Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years. What about the next 10?

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years. What about the next 10?

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In 5 years I'll be in college or I'll be a NEET. In 10 years I'll be a neet or I'll be dead.

5 years living at home shit paying job and becoming a trap 10 years dead or still shit paying job living at same place

What the fuck is up with that image? I need a bigger one

Answer me you fucking fag

Owning more guns and gold, little trailer on top of land I own.

Bonnie and Clyde with a cool punk chick that likes to drink and smoke weed with me while watching Netflix and hanging out in nature and shit.

5 years fit and maybe substitute teaching, maybe nearing the end of my first book

10 years will pretty much be the exact same if I do it right

Only normie answers from me, champ.

A) Dead by suicide
B) Homeless
C) Psychiatric Yard
D) Working in a shitty office hating my life
E) Raising family and having a great job (I doubt it since I'm 30 years old Neet)

Dead and dead. Hopefully

But not original.

What where your 20's like? Do you remember year 22? How was it?

i see myself writing an algorithm to shrink ant sized images to full HD resolutions with zero quality loss.

rich neet
if not that then dead neet

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or a better pic, google doesn't find anything

hopefully not depressed

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finally mustered the energy to buy a helium tank last week
so dead and dead probably

either dead or being dragged through life awaiting to be dead

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Sheena Shaw

prob 5-10cm diameter
I only recently started out. I hope I can also work on depth.

Cold dead in some random pit on the side of a road

In 5 years I will have graduated with my degree and probably finishing up an internship
In 10 I will hopefully have a decent job and loving wife and children