Why do women feel the need to ruin friendships? Why do they do this shit?

Why do women feel the need to ruin friendships? Why do they do this shit?
>tfw have best friend
>we both talk about how girls are whores while playing games or watching stuff together
>daily chat, super comfy
>he finds a gf
>becomes happy
>he still wants to play with me for many hours each day
>feel that I start hating him, because he's happy
>he's worse off than me, a bigger loser, looks worse, manlet like me, but has a gf
>think he will just break up so whatever
>almost a year of them living together passes
>keep hearing the bitch talk in the background and all the stupid "love you" lies she says to him
>try to open his eyes and remind him that women are whores
>still feel hate, but it has grown
>start ignoring him
>realize he became a complete cuck to some "le quirky NEET weeb qt gf xDDDDD" roast
>block him everywhere
>feel sad that a girl split us up when we spent over 5 years talking and playing together

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garbage bait desu

How exactly is it bait you retard

She didn't do a single thing to ruin your friendship, senpai.

She didn't interfere with your time together or his availability.

That's on you for pulling away as a result of your own insecurity and jealousy.

You're a shit-tier friend and he's better off without you.

>she didn't do anything
She did. She came into his life, will stay for another year, then move onto Chad like all the other whores. Why not just go for Chad from the start? what exactly would a girl want from some NEET loser? At best to rebound.
>shit tier friend
I tried to save him from making the biggest mistake of his life, but he chose some roast flaps over friendship. Why even bother saying all the shit about women and how much you hate them, if you will change your view completely once you find used up goods?

Sounds like you have some growing up to do.

lol you have issues.

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I didn't realize you could prophesize the future. There's no possibility that they could end up being in love and having a decent life together. Or that even if they don't, the relationship could serve as a positive learning experience for him.

He didn't choose her over you. He chose to explore a relationship that he enjoys while continuing to be your friend. You're the one who cut him off, by your own account. You made that choice for him because your ego is so blown up that you can't allow for anyone in your life to do anything that you don't agree with. That's not friendship on your part, that's just being a toxic control freak.

When exactly did this place become normie central? The fuck.

nigger thats your fault not her

>inb4 whiteknight

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Ah i had a similar experience a few months ago
You see, for 15 years i knew this guy, he was one of my best friends, i even lived with him for a while, almost a whole year in fact.
One day he got a gf, fell hard on her, till the girl broke up with him when she realized he is poor as dirt.
So he got heartbroken, i was there to help him, till he found a new girl, this new girl, bringed with her some real big problems.
Idk if it was the girl or if he was always like this and i didn't realize, but all of a sudden my friend became a fake, his words did not reflect his actions, he didn't care to hang out with me nor any of our mutual friends anymore, he started heavy drinking and smoking weed and even his sense of humor startred to seem forced.
I coulnd't heart to see him change like that, so i told him he was changing, but it didn't accomplish much.
I still talk to him once in a while, but his situation appears to only get worse, by now i am the only friend that still talks to him despite the things he did to us (like lie and even borrow money and never give it back)
Idk if it's the girl fault, but as soon as she appeared, he went to shit for some reason.

>He expected support for being a twat.

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No stop being a faggot for a second clearly this girl made OP's friend less well off or made It seem that way, and OP was just trying to help him. Women will change a man and sometimes not for the good. I wouldn't say calling his gf a whore was the right way to aproach it but OP lost a bromance because of a women

>hating women and distancing yourself from anyone who wants to get get sucked into their twisted ways and lies is being a twat

Exactly. He did start to change, especially at the end once they lived together for longer. Instead of thinking what he wants for himself, his goals were based on what she feels, likes or wants. Once he hit that point, I knew she had him controlled and everything we talked about women daily for years she somehow knocked out of him.

You're in the closet aren't you?

jfc you ruined that friendship on your own.
I hope this is a troll, if not, you need to wake the fuck up and realize that women aren't evil monsters out to get you. they're people. some are shitty and some are great.

>>hating women and distancing yourself from anyone who wants to get get sucked into their twisted ways and lies is being a twat
This, but unironically.

>women are people
What the fuck happened to this place. I'm starting to think the alternate reality timeline jump wasn't a meme.

OP stated that his friend became happy. So any interference in the relationship on OP's part would have been to convince his friend to walk away from a situation that made him happy. The dude still had time to play games with OP on a daily basis. It's not like their friendship changed all that much.

You can't control what other people do. You can give advice, but they have free will and are going to do what they want at the end of the day. Mature, genuine friends recognize that and allow the people they care about to make their own choices. And then be there to support them if things don't work out instead of being a smug, disdainful asshole.

When adults are in relationships that involve co-habitation, it's inevitable that their goals will align at least somewhat. They make compromises for one another and prioritize their partner's needs to some degree. It's a two way street. That's how healthy relationships work.

is it even possibly to behave more like a redditor than you do now?


OP has severe repression. Narnia levels in the closet

It must be hard to be incapable of critical thinking.

>critical thinking

You're just stating the obvious. Bottom line the women changed him and ruined the friendship

>this whole thread
Dont give a fuck op go to adv to vent
This place is garbage and infested by normies anyways

>Bottom line the women changed him and ruined the friendship
literally nothing in the OP post mentions the guy changing except that he had a girlfriend and didn't hate her and think she was a whore. if being like that means OP can't be friends with him, then OP is a massive piece of shit.

you werent really his friend you dumb neet

The girl didn't do anything to ruin the friendship. OP did that all on his own.

>all these roastie apologists itt
the fact that she breathes is an affront on itself.

Listen here, OP
I know how you feel.

>only 2 friends I have that aren't old geezers
>both of them got witch-tier gf
>talk about cohabitation
>bussy wins every time, they are now but lowly house niggers

I've grown up with both of these guys, seen them at their highs and lows. These women are sucking the life out of them. They're consistently more depressed and less autonomous. They've let these relationships create divides in their family lives, and these bitches lord over their friendships with that classic double-standard bullshit.

>cant live their lives for them
>but we still shoot the shit, bathe in our own sorrow, talk about how fucked up it is.

TL;DR: honestly OP your friend is likely struggling with a lot, and you're a fucking prick for not trying to empathize with your "best friend". I highly doubt that the fucker actually hates you

got nothing to say but nice to see fellow jojo fans here

Redpills on what being a woman is like

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