Jow Forums is an anti-capitalist board

Jow Forums is an anti-capitalist board.

Attached: Bugs Bunny_Comrade.jpg (338x310, 16K)

f*ck the system

Attached: Very_Mad_Emoji_grande.png (600x600, 177K)

who are you quoting

Jow Forums is an anti-heterosexual board.

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The proletariat masses craving freedom from the oppression of the bourgeois.

Attached: El Homo_Grab and Point.jpg (640x480, 50K)

I didn’t think you could get more based and redpilled

Seize the means

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Attached: revolutionary thoughts.png (1040x540, 321K)

Jow Forums is a dictatorship

Attached: 1524201145.png (282x250, 114K)

Please leave this board