this is true for 80% of you fags
This is true for 80% of you fags
only ever make male ones though
this image applies to the males who solely play as female characters
I don't say that though
"liking girls is gay"
i admit it. my main in bloodborne was a female character:(
there's a lot of female armor.. wouldn't it be gayer to play as a dude in a dress?
video games are not made for you to fap
says who nigger
1. most armors in every game (like darksouls) makes your character fairly agender
2. focus on the game instead of your boner
>i admit it. my main in bloodborne was a female character:(
doll cosplayer detected
do you think people just whip out their dick and masturbate to their character? you'd never get anything done in the game
you can like looking at something without wanking to it
prove it
I used to play males and tried to make them look like traps. Now I just play women.
There are some games tagged with nudity/sexual content you know
yeah. it was extremely hard not to whip out my dick during the cutscene where the beached slug gave birth to the orphan of kos.
dat steamy placenta
>do you think people just whip out their dick and masturbate to their character?
yes that or faggots wish to be the little girl
you act like you're joking but it probably was for you
I am sexually frustrated but I don’t need to talk to anyone an it
not an argument
if you think the male character would look better then play as male and if you think the female character would look better then play as female
self inserting in a third person game is silly
>thinking the character on screen is YOU
>not playing for entertainment but as some statement of sexuality
you may be a faggot no matter what you play as
I made a female blood elf back in the TBC days and used to the nude mod and fapped once
no it definitely was
do i like dudes now?
this is true. but its mostly 13-16 year old boys and sexually frustered virgins on this site that use this excuse and play skyrim in 3rd person as a naked lady using mods. that or fuck ups that wish they were girls. otherwise there is no problem with playing as a female character.
almost certainly
>bruh why do you always play as a female nightelf
>wow man wouldn't it be gay to stare at a man's wiggling ass all day haha wow
>it's much straighter for my character to be a female lole that's why i dress her up in pretty armor and flowers
its weird that people insert sexuality on a vidya game while playing it. it doesnt always need to be that way.
those are different as the purpose is sexual fufilment not good gameplay 9/10 times. and the times it is good game play its just a ripoff of another good game (sexy paradious is a ripoff of gradius which is a good game)
who are you quoting
>its weird that people insert sexuality on a vidya game while playing it. it doesnt always need to be that way.
it's a pet peeve of mine to see porn of game characters. who plays overwatch and later thinks 'yeah i need widow to jam her massive futanari cock in mercy'
that doesn't make any sense
reminder that if your wow character does not follow these guidelines you have shit taste
human - male or female
dwarf - male
gnome - male or female
night elf - female
draenai - male or female
worgen - male or female but if you do female cover the face
pandaren - male or female
orc - male
troll - male
tauren - male or female
undead - male
blood elf - female
goblin - male or female
I just like to role-play as a cute Draenei Shaman dbh
i mean if thats what youre into and you find the characters attractive then have at it on deviant art. but when you're playing the game, you should keep that to yourself
what's wrong with male bloodelves
Male Blood Elf DK was my main for the whole Pandaria, great Expac
>bruh you gay or something?
>nnno.. see I always play as the manliest he man character with big muscles and use the big cock mod because i'm soooooo not gay
using a game to protect or proclaim your sexuality is gay
>using a game to protect or proclaim your sexuality is gay
this is true
>nnno.. see I always play as the manliest he man character with big muscles and use the big cock mod because i'm soooooo not gay
you win
>most armors in every game (like darksouls) makes your character fairly agender
Women are usually thinner though, so they look better
but you're saying that by playing as a female, you're sexually frustrated right?
so aren't you using games to proclaim sexuality?
does that mean u gay?
their feminine appearance is literally a recurring joke in the quests/lore
i said using the excuse
>i like to stare at her ass
which is the excuse of most people who play exclusively as females, (despite most games being exclusively in first person, or a game like fortnite or dark souls where you need to pay attention to surroundings and not your characters ass) most of the time means you are sexually frustered/horny and should fap to porn and not terrible inhuman video game characters
using no u as an argument doesnt work
I only play girls in jp games
girls in western games tend to be ugly as hecl
In wrpgs I play as a black dude if possible.