Chad confided in me, wtf?

So i was eating alone as usual, friendly chad guy from my course sees me and comes sits with me, we start talking

I'm an aspie virgin robot with 0 friends in school I just go there, put in minimum effort, go home and play vidya on weekends etc.

Now this guy is a legit chad, really tall, sports captain, dating the hottest girl in school, muscular, on top of that hes good at academics as well because he works very hard and is disciplined. The kind of guy that wakes up for a run every morning and cleans his room.

For some reason he seems to admire me? Like not even in a patronizing, pitying kind of way like most people, but he legitimately seems to think I'm a genius and eventually he starts to confide in me how he feels like he's not knowing what he's doing in life. Like externally he's doing well but he still feels like he's in the wrong field, etc. And that he wishes he was as naturally smart as I was. Then he said how he really likes how I don't give a fuck about other people's opinions and I just do my own thing, he thinks its cool.

We still talk to each other whenever I pass by him in school.

Really surreal experience, it really makes you think that even chad has insecurities. Also chads are generally very nice to robots, its the failed normies or brads that are ass to us because they themselves feel inferior to chad, so they need someone to be above.

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You wish fag, you clearly are in possession of something he desires.

Youre not special.

Anytime anyone approaches me for anything I assume its a trick or prank and try to remove myself from the situation. Esspecially if it was a chad. Good job keeping your cool

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user, it's called making a friend. I've been there too. I have 3 guys who kept inviting me to parties my freshman year, and I kept thinking they were way cooler than me and only kept me around to make fun of me. Fast forward two years, I'm roommates with them and we're all best friends. I think he probably feels closer to you than you realize. You should try to hang out with him outside of class.

hes just so chad that he recognises youre a loser and he wants to make you happy. its a meme that chads beat everyone else down. the realest chads bring people up - even obviois blatant incels

Mate I shit you not, this is your one chance to leave this fucking cesspool forever, ask him to be your gym buddy and to introduce you to new people. If he's so trustworthy as you claim he is, maybe you can tell him a thing or two about your social handicap and he'll help you. Do not waste this chance user, befriend mighty Chad and cherish his friendship and life on easy mode will be waiting for you. Good luck.

nope, i have nothing to offer him
stop projecting

but now i understand why chads are successful and girls want to be with them

because they are genuinely good people who dont use others and are strong enough to not let others use them

Nice LARP, gaytard.

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I dgaf about gym tho, and I don't think we share common hobbies.
I think if hang out w him id just feel even worse cos I obviously can't socially gel with his other Chad and stacie friends, he might defend me but they'll just treat me in a pitying way and it will obviously feel worse? Like I fucking help it I'm a socially autistic fuck you just can't learn these things. But Im glad to have met him tho.

Reminds me of this. This is good for you, user.

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And i thought the chad-cell friendship was a myth...

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Except you're wrong and socializing is something you can learn, especially if you have a guide as good as Chad. I know that gym sounds like a pain in the ass but if you're willing to go the distance it will bring you more a priori respect from normies, health benefits and maybe mental benefits in the form of self esteem. Thinking less of you is really detrimental to you and you might want to stop that, of course you won't be a full fledged normie the next day, but I'm sure you can do it as you already have your ticket to normiedom. You're as capable as you're willing to make a change on yourself. Don't give up.

I can fake it well enough but it just completely drains me. I'm sure u kno what I'm talking abt. If you're truly a robot u can't handle faking for more than a few days, then ur normie mask starts peeling and ppl realize ure weird. I've faked well enough to the point where I beat out many normies in interviews, where my interviewers chose me because I had a strong interview and good skills. Little did they know its all deliberately practiced by me and I want to die everytime I socialize. Thsts why we're called robots. We're basically robots that have to analyze life instead of living it like a normie

OK so if your Chad friend is going to protect you, why not be who you truly are? and if anybody ever calls you out either don't care at all or tell them that you don't give a fuck they think you're wrong, that's how you are and if they don't like it they can shove it up their ugly ass (in a much more polite way ofc).

If I'm truly who I am, then Ill be at home alone doing working on my autistic hobbies. Which is fine by me for now, but who knows maybe 20 years later I'll regret it and turn into one of those 40 year old wizards.
I genuinely don't think i want to or am even rewarded by the normie level of socialisation. Just socialising here is enough. I can go weeks without talking to another. I hardly feel lonely. If I go w Chad I'll be pretending to be his friend, doing the things he wants to do. Because all I want to do is play vidya. Not sure if I explained it well

You did and I understand your feelings, but I'm trying to experiment a little bit with you as you seem to be not unlike me. Why wouldn't you try to introduce them to vidya and/or lore from a video game or any other source dubbed "nerdy" with genuine excitement? Why not start with casual games meant for parties and slowly make them descend into /tg/-tier stuff like wh40k or something?

You sound like your not gonna try. If you don't stop least try then jog on. Sound like a whiney baby.

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because we both know that we dont really care abt it either, it'll just be patronizing. like if he tells me about his gym techniques or whatever hes into, i'll pretend to care but i really dont give a shit. a friendship needs to be sustained on common interests. when i do see him and talk, we usually talk about whats going on in school etc and it will never go deeper than that simply because our interests dont intersect. i get whatever socializing i need to about my nerdy shit on here and on reddit, where similar weirdos like me find each other.

for the record, ive tried going doing normie things like road trips, dating several girls on tinder, parties etc. just to see what the big deal is but ive never felt much when i was doing them, all the time i thought to myself i'd be genuinely happier if i was at home doing my autistic hobby. looks wise i am fairly normal and even slightly attractive so its easy for me to pass as normie, the point is, when i pass as normie i dont feel a sense of reward/accomplishment or whatever it is that normies get out of socializing. normies obviously get something out of it, if not why do they keep doing it, even hanging out with people they secretly dont like?

my problem isnt that i feel lonely., or that i cant get a gf. its that even if i do, it feels inauthentic as fuck. if i am being true to myself, then i need no one. but then the dilemma is this, how long can i sustain this? humans arent meant to be alone

>Also chads are generally very nice to robots, its the failed normies or brads that are ass to us because they themselves feel inferior to chad, so they need someone to be above.
This is very true.

Ah my friend, we're caught in the same dilemma. We're destined to linger in existence. Would you describe yourself as a cyborg? You seem to be a pretty good person. Mind if we play some shitty normie pc games together?

Please don't fuck this up. He clearly wants to be your friend and you should do it. If not for yourself than for us here who can't do it.



I guess this is true. Why do I not want to try though, I started this thread to figure out the answers. Is it fear? If its fear, what do I fear? Am i ashamed of being seen as robot? Idk

Not really cyborg, because cyborg implies a midway point between robot and normie. I don't relate to normie AT ALL, like not even the failed normies because I'm not interested in what normies want (societal validation, sex, power, money etc.)

The only thing that sustains me is my autistic hobbies which is reading about whatever i think is cool at the moment, programming, vidya and other solitary pursuits. I've been like this since forever. When I was in preschool apparently I just sat there like a robot during breaks ignoring everyone else's existence, to the point where my parents brought me to see a child psych. I wouldnt play or socialize with other kids at all it was like they didnt exist. I dont remember much but apparently the doctors told my parents i was tested as a genius (probably the politically correct way of saying i'm high functionning autistic, because the whole autism thing is still a taboo in my culture)

So all along I always thought I was autistic or asperger but the doctor said I'm schizoid spectrum, maybe I just know too much about autism to the point where I can consciously shut it down during the psych eval?. When i read about schizoid it basically sounds like autistic + schizophrenic traits so idk man, but im definitely mentally weird.

Sure lmk your steam or discord or whatever. I only play ow though nowadays lol

desu if i were to form a friendship with him, i feel like we'd both be tolerating each other. I genuinely don't care about gymming or whatever he's into, just as he isn't in to what I'm into. But as casual acquaintances? yes, we still talk once in a while when we see each other etc. I just i dont think it will ever go to friendship territory.

read the fountainhead by ayn rand. no one will ever give you better advice than this. it will give you the strength and inspiration not to waver from this mindset. you are on a good path. please, read it. it was written for you

Oh come the fuck on, are you literally twelve.

>he doesn't get ayn rand

it's ok bro, you carry on

OP, read it man

You like shit. You eat shit. You are shit.

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Now I'm chickening out because I fear I either ghost you or get my discord recognized and I don't think that's good. Fuck that I'll drop you my steamID, maybe a chat or two won't be a bad idea. Oracle 001 or try with

funny meme picture man, you really got me :)

Expect it.

You're a fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

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thx for the encouragement
ive read it and coincidentally im also doing architecture haha. i just find ayn rand a bit too narcissistic for my liking. but i totally understand why ud recommend it tho, i just have personal objections to her philosophy in general

nice memes dude!

>The only thing that sustains me is my autistic hobbies which is reading about whatever i think is cool at the moment, programming, vidya and other solitary pursuits. I've been like this since forever. When I was in preschool apparently I just sat there like a robot during breaks ignoring everyone else's existence, to the point where my parents brought me to see a child psych. I wouldnt play or socialize with other kids at all it was like they didnt exist.

OP, you will love this book. forget whatever political bullshit might be said about it. on a personal level it will speak to you harder than anything you've seen before. i hope you check it out. peace

ive added u. im the dude w the pikachu
dont worry abt ghosting me

ok awesome

That's normal for a chad
When you have everything, then what is your goal in life?

really puts things into perspective right
i hope robots reading this thread realize that no one leads a flawless life
everyone, even chad, is subject to life's cruelty

It's kinda strange how betas have this idea that all Chad's are near carbon copies of each other as if every Chad is the football captain in a high school 80's movie. Some Chad's are good guys, some are not, some are extroverted, and their is even the rare kind that choose to keep to themselves. But what all Chad's have is a raw attractiveness to them that's of their ability to never take shit from anyone while being physically attractive. You can't be a leader that let's people step on you and that strength of self respect they carry makes them respectable to everyone else. Chad's can be replaced if they relinquish their individuality to another whether it be by choice or by force.

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> all Chad's are near carbon copies of each other as if every Chad is the football captain in a high school 80's movie

never said that

> Some Chad's are good guys, some are not, some are extroverted, and their is even the rare kind that choose to keep to themselves


im just sharing my experience, because so many here believe chad is their absolute enemy

> But what all Chad's have is a raw attractiveness to them that's of their ability to never take shit from anyone while being physically attractive. You can't be a leader that let's people step on you and that strength of self respect they carry makes them respectable to everyone else

u cant blame us for not seeing this or realizing this, some of us literally have autism, thats what autism does it you, you basically can't see these things. so what happens is that robots think chad is chad because of his looks, because their autism makes them fail to see this aspect of chad