It's over

Just a reminder that every girl on Earth is getting innumerable unsolicited sex invites and compliments by men on the daily while you have to look like Pic to even get a response from women on dating apps.

Tell me again why you should bother get up in the morning as a sub-male model?

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that's not true at all. f

my cousin looked exactly like pic related and still only pulled the grossest obese women. he was also as disturbed as tyler though.

yes it is. I've talked to dozens of women and they've admitted the spam they get on a site like OKC is insane, most girls have their inbox filled up so quickly it's impossible for them to receive any new messages after the first day. What they actually described wasn't even as bad reality because there's also a ton of guys who actively offer them to do porn shoots or just straight up asking to trade sex for money.

I don't use websites for orbiters or dating stuff and I haven't used facebook in over a decade so I'm not on your list bruv.

i honestly can't answer you. if you are a non-chad you have to apologize for your existence by acting as a butler, bodyguard, jester and provider all in one package for a woman, any woman to accept you. non-chad men simply aren't valued for themselves. you will never be on equal footing in a relationship with a woman, she needs and wants you less than you need and want her. she'll control you with witholding sex and if she ever feels like leaving you she can rest assured she'll find a replacement for you in less than 10 minutes if she really wants to.

make money if you want, sure, women like money, but they still don't like you.

women are not the be-all end-all goal of existence, and it is in fact possible to be happy without ever interacting with them
only damaged women use dating apps. the rest of them have long lines of thirsty suitors at their door and so need no 'dating app'

Doesn't matter that you don't use them, its all within your reach if you want it, you just voluntarily choose to forego those platforms. That's the root issue. You can only be alone because you choose to be.

>women are not the be-all end-all goal of existence, and it is in fact possible to be happy without ever interacting with them

Pathetic cope. You only hear this from delusional and depressed teens and early 20 year olds who tell this it to themselves, or then from people who have never had to life that life themselves to begin with. Intuitive psychological needs require fulfillment.

I can literally get sex from a (specific) girl whenever I'd want to, I just have to text her like 3 times. And I'm an obese hairy balding fuck with a 3 inch dick.
Believe me when I say that you're ecstatic like 2 days after having sex for the first time, and then things just kind of return to normal.

>I can get something regularly so its become mundane to me and therefore its universally meaningless

This retarded mindset is so unbelievably prevalent everywhere, i can't stand it.

You're the one (OP) who claims you need to be an adonis to sleep with a 4/10 m8, not me.

Except I'm not OP and I wasn't addressing that part of what you wrote either.

What part, pray tell, did you address though?

Are you perhaps illiterate?

what can we do then?

you life has to go somewhere or you'll go insane and what about the normies who bully us for simply not being good looking enough for this modern world?

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Of course not, I'm communicating with you right now.
From what I can see you misquoted me something horrible, insinuating that I don't consider sex to be meaningful. I wonder perhaps if you're the one who has trouble reading since what I wrote was that after you've had sex the first time, you pretty quickly return to your normal emotional mood.

this is 100% true and as you get older is 200% true. fembots and chads will naturally disagree

What was the point of your original post? If we see eye to eye on that sex is not the answer to all of life's problems but it contributes to a more enjoyable life experience, what did you intend to contribute to the discussion in the first place with your assertion? Why include it?

Pray for immersive VR / companion robots to arrive in your lifetime, I suppose.

Women do get a absolute shit-ton of mesages. But if you think you have to look like that to get female attention you're delusional

What can we do. Perhaps rid ourselves of this world. We'd do society and women a favor.
Why don't we just join the nothingness that has awaited us since birth?

Anyhow, I have been redpilled on looks for the past 8 years, my state of mind is beyond repair I believe.

I've had better looking girlfriends than any actresses that appear in that particular movie. I also don't look like brad pitt. I'm not completely mentally ill, though.

If you want to be on equal terms with women you really should better look like that because only a gigachad of Brad Pitt's level could imagine ever receiving an equivalent amount of female attraction compared to the male attraction even the most plain of women receive. After all if you don't have the same amount of sex appeal as your partner, the relationship shifts in her favour because she has less to lose and more to gain when the relationship ends whereas for the non-elite male its back to months and/or years of singleness.

Why do you care about how much attention women get? If you want a girl that's what you should focus on, not the other side. I'm a 6/10 at best and eventually I landed an amazing girl, everything I could ask for. And you know how I did it? I stopped looking at relationships like some god damn science, I actually stopped thinking about the specifics completely. AND THERE YA GO, GOT SOME EVENTUALLY.

Look, I get what you're saying, and it's of course unfair and hypocritical. But if you actually want some companionship in your life you have to drop that shit and stop thinking so much.

since the beggining it seems our choice is only accept anything, or accept utter loneliness... life's like a endless circle where the only choice is going with the waves... it's so frustrating, FUCK

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Can I ask you a few questions about your relationship with her?



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I've had a gf who, during arguments, would go like 'You know, I can just go to the nearest bar and have another guy within 5 minutes.'
My reply would usually be something like, 'Oh yeah, but would he do as much for you as I do?' which was weak because we both knew the reality.
Equality is a myth.

Sure go ahead, ask awaayyy

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(The order of the questions does not imply importance)

1. If your relationship ended right now, how long would it take her to find a new boyfriend? How long would it take for you to find a new girlfriend?

2. Does she use sex as a bargaining chip to modulate your behavior? If you do something she disagrees with will she withold sex? If you do something she wants does she use sex as a reward?

3. Outside of physical intimacy and companionship, what does she bring to the table in your relationship, and what do you bring onto it?

4. Hypothetically, if both of you were on tinder and she saw on it, how likely do you think it would be that she'd like your profile?

5. How many male friends does she have? How many female friends do you have?

I think if you guys actually did some cardio and lowered that bodyfat you probably have some decent bone structure as well. Plus girls obviously like abs and shit so if you wanted it as bad you can have it.

Dont bother arguing with memecels
Ignore and let them die quickly

1. Not sure, before me last relationship was in was when she was 16 (so 7 years ago), and she hasn't really been looking since then. But if she was desperate for it, of course she could get one in no time. Would take plenty longer for me. But I also waited damn long to find this one.

2. No not really, our sex-drive is very similar. She probably initiates sex with me way often than the other way around, if anything she wants it to reward herself, if that makes any sense.

3. We "fell in love" before ever seeing each other, so our personalities are extremely compatible. Personality-wise she's like a best friend, and I'm the same to her, so that's what we offer each other personality wise. Anything you'd get from a best friend,

4. She's never used Tinder, but I imagine if we went on solely physical appearance I wouldn't be her first choice. But once someone falls in love with your personality, they'll fall in love with the rest of you. And desu I think she's very anti-Tinder in general, just that idea of making people into numbers.

5. I have one female friend, she has two male friends

>Projecting your own obesity onto others
Please don't do that. I get that the average person in America is fat so its a safe bet for you to make but not everyone here is a 56 percenter.

This is why I want to find a cute guy to have a monogamous gay relationship with.

With 3 I was referring to material terms. For example, which one of you earns more?

>user offers advice
You really don't want to be helped do you?

She has a higher education than me, and earns more

If you had useful advice to give you wouldn't have to resort to the most basic advice anyone can give another person. It betrays your lack of insight and makes you look like a simpleton.

Lifting is for mega-copers.
Lowering bodyfat doesn't change your facial features.
Women like abs on male model faces. You can't be attractive without a symmetrical, beautiful face.

it's true, and if you don't, you're below 3/10
on all dating apps I've ever used, I've had at least 30 guys
500 some on tinder

i didn't even set my description upright on tinder
i just put my discord info, and i only talked to the guys that added me on discord

Can you put yourself in a man's boots? What the fuck would you do to raise ahead the competition as a male? Its fucking comically insane, there's roughly a 50/50 split but both offline and online dating experience makes it look like there's 10 single men 1 single woman.

i meant that it's not true that girls don't get hit up alot

i completely understand guys position in dating, online and offline

I get that. I was legitimately asking how you would try to survive as a guy.

not through dating apps

dating apps show the npc girls looking for chad cock, or stupid girls that aren't very faithful for good reasons
i'd rather have a girl with morals, probably attend a big ass church and during service introduce myself to her ect

it's how i met my bf