>be fembot
>senior in high school
>no future
>no boyfriend
>no friends
>no skills
>no value to the world around
>worthless in pretty much every aspect of my existence, IQ, looks, strength, personality, you name it
>peruse on r9k during my free time (when im not bombarded with hw or sleep)
>have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, temperament issues, and AVPD to top it all off
>know im never going to make it in life
Who else is an irredeemable /loser/?
>ruined my chances of living a normal life
>wanna cry every time i think about old friends who have fulfilling lives now
>things go better and i still manage to fuck it up
>substance abuse
what a stupid fucking idiot
>be me
>get addicted to heavy drugs at an extraordinary young age
>miss entirety of grade 8 and manage to hop into 9 anyway
>6 years later and Im still here doing nothing with life but shitposting, chatting with randoms, and drinking
I know Im not going to make it anywhere, but its nice to still think of what couldve been on a daily basis.
I have a strong urge to protect you, OP. Stop being a sadsack and learn to cope with your negative feelings.
>be fembot
already stopped reading
>be fembot
stfu whore
can i be one of the randoms you chat with?
If there was only a hell.
I only use Facebook like a N O R M I E
>be fembot
Imagine living life on easy mode and you still fail.
>be fembot
Please commit toaster bath, mentally ill tranny
you sound like you need someone to talk with, user
>be fembot
OP meant fembot (male)
> be malebot
> live in 2018
just flash your tits at dudes until one takes you home
>have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, temperament issues, and AVPD to top it all off
Holy fuck you're thirsty, calm the fuck down buddy
shut up fake and gay
>be fembot
Maybe if you negroids stop stating your gender right off the bat to get attention we would actually fucking care
>know im never going to make it in life
kys, stream it for extra points.
>Graduated in HS in June 2016
>NEET ever since
>Rejected from every tolerable job I've applied for
>Shit vision
>Weak body and generally poor health
>Excersise induced asthma
>Shitty respiratory system in general
>Skeltal frame, low appetite
>GI tract issues which proably cause the above
>Arthritice even when I was a little kid
>Shitty hairlie even when I was a little kid
>Autistic as fuck
>Sad as fuck
>Don't know how to get over some dumb e-thot that hurt my feelings a long time ago
>Broken family dynamics
>cling to life for fear of death and the glimmer of hope that Transhumanism will happen in my lifetime to make me actually worth something
yeet yeet loser gang
>projecting this hard
get a load of this user
OP Im sorry, and fell your pain.
These posts:
theyre all
I wish I had a word of comfort to offer you. Speaking as someone with a debilitating personality disorder who has accomplished exactly fuck all with his life, all I can say is to try to be compassionate toward yourself: life is going to be hard enough without you resenting yourself for things beyond your control.
wow based user with some good advice
hope you get over your troubles brother
>hasent graduated
Fuck off this board and you might be able to change things you fucking moron, you live for 80 years and youve only been alive 16
>be fembot
>be immediately bombarded with contactfagging white knights any time I post anywhere on the Internet
>I'm never gonna make it :(
>bombarded with hw
>know im never going to make it in life
pretty contradictory. if you really were this depressed would you even be bothered doing anything for school?
You can do homework and still fail high school, I'm pretty certain. I mean it's not easy but I think it still could happen.
Probably a bait thread by a groce neckbear, but I'll bite
>34yo NEET manlet (5'4")
>8 year employment gap and no marketable skills
>started to get my shit together by wageucking as a dishwasher but fucked up my back badly and it doesn't seem to be improving even after 2 months of not working
>live at home, literally less than $10 to my name
>treated like worthless dogshit my whole life everywhere I went: work, school, at home by family, even Goddamn church
>Chink male, so people have even less sympathy for me than even huwite males since I'm an "other"
My only saving grace is that at least I'm good looking and in shape with a 6 pack despite my fucked up back. I legit still look like I'm still in high school or early 20s, but that just makes everyone okay with treating me like dogshit compared to some ugly, but older looking, taller white guy who's actually younger than me.
>Be me
>ADHD- Hyperactive
>Bipolar 1
>Looks: Normal
>Personality: analytical bordering on hyper-vigilance and cautious bordering on paranoia.
>Smokes weed constantly
>Associates of science
>IQ: One zillion
Building meaningful relationships starts with a productive dialogue. Just talk to people
>be fembot
>(when im not bombarded with hw or sleep)
fuck outta here with your underage b8, you've got your whole life ahead of you and you're playing on easy mode just don't fuck up too bad and some 5/10 white knight might pick you up. If you reproduce you'll be as successful as most woman and better than all of us
>easy mode
>still loses
"fembots" everyone
You must be very ugly and/or fat.
Are you either of those?
You could always become a prostitute.
I have a cousin who married a rather ugly woman whose fucking name was even ugly.
>her name is Gretchen (yuck)
Objectively, she's at least a 3/10. She's got fucked up teeth, a scarred face, a really wrinkled and weird looking forehead, and caveman eyes and eyebrows, and to top it all off she's fucking fat.
The dude makes over $100k a year and they already have two kids together.
You have it made, femanon. Just being a woman you've already won at life. Quit your fucking whining, you'll find some betabucks faggot eventually.
>be fembot
How do you even fuck this up
When do you plan on kys?
Lmao, dishwashing is not getting your shit together.
If you have bipolar disorder, you have depression and anxiety. There isnt much reason to lost them separately in my opinion.
Something similar happened to me expect I skipped high school and went to college than black got me stuck in stagnation for 5 years. Been sober a minute but depression and complete apathy keep me in my bed. I only have like a year to get my bachelors in biochem but why even bother chances are I'll be dead soon enough.