I'm not even gonna try to comprehend the logic behind this

I'm not even gonna try to comprehend the logic behind this

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don't try, the mental gymnastics required would probably break your bones on top of your will to live.

>men voted for orange man
>orange man bad

The only power or influence a woman has is its vagina, so any political movement involving them will naturally center their vagina. Look as pushy hats, naked protesting, free bleeding, etc. Giving women the vote was a mistake.

Holy shit they are all ether fat, old or sheboons.

wow, me hate orange man now

Is that a guy in the back?

damn that front bitch is T H I C C

So's everyone that votes. Well, baboons rather than sheboons I suppose.

>pol trash

i can only imagine the smell in that place

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what would thou do to her

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>the babymen who go "oooh boobies"
fuck this website

Pretty clear actually: this is politicians preying on insecure women for vote.

Truly the meme gender.

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>president is a rapist and molester
>made a statement about grabbing women without their consent
>ad calls for returning the favor by hurting him politically

really an ape could comprehend it within 2 seconds

>Implying this isn't a flash flag organized by trump's financiers

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Why are they nekkid tho

To make a daring statement.

lol I thought they were supposed to be pregnant at first


This guy is the only one who gets it
This one is sorta close though

I might do the two in the back on the left

same, why'd they put all the decent ones in the back tho?

well it's supposed to represent vulnerability and the ballots over their crotch are the figurative pain you could potentially inflict on drompf and co. by limiting their administrative power

Attractive women have too much privilege.

ugh i need to fap tho

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Second from the back on the right
What's wrong with her hip?