Who absolutely despises their own name here? Mine's Paul and I'm legit gonna snap over it one day. Fuck my Parents

Who absolutely despises their own name here? Mine's Paul and I'm legit gonna snap over it one day. Fuck my Parents.

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Try a little harder, still nothing actionable hmm?

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Tyler here. Absolutely hate my name.

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Are you appalled that they named you Paul? For your birthday, did they give you a jacket with epaulets? Are you considering a career in paulitics? If you're going to kill yourself, leave some room in your suicide note to name your preferred paul-bearers. Paul.

Disregard females. Acquire crackers, Paulie.

>appalled not appaulled
Whats your name? I'm gonna start using it as a synonym for complete fuck up

Paul. My name is Paul.

What exactly did I trigger here? Is hating your name really that bad?

stephanie and i fucking hate my dad for it (he chose it)

I like my name because it's mine

Jacob, the most faggy name

Dont be such a fag Paul is a great name, nice and biblical, I feel sorry for all the Keiths and Duncans.

Ryan is okay in my opinion, a bit soft. I could have gone for a Charlie or a Nick or something.

>tfw mingus

i made a namelet thread once

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Fucking Adrian. Like a brainlet pleb. Pick related.

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Paul's a good name, man.
Ryan's okay.
Pick up a brass or wind instrument

My name is fucking 'Gulper'. Parents apparently chose it because dad is a marine biologist and loves Gulper Eels and he got my mother to date him by dressing as a Gulper Eel (he had a big rubber chin put on) and writing her a poem about life in the deep sea. So they named me fucking Gulper. Of course I got bullied and get made fun of for it now. My boss at work doesn't even use my name, he just looks at me and makes a fucking swallowing noise. fucking parents.

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I vant say my name here since I can easily be found but it is some retarded shit that sounds femine as fuck and can be interpreted as satan /the devil in certain language(s)

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I'm Martin. What do you think of this name?
Namelet or namechad? Normie or robot name?

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im so fucking sorry dude

my god.

>tfw Bartosz

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F oregano origi

Alexandru, eh pretty basic in my country but i like it

are you asian?

No lol polish. Besides my name is Latin, how did you make this connection? U amerimutt?

Mine's Danko
Danke is the german word for thanks.
Im constantly made fun of with this.

>introduce myself to someone
>that's a girl's name
>n...no u

Tfw Thomas

I'll call you Barbie if you want.

How's life in Romania?

t. Alexander



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Paul is a fine name you fucknut. Imagine being called Chester.

That's an alpha name.

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First name Jacob, middle name David. I'm not even fucking Jewish. Although it does seem to be good for career opportunities, really makes you think.

Does your last name end in -vich ?

Paul is a nice name.

try Brian, now that is a name to be ashamed of.0

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Chester the molestor
Chester the Bottle collector.

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Imagine being called "Thomas" as a child. It's an old man's name and noone takes you serious when being talked about or when claiming any sort if authority in indirect means. I want to change my name to Agareas (am half Lithuanian half russian)

Alexandre. I fucking hate they put r before e. Everyone spells it Alexander on all my papers.


I got made fun of for a lot of things
Not much for my name
>Not much

Just go by Tom?

Get it legally changed. There is no excuse for this. Max Power is the only answer now.


>i cannot, under any circumstance, tell anyone to call me a different name than what my parents named me

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My names kevin but i'm probably gonna go by caoimhin from now on

Can't go wrong with biblical names. Get over it, it's a good name.

alex.seriously hate it

hi samecountryfag , i hate my name alexandru as well but i have Gheorghe as second name so its even worse

>TFW sick cunt name "Dale"
>complete failure and can't live up to it
Feels bad

I dont know man, a Slavic Thomas might seem real wise and mysterious if he has a good atmosphere.

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Is Bryce a girls name?

Mine also doubles as a girls name

My name is John. For some reason I thought John was the most interesting when I was a child. My other option was either Andy or Thomas so I guess its ok.

Yeah I guess you're right. Slavic Thomas will be my name from now on

My name is Sue.

I'm a dude.

There are cool people named Sasha. You can pretend Sue is some exotic foreign name, fren.

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My names Ariel

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was your father a fan of johnny cash

The one who posts in chubby girls threads on /soc/?

Get it legally changed
Crostoff christofferson
Dirty Dan
Dirty Manuel
Randy Butternubs

Used to hate my name being Natalya because it got me bullied and made fun of during my first few years in American school

I never knew my father, he left us when I was three

Mine is Pawel, I'm okay with it, just hate it when people mispronounce it

I am happy I have my name because it's some typical sandnigger name and if I'm pretty confident that if someone doxxed me and found my full name they still wouldn't be able to track me down that easily.

Not gonna post it though because I'm paranoid but my first name begins with 'h'

Man it feels great to be up here on my Harry pedestal looking down on all you poor sods. "you're a wizard arry" ages like fine wine.

I actually love my name.

Thomas is actually a really nice name, user. But just go by Tom if you do not like it.

Oh you think your name is bad huh, how about getting weird looks from EVERY class you've ever been in because you're a straight white male with a fucking girls name.

My first name is "Melody Bloom" followed by a last name which makes me sound like a fucking cartoon character.

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Paul, one of the Apostles of Christ. A good solid Western name. Better than Breadyn or some faggy shit.

Tyler, from the French word literally for a person who puts down tiles. Yeah, that's a shit name.

Jacob, grandson of Abraham, you know, that guy responsible for Judaism, Christianity, AND Islam? The Abrahamic religions? Also, Jacob was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. Good solid Western name. Could be named something shit like Tyrone which is literally a place in the UK.

Adrian is a good Roman name. Like Emporer Hadrian, same name really. Take pride in having a patrician name. You could be named Hunter like a literal hut dwelling pleb.

I am so sorry.

The short form of Martin is Marty. Not a great manly name.

Are you retarded? You do know those are also given names for Christians, right? Like Christians also have the Old Testament, right? Fucking retards, i swear. Give them an inch and they will throw out every ounce of their heritage and the values that built Western Civilization and name their children Aiden and Krystal and retarded shit.

John the Baptist. Literally baptised Christ, alpha as fuck.

dripping with autism
my parents named me this because they like names that started with D, but my sister already had one, so they hoped I would want to be called Drew. but fuck that and fuck you mom and dad

My name is Mingus so stfu you stupid retard brainlet get out of here normie

>Melody Bloom

"One medium coffee, extra cream and sugar for Melody Bloom!"
>"h-h-here, thanks."

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Then whats the point of birth names in the first place you stupid cuck

Imagine being so insecure you hate such a basic ass name lmao

;-;... I just give the name "mel"....

I almost had it legally changed but both my parents were visibly insulted when I told them so I didn't :/

Quoting my mother "it's a beautiful name for our beautiful boy :)"

Your parents are either retarded or straight up malicious. If they like the name so much keep it as a middle name, Jack Melody Bloom or something, or get a middlename and introduce yourself as it.

Tyler is fine cunt thats my name too
almost no one else has it so no one confuses you with others and when someone says tyler you know they are talking to you
it starts with T which is the best letter

>Be American
>Be named Teemu

So sick of having to explain I am named after a grandfather.

My name is Precious and I'm a dude. Idk what my parents were thinking

>tfw i have an african name
>not even fucking african
>not even fucking black

It's a cool name. If you ever visit here, you'll feel right at home.

t. Finn

Ivan. Literally best name ever.

>Been to Finland
>People royally confused about my accent when I speak Finnish
>More confused when I say my name is Teemu Xxxxxxinen
>Once accused of being a Russian Spy (seriously)
>Learn to only speak with family or speak English if I have to talk to a non-related Finn

>tfw Arthur
One of the few things my parents didn't fuck up. Absolute Chad-tier name.

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Hi there paul

I dont care for my middle name. Its Maurice which means swarthy and I'm pasty as fuck. It's my "father's" middle name. I have no desire to change it though. Too much work for such a small thing.

My name is guy still not as bad as a friend I had in elementary who was named Dick wonder how high school went for him lol

>everyone ignores the roastie
Bravo r9k

stfu u fucking worthless piece of shit

hi Hussein

That's standard French (and thus British) spelling, how is that bad? Gives you the educated European vibe

middle name Alane.
Like Elaine. Except Alane
resonates with contempt and self loathing when I hear it

Actually wrong
Good guess though, you can probably guess it now that I told you that name was wrong

>heh my name's paul but everyone calls me darkshadow
giving fake names is only acceptable if you are a drug dealer

My name is Bryce. I would rather have had something lesss conspicuous.

Shite. Alexander is the british spelling of that name.
If you've got French heritage then it's acceptable to spell it that way I guess.

Mel is a good name you little bitch

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My name is Vann. Why the fuck did my parents name me after a car

William. It sounds gay.

They named you after a Van, not a Car.

just Jack, I don't mind it really but there are way too fucking many of us.