass.


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I'd probably make a decent acquaintance with myself entirely because of my fondness for puns.

We would start trying to train eachother in literally anything we can think of

Probably just a lot of gay sex

>"Blames self for world"
That's an incredible amount of self-importance/over-inflated importance.

The overall sentiment behind this images all right but all the lessons it's purporting to teach you aren't.

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We'd act all shy and friendly until eventually one of us gives in, holds the other down and does pic related to them,

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posting the correct version of this

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>Blames self for world

what the fuck

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Neither. You're just extremely insecure because you have a lot of qualities represented by the red goats at the bottom.

As a black who hate niggers, I'd be afraid of myself from far away, will try intimidating him but never talk. And because of my height anxiety, I'd be even more irritated. ( I'm 6"2 but I wish I was like 7", so everyone close to my height makes me angry, and girls being taller than me makes me want to die )

You're immature because you assume things about me and think you know me. you also have to be right

I would genuinely love myself.

>You're immature because you assume things about me and think you know me. you also have to be right
Shut up, faggot.

Wed probably be best friends

It'd be dope to have another me or more mes to play video games with because I always hate my teammates

>Obssesed with facts


We'd be fucking almost immediately.


I would probably kill him before he decides to murder me and take my place.

Best friends, we'd take over the world by convincing people we could teleport or some shit like that. Also

The guy who originally made it is one of the most pretentious miserable hipster shits ive seen who made comics like this for cracked. The most hilarious thing is how he is basically guilty of everything bad depicted here.

His others are stuff thats basically:
also used to talk about artistic depth and praise for the videogame medium until he one day did a 180 and did multiple
Rumor he was turbo butthurt that peoples indie walking simulator and twine games were being panned for no gameplay

>extra organs
Nothing personal.

There can be only one. og

Yeah we'd be homies, we'd take shifts of shit we gotta do, we'd work full time and go to school full time. I've got a spare room we'd rotate out of and we'd have money and free time. After school, two full time jobs witha degree until the debt is gone and we've got a good ass savings account. If we got our schedules right we could rotate cooking and cleaning. Eventually, we could buy a place and rent it out, one of us living there as the landlord and the other somewhere else and buy another car. Hell, if we played it right, we could have a place to be rented out, a full time job and the other could do vacation for a month. Just rotate like that. Friends and lovers would be weird so we'd get different tatoos as markers and tell them. It'd definitely be weird since our SOs wouldn't be able to notice the difference without the ink and both of us would be attracted and compatible with our partners so, we'd probably just have a poly-like thing.
Eventually Annon #2 would need to get their own Identity so we'd have to figure out how to get that all in order, especially with the degree thing but I'd probably want to be different from user #1 anyways and I'd get some easy Community College thing or, we could just do rotate school part 2.
Either way it'd be pretty fun.

I'd deepthroat him and lick his abs, I'm so fucking hot

yea sure we can be comfy neettwins together
i'd also fuck a genderbent me

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Yeah, some of the suggestions on there are pretty unhealthy and mainly meant to be counterpoints to the original unhealthy behaviors. A better one there would be "Blames self for self"

Both? I doubt we wouldn't end up having sex, but at the same time being around people for extended periods of time piss me off

>blames self for self

incoherent ego stroking with a veneer of humility.

i would fuck myself that's for sure, i want my dick so bad no homo

i'm too shy to make friends, so we probably wouldn't even talk to each other.

>taking responsibility for your own fuck ups is ego stroking
Dude, what?

We would both know the worst parts of ourselves and be deeply disgusted.
However, maybe if we are forced to stay and work together that would generate positive changes upon each other? Or maybe it would just be an awkward experience.

We would be best friends until we have to decide who is player 1.