Have you ever used a firearm?

Have you ever used a firearm?

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yeah, it's always fun.

can confirm. the concentration on hitting the target, the sound, the smells, it's awesome.

Nope because I'm not a retard that think they matter. It's not like you are allowed a revolution. What are they even for, especially useless handguns.

I go shooting most weekends. Its a nice hobby that gets me out of the house and something to spend money on other than vidya

no, guns are scary!

I go shooting at least once a month.

>allowed a revolution
you could have just trolled with handguns being useless, Jow Forums

>the smells
As odd as it sounds, I love the smell of guns firing too

>most euros will never know this simple pleasure

That whole post and the op is bait for counter revolutionary force because of everything going on in the media right now and r9k being a hotbed of this weird fringe activity.

Take your pills Gladys.

yeahhh just used it to shoot some beer bottles. I'm not a big fan, I guess because I'm a pussy

I wish, you have to be 21 to even look at a gun where I'm from

Yes. I've used them mostly in a military capacity, as they are highly restricted in my country. I just do a bit of target shooting and hunting nowadays.

Yeah, but useless for anything besides sport. An elegant weapon... for a more civilized age.
Good thing the Second Amendment covers hacking.

huh, didn't think of that. while nobody "allows" a revolution, i think the US at least is safe from one for a while

Unless you're shooting fruit or water bottles or anything that actually breaks when shot, it's boring as fuck. Just putting holes on paper or making a metal thing go ding.

I've only held a gun, my stepdad's Remington 870(?). Pumping it felt real good. He said he'll take me shooting and teach me how to clean it and maybe pass it down to me, but I'm not awfully fond of him and I'd feel scummy if I acted like I liked him a lot just for the free gun.

Mom sold all nine for about 100-200$ each (total value was more than 5,000$) when she saw me dry fire a Five Seven at my tv screen and then my head because I got killed several times in a row by some cheater in Black Ops II with a Five Seven.

Most euros can go shooting though? I'm from Austria and I've been quite often. It's way fun.

at scout camp yeah, but that was really only .22s and at the sporting clays we only shot 12 gauges and 410s.

Rangemaster had this awesome muzzle loading blackpowder gun he let scouts shoot, pretty much fell on my ass when firing it, suprising how heavy guns can feel when you have no upper arm strength

Yes, in self defense even. Sort of.

i know there are shooting clubs but assumed it was difficult to become a member etc, but i'm glad you guys get to enjoy that.

pls greentext this user, we want to know


Not even clubs or anything. I mean there are (the university I went to had a hunting/shooting association), but in Austria you can just walk into a shooting cellar or a range and pay a fee to rent a few guns and shoot there for an hour or so.
But we can also buy all sorts of long guns (as long as they aren't semi-auto) without a license or anything, the only really difficult thing is a license for carrying it outside your own home/car or business.
That being said I don't really know about other countries in Europe, Austria is basically halfway in Eastern Europe so we're more lax.

Everyone should learn how to use a gun, at least unload one. A loaded gun is objectively a hazard.

>Used to live in the ghetto
>Get home invaded and raped
>Unfortunately wasn't able to get my gun until after, kept it behind my bed
>But once I was able to get it, I kept the guy captive at gunpoint till the police came, even shot and missed once but wouldn't have cared if I hit him

He's in prison now, and I have a CC after that event.

Yes, I fucking love firing a handgun. I would carry but I'm scared of cops or nigs doing gay shit and getting me killed.

>get raped
>still manage to get the gun
>didn't shoot him afterwards
Shit dude, rough

I could have killed him and maybe should have but when I got him to give up I decided to let the law take care of it.

I live in a Land of No Guns (New York City).

I have never fired one but I would like to one day.

I'm thinking about moving to Pennsylvania so I can build up a nice gun collection but there's a good chance there's going to be an AWB soon after Saturday's synagogue shooting so I'll probably have to find another state to live in.

most of the euros i've known are from UK or france, don't think they can buy any kind of gun without a license.

I think the UK is pretty strict yeah, at least with all the knife loicense memes. Don't know about France.

I only own two guns, pic related and a 125 year old revolver from the wild west era. I don't shoot very often, maybe twice a year. It's an extremely expensive hobby and I am a poor fag. I shoot my bow a lot though, pretty much every single day since arrows are cheap and reusable.

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what kinda revolver?

Yeah, I've been collecting guns since I was 13.

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When I move somewhere where I can buy a gun I want my first gun to be a Garand.

No its not. Guns don't just go off on their own.

legit bullets that could kill someone? hell no.
i've aimed a bb rifle and hand gun.
closest i've gotten to live ammo is learning how to load and fire a shot gun with fake bullets. pull the trigger and nothing fires. you can learn how to unload them easily with that.

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Garands are 100% legal everywhere in the US.

BB guns can kill.

yeah if you beat someone over the head with it by the stock like it's a hammer sure bb guns can kill.

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Was in the army, I went shooting so many times I grew sick of it. Gun maintenance especially is fucking boring after the 1000th time.

A/A artillery is really fun though and never gets boring.

yea its pretty fun, also the NFA and everything after is entirely unconstitutional, ATF agents should be hanged for treason

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a shot to the heart with a more powerful bb gun WILL kill you

t. Koresh
Just kidding I absolutely agree. Fuck them.

They most certainly can in a fire, and thats the only goalpost moving you are going to get.

I'll probably build some new .22 rifles since I'm bored and they are the most powerful assassin weapon known to mankind.

In a fire that hot, your gun going off once is the least of your problems.

I remember when I felt this way. I actually believe the NFA should be expanded to include all semi autos. Or a National Firearms license system like FOID. Too many retards now with too many guns, the cats out of the bag and the responsible gun owners need to join together begrudgingly and accept something like this. Have it codified again in law, big as day, that systematic confiscation is illegal.

How insightful, you must be the smartest guy in class

appreciable bait

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well yeah you could also point blank shoot them in the back of the neck and at least cripple a person but from a certain distance you're not going to really hurt someone unless that thing is packing c02. i play with air guns and shoot cans with my nephew. nothing compressed. it's all for sport and hobby. added bonus is if someone tries to break in my house the kid knows how to aim and fire. if my family has an active shooter i trained one myself.

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What the fuck are you talking about? People are more pro-gun than ever. Ask around Jow Forums for that gif map showing when CCW's were made legal in each state. Look up how many guns were sold on Black Friday last year.

How far away do you think most shootings are?

Its not bait, welcome to the probable future in about 6 years or less. All you have to do is look at newspaper clippings from the 60s to see that its coming again in a cycle just like before and in the 20s and 30s before that

as somebody who wants to continue to have easy access to guns, i don't like the idea of more restrictions, but aside from MUH RIGHTS i don't think banning semi autos(or including them in the NFA) would really cut down on the insane body count we have right now, specifically makes me think of that las vegas shooting. imagine if that retard had a scoped bolt action instead of that goofy bump fire stock that made him land shots at the airport a mile away, i figure he would have had a lot more kills and less injured(NOT advocating murder if it wasn't clear, i'm saying it'd be WORSE). would probably help if there was better help for mentally ill folks though, make people feel safe seeking help so they don't have to snap and go on a shooting spree... but who wants to blame the user and not the tool?

all the c02 guns i've seen are less powerful than spring type, but yeah don't try killing somebody with a bb gun lol

Just because people are pro gun does not mean they are not pro regulation. 97% of current gun owners would not be affected by any new serious mental health law that would be properly fleshed out to not include ptsd and other requirements. Only people complaining honestly are civil liberties folks, people doing it for the sake of it being philosophically wrong or something, and people with a history of violence. Gun control is coming no matter what eventually, it always does in any democracy facing constant gun crime.

It can shoot someone trying to save you, or shoot out the window and hit some innocent person user.

And about gun safety, if you want to be safe statistically just don't own one.

>insane body count
It's really not that high. There's 30,000 firearms deaths each year. 19,000 are suicides.

For a comparison, 400,000 die each year from medical malpractice. 75,000 die each year from alcohol and alcohol-related accidents.

>that much from medical malpractice
Welp, time to cancel that dentist appointment again.

not the point i was trying to make, but the fact that 19,000 are suicides says a lot about the need for people to get help with their mental issues(i'm sure a percentage are terminally ill with cancer but still)
stats are skewed with accidental shootings and gang violence, which doesn't go away even with strict gun control

how about this though... robots, at least you guys reading this thread, do me a favor and don't murder people so i can go a little longer without the feds checking my prostate so i can shoot at cans

I actually dont want any gun registration. Id rather have a very robust system that has a federal firearms license system that involves being declared mentally sane, something a family doctor could certify privately. If you really ask me is that the government should work with insurance companies to incentivize gun owners to use a safe religiously snd the govt should give 1300 dollars as a rebate to gun owners once to furnish a safe. If we ever advance to s safe requirement system, the insurance company and not leo or govt can certify they are secure. So instead of it being some jackboot its an insurance adjuster who comes and goes, yesh youre good and not just leaving your dozen 30 rounder loudners on your couch cushons for the local 15 year old hoods to steal.

yeah, funs are fun

>it always does in any democracy facing constant gun crime
But statistically crime is way, way down over the past couple decades.

That license is itself registration.

Once when I was 6. My neighbor was a deputy sheriff and had a range on his property. One day he invited my dad, my brother and me to his range to hang out for an afternoon. I shot his m16.

My dad basically "held" it up for me when he was crouched behind me I had my hand on the stock and the trigger. I got to pull the trigger though. Does that count?

Also, I still have the shell casing that was left behind to this day.

that's what i'm saying bb guns aren't as strong as people claim. they fucking hurt but it's not going to kill you. i've been shot before.
spring types are my favorite. i don't think they're stronger but the semi-autos are most fun. i love watching kids try to reload them. they never get it.

>plz don't kill people
What do you think guns are even for? If someone wants to kill you with one they've got the drop on you and you odds are can't open carry, having guns is retarded. You deserve to be fucked with over them. They are made for murder and suicide, nothing more.

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Every gun sold in this country in a gun store since 1968 is defacto registered too. In some way there needs to be a more robust filter in place to prevent crazy people coming into posession of firearms. Its like how noone did anything about that guy in florida even though the gun control hotline was called on his ass

that's near reasonable, i can see a lot of nutcases fooling doctors but i could live with that.
had a .22 beeman spring powered pellet gun when i was a kid that would shoot through 1/2" plywood, not sure if it had an unusually strong spring or what but it recoiled like crazy
i live in a state where open or concealed carry is legal with a permit, and plenty of people do open carry, plenty of people have defended themselves when someone "got the drop" on them too, most criminals can't shoot for shit while the people who go through the process of getting a permit train. they work well for murder and suicide, but they're made for killing. killing means more than murder, ask a cop who isn't a douche or a farmer, unless you're a vegetarian in which case i can't even argue with you.

on myself

>be crazy person
>they ban me having guns
>making bombs is ironically easier
You faggots need to learn the definition of fair. Being crazy shouldn't matter. Either everyone should have guns or no one.

Not exactly. Private sales are 100% legal, and leave no paper trail.

>open carrys
>won't argue if someone is veg or vegan
I can't argue with someone from Texas myself. Like talking to a brick wall.

>implying i'm a texan
and no, veggies just have a broader definition of murder than i do

There are always cases. I read a rather poignant anecdote in one of those new england culture journals like the new yorker about a guy who had to have his guns temporarily judged away from him because he was becoming very suicidal after his wifes death and the neighbors called or something. He was s pretty baded dude, retired leo with black scary guns and the like. Dozens of guns. Anyway he self actualized enough with the judge to decide that right now while he gets his mental health in check its good he doesnt hsve them. The article was rife with the popular mentions of civil liberties and slippery slope to tyranny but what i took away from it was rather a new tool communities can use to help each other out of tough spots, with mental health finally being understood and all. A little trust goes a long way.

Every sale in a gun store as in one that goes through a ffl. I never mentioned private sales

Yes, but my point is that if the police come to talk to you about a gun you bought at an FFL, you can say you sold it in a private sale.

Its emerging that its not crazy but rather a history of violence that is the primary indicator of future violence. If they started saying anyone with depression, anxiety or ptsd cant own a gun then shit, that means every, cop, emt, soldier, doctor, nurse, or otherwise dangerous or rough profession couldnt make the cut. Its only violent people and people who think guns shoot flowers or some shit who shouldnt have them. Just noone up until just a few years ago even started paying attention to the social science and public health data recognized that wife beaters and the like are the type to pull out guns, shoot two or three prople, shoot the responding cops and then shoot themselves. Its always the same type of person.

Great firearm, stupid owner, responsible mum.

Well, you mentally ill traps and NPCs aren't the first to try and make gun laws... Too bad criminals don't follow the law, huh? They will find you and your family. Just wait until the prisons are emptied.
>muh gun laws on r9k
>meh meh meh

are you that youtuber who keeps popping up on my feed that says society is about to collapse and there will be roving gangs of murderers stealing our white women and guns?

Yeah, I own 3

Yes, I've fired several. I'm rather consistent with my accuracy now, though I've fortunately never used one in self defense. I can't tell you the last time I've cracked under pressure though, so I hope I'd do alright if I ever need to.

If you want to shoot for cheap, pick up a 22. I buy 500 round bricks of 22 for $25 ($0.05 a round!) at my local Cabela's and can go shooting for 4-6 times without having to buy more ammo. The guns are also pretty cheap. I have a Marlin 795 that I got for $160 BRAND NEW, and after cleaning and relubing it, it runs great!

>violent people shouldn't have guns
Oh yeah because they'd need them right?

You can make guns out of plumping parts, they can't get rid of it to begin with. Buying it for shits and giggles is what people want and should ban. There's too fucking much of it out there. Anyone motivated to make a working gun out of scrap would be up to no good and they could put the few on a list is my perspective. Not illegal, just a watch list, like they do today over the dumbest shit online.

I live in /noguns/ /nofun/ Australia, so I don't have any of my own, but I have an uncle with 12,000 acres of farm and a couple of rifles and shotguns.
I go out shooting pigs and kangaroos and foxes with him or my cousin. It's really quite enjoyable.

I own a little .22 pistol. I grew up in the ghetto and had an abusive upbrnging, so owning it has proven to be an immeasurable boon for my mental health. I only hit the range a few times a year, just so I don't totally suck. It feels great to fall asleep knowing that I can unload 8 hollow points into whoever dares to make me feel unsafe ever again.

>that low caliber
>hollow point
Can it actually flatten out?

Have you ever considered shouting "screw your optics, I'm going in" and shooting up your parent's place or whomstsoever it was that abused you?

Not him, but I think it might. I use a .22 to set off tannerite every 4th of July. Standard, bargain-bin fmj or solid lead don't work. Only CCI hollow-point stingers work, so the hollow-point must do something. This is out of a rifle though, I never tried a .22 pistol on it. Tannerite is expensive, and if it doesn't go off when you shoot it, it just spills out of the container and blows away in the breeze.

>Mom sold all nine for about 100-200$ each (total value was more than 5,000$)
Wow, what a dumb bitch.
> me dry fire a Five Seven at my tv screen and then my head because I got killed several times in a row by some cheater in Black Ops II with a Five Seven.
Wow, what a dumb bitch.

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>tfw have over three dozen guns
>tfw make guns for a living
>tfw shoot guns weekly

I make firearms and firearm accessories.

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Qualified on anything from handguns, SMGs to HMG and ATMs, yay for conscription. Also managed to shot my Raifu on US vacation, pic very related
Sadly I live in a nofunz place, and it is mad paper work owning private. Otherwise I would make it another hobby.

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You check your blood-lead levels lately?

Every six months, my doctor tells me he doesn't really want to bother because it's so low and it stays so low that I should stop worrying.

Still I figure I should check it every so often.