This place is lost, endless tranNPCy threads, endless faggy anime threads. They've taken over this place...

This place is lost, endless tranNPCy threads, endless faggy anime threads. They've taken over this place. I hope those of you who remain and are not rampaging faggots learn how disgusting these creatures are and when the day of the rope comes, you do your part.

Attached: tranny discord.png (1400x1750, 1.96M)

I still lurk here (I dont know why) but I am here to support you fellow robot.

>complaining about anime threads on Jow Forums
Are you retarded?

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admirable trips aside, all anime fans are now trannies. Sorry to inform you dude, but if you're still watching those chink toons you need to cut it out before it's too late.

In the current year, anime is no longer posted ironically, it is solely the domain of trannys pushing their agenda

Attached: trans reality (20).jpg (983x800, 113K)

>the day of the rope comes
t. Jow Forumsnigger Jow ForumsT_D migrant
Go to the containment board retard, everyone hates you, even mods. If I could replace Jow Forums with /fur/ I would. You fucks are insufferable.

Anyone know what happened to MelancholyMouse? Did he get v& for CP?

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Based japs propagating eugenics through anime, beta males will no longer exist in a few generations

>The amount of money women and traps can get from orbiters
This should be illegal

asshurt tranny invader from tumblr detected. Back to your shithole of a site, freak

>inb4 u r Jow Forums
i hate both you and Jow Forums equally. You're the same cancer really. Think about it. Both of you are
>invade every site you can
>run psyops thinking it does anything but annoy people
>destroy local site cultures so you can shill your garbage ideology
>are impossible to reason with
>clinically insane
>hated by everyone who is sane

The only difference is that you're the other side of the same coin. So eat shit, faggot