sup robots any of you drink soda or used to?

I gave it up for a month or so and fell off the wagon but I am trying again. Coming from someone who smoked cigs for 10 years and quit I feel like quitting soda is hard as hell.

I mean what do you guys drink when you eat pizza or burgers?

I figured I need to change something because I already drink alcohol and eat fast food.

will this benefit me in any way? I also don't drink coffee so I will have 0 caffeine intake

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Just drink water until it's what you're used to. I can barely handle drinking soda because it feels like acid in my mouth. Don't miss it. Also dieting and I'm sure it's contributed to some of my weight loss.

>falling off of wagons
>cigs and soda

>dropping that other shit when you keep alcohol, the most unhealthy thing
Adding to the absolute hurr.

Soda is soda, thanks OP

Thinking soda is healthier than any legal other substance is the biggest bluepill

Stop eating pizza & burgers

the way i beat it was through the 'sugar addiction' thought process. By trying to eliminate the mass consumption of sugar, its pretty easy to give up soda and only drink water or tea.
Also, the boomer drink helps with that soda craving since sugar free and its a one a day only kind of thing.

Pop master race

I used to but now I just drink water and V8

I completely gave up soda, then sweetened creamer, then creamer altogether. Black coffee master race.

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I only drink pop at resturaunts. But I'd reccomend getting hooked on arizona green tea. Healthier, natural, and a shitton cheaper. I've been hooked on AZ tea for 6 years now.

It's still full of sugar and will fuck up your teeth.

OP, have you tried drinking sparkling water instead of regular sodas? It's a good substitute for the sugary drinks if you're addicted to the carbonation like I am.

I dropped soda, but my diet is getting shitty due to full time graveyards and school. Not fast food, just lots of carbs and crap. Starting tomorrow morning, gonna go on a 10 mile run and kick these shit habits.

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My man right here.

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>I mean what do you guys drink when you eat pizza or burgers?
Sometimes soda, sometimes water.

>Stop eating pizza & burgers
Also this. I pretty much never have either of them, and pretty much never have soda.

>I mean what do you guys drink when you eat pizza or burgers?
i dont eat pizza
and i drink water with burgers

teach me how to do it senpai, im tired of depending on cream & sugar for coffee

I did exactly how I outlined in my post. One step down at a time, first cut out sweetened creamer, then stop using cream in your coffee altogether.

Not him, but switch to milk first, and after getting used to that try having it black. If it's too bitter, try using less grounds per cup of water to adjust.