Not even 25

>not even 25
>already, worry lines on forehead

Attached: 7b5.png (485x443, 22K)

bruh I had those since I was like 16

> got nasolabial folds when I was 20
Not that it made things worse dince I was ugly before that.

>not even 24
>already balding

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>already, worry lines on forehead
>not even 20
is it really a bad thing?
I he heard girls like maturity...

yeah i have them too
also balding

>be 20
>look like im 13
>cant grow beard

Attached: 1540814492853.jpg (793x786, 45K)

>already consider myself middle aged because I plan on offing myself in my 40s before I wither away into a haggard old man
>basically having a mid life crisis

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I can't remember I time I didn't have them

>already been an alcoholic for 4 years
>severe balding

>*quarter life crisis that most young adults go through is basically a mid life crisis for me

I started balding around 23 too.

Don't worry, be happy, user

21 here
Just shaved by head 2 days ago because of the thinning hair making me look sick.

>grey hair
>worry lines

If anything I think it's helped me get laid a few times. Chicks compliment my grey temples and I will never understand the allure.

You're all probably balding from a lack of vitamin D, due to sitting all fucking day/night in your basements. Go get some sunlight faggots.
Or at least a multivitamin with your meals.

Your mom's lacking vitamin D lmao

Had them since I was 14

don't frown, keep calm face, try dermarolling, retinol cream etc, i hope you already use sunscreen and moisturizer daily

>hair noticeably thinner at 19
>now 26 and completely bald
maybe in the next life god will go easy on me

unironically, even as a child, i always thought i would die before reaching 18. then i turned 20 it turned to 21, now i'm 21 i'm thinking maybe 25 is the lucky number. if things don't improve by 30 i genuinely am offing myself.

basically my whole life has been an existential crisis, first i didn't want to live, now i would like to live but lack of planning in the past 21 years has made life a fucking burden

do we bald early?

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