Be me

>Be me
>Hate women
>Watch Sailor Moon
>Temporarily stop hating women
>Stop watching Sailor Moon
>Hate women again
>Think about the Sailor Scouts
>Makes me happy
>Wish real women were like them (preferably Sailor Mercury)
Why can't life just be an anime? Why can't women just stop being the way that they are? How can we fix these failed, broken creatures, or make them capable of fixing themselves?

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Anime girls are written, designed, drawn and directed by men. They are male entities and you're deluded if you think they have anything to do with actual femoids.

sailor moon actually discusses female narrative very very

know thy enemy

If you want real female caracters, go watch some soap opera

Sailor Moon is literally written by a female you retard

sailor mars was the hottest one, fag

If somebody posts that jared picture i am going to shit a house

>sailor mars was the hottest one, fag
To you, I'm sure she is. I prefer Mercury because she has the best personality of the group.

I think you and I are in the same boat, because I had so much negative experience with women and so few positive ones that I too have descended into liking 2d hand drawn women more than IRL women

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I like Jupiter. Mostly because I like the color green and big, strong girls. Maybe it is an evolutionary attempt to tell me, on a biological level, I am weak and pathetic.

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Those are really interesting ways of spelling Jupiter

You mean this one? Boy, I sure would love to bury my face in his dumper.

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literally the best shonen

that lady is fat thats ok tho i like fat ladies

that's fat, not strong
>this is

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I see. For me, I just hate real women because of the scientific reasons behind why they are the way that they are.

>Not SaiIor Venus

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Am I the only one who likes Sailor Moon best?

This thread is supposed to be about hating women and how they can be fixed, not fawning over Sailor Moon characters, you retards.

I don't hate them entirely, I still love them on the basis that a really good woman will make my life better and bear my children, it's just that most women suck

>t. Tuxedo Mask

Also I Iike Jupiter the best but Sailor Uranus comes as a close second if only because she's a fucking dyke

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Sailor moon always reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom gave me a lecture about how anime wasn't real because she read my diary in which I wrote regularly about how I wanted to marry usagi . Jokes on her, I still think 2d is better than 3d. I'm more inclined towards Makoto nowadays though.

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>he clearly doesn't understand where we are

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I don't hate them entirely either. I mean, I do like the ones who are exceptions to certain scientific rules. But like you said, most of them suck.

I think she was my first anime crush. Now I'm married to Hatsune Miku. Obviously there was a pattern.

When I was about 3-4 years old, Sailor Moon was my first anime crush, too, along with Princess Sara from the Sonic the Hedgehog movie.

She was probably alot of guy's first. She's really pretty. Even know I find it hard to watch/read sailor moon without my heart exploding from all the love all the sailor soilders make me feel.

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Oh, and also Chun-Li from Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie.

Whats the point? You can't fix women

I don't think anyone wants to hate women. They just idealize them, and are disappointed because they are human.

We could at least try. Or we could at least try to get them to fix themselves instead of making ourselves do all the work for them... Who am I kidding? I know it's impossible, but I just want them to be different...

>if usagi was real she'd bully you and think you're a pathetic loser while she goes home to fuck chad mamoru
You know it's true, boys

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>They just idealize them, and are disappointed because they are human.
Quite the opposite, more like they are a bore, a chore, and usually aren't worth the trouble. Meanwhile women idealize men through hollywood and books and yet its ok for them to expect men to be that way

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This is not untrue, but there are generally more single men than women. Humans are shitty, but women have the advantage of having a buyer's market.

It's more like this
>men have to live up to standards or else they will never get laid/married
>so if a man is bald, is poor, shy, fat or overweight, or introverted he has a much harder chance in life and society will remind him on how of a failure he is
>women don't have to live up to standards anymore because thats sexist and society rewards them for it
>so a fat/overweight, poor, introverted, woman can get away with it because there are no standards anymore
its all bullshit, and tiresome
>but enough of that lets discuss more on how Sailor Uranus is the best sailor scout despite being a fucking waste of a woman she is because she's a dyke

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>I just want them to be different...
Um, wow. This is so sexist, narcissistic, and fucked up. Maybe YOU should be different, clean up your act, and then we'll see, sweetie.
t. femanon

oh are you mad because us men are tired of your bullshit and found anime girls to be more attractive than you because they're feminine than you are? Even the fucking dyke in Sailor Moon is more feminine than your ugly ass
>also tits or gtfo

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Finally, someone else understands that lesbians are worthless, filthy, disgusting, unwanted, unneeded abominations in the eyes of God. They should also have their clits cut off and whatever girl they like should be gangraped by men in front of them. The lesbian too should also get gangraped by men. I just really fucking despise lesbians.

If you think SM girls idealized, don't watch LotGH

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I had strong feelings for a girl who became a lesbian but was still feminine and confirmed that she was also bi, I confessed to her that I liked her via text when she became single but I never had a chance or I was a complete pussy back then to ask her out.
>I'm holding back tears because of this

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Again, you are not wrong, but women can get away with it because they are in demand. If there were 25% more women than men, and they wanted a partner, I could be a real shitter and still hook up easily. There are just too many men.

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The solution? A good and old war

I know this is bait, but I'll bite. Men are already the ones who are told that THEY have to be the ones to change. That THEY have to improve themselves. That THEY have to live their lives according to women, and basically live as slaves to satisfy the whims of women. Men have already changed themselves enough and it's time for them to stop. Why don't women ever have to change or better themselves? Why are women allowed to be themselves without being punished for it? It's just not fair. So no, men don't need to change, WOMEN, need to change.

I honestly think it has the Vancouver Dilemma, in that women who are average or lower think themselves to much more valuable than they actually are, kind of like how a basic house or apartment in Vancouver is almost always $500K minimum despite the place being well, small or just mediocre.

>Also bi
I don't think you know how this works. You can't be bi and a lesbian at the same time. Although, I do get what you're trying to say.

I tend to mix the terms up

That's okay, user. Also, I'm sorry that I caused you to recount something that made you sad. Here, let me give you a hug. *Hugs you* There you go, champ. :)

I'm a pilot user, I have to be strong, people's lives are at stake

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I'm going to be thinking about this post when I fly home on Thanksgiving. Christ.

I'm a lifeguard bro

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Nonsense, Pilots make sure that your flight is comfy and we leave our issues on the ground. We're professionals at the end of the day. Also I'd be more worried about the muslim sitting right next to you

I haven't died after flying several times a year, so I'm sure it is fine. How does a rough landing happen? We bounced on the last landing, I was fine, some people seemed a little upset.

rei is my favorite because shes the best in the beatemup

What is the beatemup?

each characters pretty different, rei has the easiest way to stunlock bosses

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I was on a flight from ORD to FLL last weekend, and the 737 bumped a little bit because the speed was a little too fast or the winds were unfavorable to execute the fare, which is the maneuver used to execute the landing. I joked with my dad who was sitting on the other side that it felt like I was in control of the plane (I'm working on my landings, just today I did some really good ones) But yeah sometimes the plane's airspeed gets a little too fast or the winds make it tricky to land straight and/or it "bounces" due to wind and crap and that shit causes a bad landing. And thats also why planes move up when they are landing
>here's an example of a bad landing

flare not fare excuse me

i beat the game the game till i could one stock hardmode, listening to

>tfw robot is obviously a low time pilot
that's okay sir, one day you too may be a CFII & MEI
>tfw not an ATP
>tfw will probably never reach a major/legacy due to the HR interview portion


College degrees shouldn't be a fucking requirement. an ATP is good enough considering the hell pilots had to go through to get it

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the first season and the ali en arc is my fav anime series

eh, I've got my degree bro, but you're not wrong. If you killed off HR pilot hiring wouldn't be so shit. I work at a major airline in a non flying role, and HR talks big shit about their ideal candidates. If you don't suck their manlet dicks, they won't hire you. What ever happened to pilots killing commies and swearing? Also, women shouldn't be pilots, they're killing my chances of a job with their affirmative action fuckery and preferential hiring and scholarship money. They fly like shit.

Every female pilot I see is a threat to my job potential. And you are right they fly like shit and almost no one criticizes them. When I eventually become a CFI I will be a hard-ass on my students because I want them to git gud

Don't fly with women, they're shitty students who expect you to impress upon them all knowledge and refuse to lift a fucking finger. They fly like shit and only other women cna effectively teach them because of their shitty passive aggression.

Also, I once had to train with a hambeast actual 2/10 fat chick due to instructor shortages in my training, and when everything was over and done, she accused me of harassment, which became sexual harassment to the flight school because she's a womyn.The last moment I was at that school was being told they didn't have anything and they were dropping it, so I got out of dodge ever since.

Women of all levels need to be shot if they pursue a profession. Even nurses should be males, so they don't fuck everything up. Uppity bitches must all be wiped like shit off my asshole. Fuck women.

Does this fucking hambeast not realize that space is fucking limited on a Cessna? me and my instructor are fairly large (he's overweight I have some muscle) and sometimes we get shoulder to shoulder due to the tiny cockpits. Also I dread the day I ever fly long haul with a woman, I would be more afraid of her than any turbulence, stall or, Mig Fighter or F-15 Interceptor

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Without getting into the lack of details, she levied it against me just to fuck with me. I asked a fellow dude if I should return the favor to her, and he had the great advice of, no, if there's nothing they can get you on, move on and never look back, you don't want to continue any kind of dick waving, I now live across the country for work and I'm glad that shit is behind me. I pray that the collapse happens soon and women are dethroned en mass. But until then I live to teach and teach to live. Regional X, keep a seat at the table open please.

Wow such professionalism on her end.

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I like Sailor Galaxia the best because I love ruthless bitches.

good taste

Downloading Sailor Moon. Hopefully it's ready when I come back from work.
I think it's important to remember that at the end of the day you can't control the actions of others and not to waste your life hating others. It's sad that we are unlovable with no friends, but it doesn't mean we have to go through life unaccomplished and bored.

Wrong. Mangaka was a woman.

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