Can someone explain why some boards lean conservative on Jow Forums, but Jow Forums, /b/, etc lean left?
Can someone explain why some boards lean conservative on Jow Forums, but Jow Forums, /b/, etc lean left?
l wouId rather not
It's directly proportional to the number of traps that post on each board.
Since the website allows for many different types of users to engage in content of their choosing
>r9k leans left
It is because leftists can not handle banter, but they can handle BLACKED threads and TRANNY/TRAP threads. They also don't understand how money works, so they want that free shit and that free tiddy REEEE WHY WOMEN NO LIKE ME :(((((
The joke is that neets want to keep their government handouts. That logic is retarded though because the small percentage of this board that is actually neet would never vote.
Jow Forums leans left on economic issues because so many of the posters are NEET parasites.
It simultaneously leans right on issues of race and sex because so many of the posters are white virgins.
>Jow Forums
Edgy zoomers wanted to be "different" in high school and turned to fascism and other far right ideologies, knowing it triggers normies.
Argue against their nonsense, it's a great exercise in avoiding logical fallacies.