Please I don't wanna kill myself guys

I'm a 20 yo KHV and I might cry myself to sleep tonight for the very first time.
I just can't take it anymore, why them and not me...
What did I do to deserve this?

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

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I want virgins to unironically neck themselves unless they agree to take HRT and become sissy sluts.

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not getting laid is basically the lamest excuse anyone has to be miserable, hurr durr I haven't popped a girl's precious lil membrane or snuggled with her when there are a billion other facets to life that I could focus on instead!

if you suicide from heartache you were never meant to live in the first place

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but you fucked though right Mr.Chad?

aesthetically I'm close to chad, would be the real deal if I weren't physically horribly ill

I asked if you fucked, not if you're physically ill
also are you a wheelchair user?

>imagine not eanting to die
goddamn i wish i was dead as Menma

Go on Grindr get a robot BF cuddle suck cock play vidya make a positive change

Maybe you can transition and be Stacy you have nothing to lose at this point

no, my blood vessels are really fragile tho so I could die a lot easier than most people

Does your penis get hard? Would you bottom?

juts do drugs

I'm sorry bro
I know a wheelchair user paralyzed from the waist down.
I know I won't ever suffer like him but I wish him goodluck.

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Stay away from the bible, go to a psychiatrist.

Be a sissy little sub and let real men fuck your boipussy

Do drugs and fuck or get fucked by horny robots like you or you can transition

no problem with erections that I know of, sometimes I get bad chest or head pain but that's pretty rare, two stroke like attacks might dissuade me from high intensity shit though
yeah I know someone who's essentially watching their body turn into stone because the disorder they have replaces torn muscle with bone eventually rendering them unable to move or breathe, DNA is a risky ass gamble

Sex and intimacy contribute to a more fulfilling and less depressing life. If fulfilling those needs wasn't an important precedents to one's happiness whatsoever one has to wonder why the general majority of people continuously pursue them, as well as every single one of yours and mine ancestors did.

that sounds horrible my man

>20 years old
What the fuck ever. I'm a 29 year old KHV and I manage to not weep into my pillow like a faggot.

Maybe stop being such a fucking terrible person that you can't even stand your own company? Ever think of that?

I'm sure they're factors because humanity is at its core extremely social and companionship-oriented but I'm saying there are plenty of other goals and milestones to strive for apart from that

>first time crying himself to sleep

Lol n00b

I'm not a terrible person at all. I dress good and have very good hygiene.
I just have really bad anxiety and my friend met hid gf through fucking league of legends out of all places and fucked at 17.
I'm here rotting away with no luck whatsoever whilst everyone found someone.

>humanity is at its core extremely social and companionship-oriented
Why is it then that you think not having any of these intuitive needs fulfilled is the "lamest excuse anyone has to be miserable"? We're missing something that is core to the human experience.

God that muscle to bone disorder is one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen
really makes you grateful to what ever shit position you're in

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kill all your literal selves

Yesterday was the first time I cried before sleeping in years, good luck in your life user. May life be better down the line for both of us because right now it fucking sucks. :)

If you're not a terrible person then why do you hate being alone? I'm not a "great person" but I don't hate my own company, I am fine living alone and get all the positive social interaction I need from the internet, and more than enough negative social interaction from having a job.

It's fine if you want companionship but if you're a miserable, inconsolable wreck without a woman in your life then you're just a needy faggot who probably doesn't have a real personality.

You're coping brah.

I bet you are a homosexual like the father off American Beauty

well not the lamest per se but I definitely think people can prioritize better than whining over loneliness
it's not THAT difficult to find people to communicate with after all, and communication is far more reliable than some immutable bond with another individual that people pine over

What if I have friends and a decent relationshp with my family and I get to communicate with them but I still feel like I want a more intimate, romatnic bond with a girl? Platonic communication alone isn't enough for me and I'd wager its not enough for a lot of people.

then I wish you the best with your endeavor and hope what you're looking for comes true but also suggest pursuing other things that give your life value as a contingency plan in case your first priority fails, because it frequently does
getting laid by itself isn't hard to do though

also if your relationships with everyone else are healthy you're ironically kind of an outcast here, js

>live a content life alone
>people don't believe it and think you must be secretly miserable
Every time. Enjoy your misery.

>I'm content with my life alone
>That's why I spend my free time on Jow Forums
allow me to doubt

feels good to be schizoid

user, you're still young. Just becuase you dont have it figured out now doesnt mean you never will. Hang in there bud

I'm on the same condition, but are 10 years older than you. Being KVH (and no wizard powers whatsoever) is the least of my problems, I failed on other, more important aspects of my life.

I was a KHV until I was 21 and for a while I did cry myself to sleep. Now I am 22 and I've had a LTR for 1.5 years, 4 seperate ONS and picked up a girl at a party recently and we are going on our third date on Sunday. It get's better robro, we are all gonna make it.

OP is joking, but there are actually people that feel distraught over being virgins.

These mentally ill failed normalfags like Elliot Rodgers are a stale meme.

You got it by the right end. This is a place for self-pity, hatred of society and unwillingness to be change though, so your advice is unwanted and will probably go unused.

Ah, good evening, commander.
My name is Seth, and I have a special mission for you. Are you interested ?

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>Still feels like I was 20 not too long ago
>tfw I'm already 26 now
>tfw people weren't joking when they say that time goes faster as you get older

Between 25 and 27 I suffered from a feeling, a dillusion, that I was speeding time up for everyone. I felt like it was just seconds between 'morning' and 'goodnight'. I didn't want to go out anymore because after 5 quick hours I would go home again, so there'd be no point. During those years it always seemed to be nighttime and daylight was a blip. It was also then that I realised that natural colours are all grey: artificial colours appear rarely, only just in town centres, not in suburbs. I think I got out of this by forcing myself to redefine when now is. Now for me isn't this instant now, it's the 48~96 hour timespan that I'm in. This way it doesn't seem like time goes so fast.

Your life is probably becoming empty and devoid of meaningful events. Days go by without anything happening at all, and when you look back, it looks like all these years passed by in a flash.

Me to, I am 20 yearbole virgin, almost 21. It's alright user, dont kill your self, we're here

Im listening...

are we gonna make it though?

Yeah, you're probably right. I'm a shut-in NEET, so not much happens.

fuck off Reiko

then dont user, join us fren, we always need new people, even looking for staff and mods. we got porn too. /eSeZMQs

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Do something about the virginity or learn to accept it. You probably still won't be happy but you'll be less depressed. I'm 25 now and I accepted it probably about a year ago. I now realize that all the time I spent feeling shitty and worrying about it was pointless and did nothing but cause me suffering. Realizing you'll die alone is equally sad as it is liberating but it's better than constantly worrying about it.