Alright, I've done this thread with positive results on other boards, might as well do one here

Alright, I've done this thread with positive results on other boards, might as well do one here.

Ask a US Police Officer anything.

>I am not a lawyer, nor is any police officer an acceptable substitute for one.

Basic facts:
-Started career working in a large-ish metropolitan city police force in the US South
-Currently working as a state police officer in that same state
-Have worked on various drug/weapons/violent crimes task forces over the years, as well as plenty of time doing regular patrol duty

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tell me the most fucked up scene you ever got called down to

>say something actionable, the post

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You ever hear some fucked up shit your fellow officers have done, consider going Serpico on their ass?

Do you enjoy your work?

Are you 3 days from retirement?

cops go to hell

For me, it was a bad traffic accident about 4 years ago. 15-20 car pile-up on the interstate, tanker truck and a few semi rigs were involved, lots of cars had caught fire. Had multiple cars where the occupants had been burned to husks. Had a whole family, mom, dad, 3 kids, who had burned to death in a Ford Explorer. the bodies were just vaguely human shaped pieces of charcoal.

A close second was a murder-suicide where a guy killed his girl, then put a shotgun in his mouth in a tiny ass apartment bathroom

>You ever hear some fucked up shit your fellow officers have done, consider going Serpico on their ass?
When I first started I heard and saw a lot more. Our department switched to body cams which cut out most of that shit, but you still get it every now and then.

The first I saw or heard was a guy who kept various baggies of drugs on him that he would claim to "find" on traffic stops with people he didn't like. Always out of view of the dash camera, and somehow when no one else was ever looking.

Worst I ever knew about was a guy paying off a couple gang bangers to beat the shit out of a guy that he just didn't like. but again, that was like...10 years ago.
>Do you enjoy your work?
I do. Although I have had more than a few moments where I considered walking away from law enforcement as a career
>Are you 3 days from retirement?

A lot will be their

what do i do if i get pulled over and don't want to get a ticket, besides being respectful?

"Our opponents . . . are in the habit of justifying the right to private property by stating that property is the condition and guarantee of liberty.

"And we agree with them. Do we not say repeatedly that poverty is slavery?

"But then why do we oppose them?

"The reason is clear: in reality the property that they defend is capitalist property, namely property that allows its owners to live from the work of others and which therefore depends on the existence of a class of the disinherited and dispossessed, forced to sell their labour to the property owners for a wage below its real value

. . . This means that workers are subjected to a kind of slavery, which, though it may vary in degree of harshness, always means social inferiority, material penury and moral degradation, and is the primary cause of all the ills that beset today's social order." [Malatesta, The Anarchist Revolution, p. 113]

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It is usual, sometimes or very unusual for someone youre looking at to stare back at you?

Why don't police arrest rich people?

White man here. Bless you officer. Please keep the spics and niggers in jail - they're seriously fucking up my city.

I always give cops free food/drinls when they come to my bar. Cops are based. If you hate them you're literally not white.

For me personally, if you were doing more than 15 over, I always give a ticket. Being respectful, or at least polite, will mean I reduce it to something like 6 over so the ticket isn't as bad, or so your lawyer has an easy time of getting it dismissed, but you're still gonna get it

Other than that, just don't be sketchy. If you have tinted windows, roll that shit down. If it's dark, turn a light on in the car. Don't make jerky, sudden moves. I don't mind if people don't wanna answer questions or make small talk. I just don't wanna get the vibe you're about to dive for a gun or peel off and make me chase you.

Also, if you know your registration is expired or you don't have your DL on you, just tell me up front. How comfortable I feel with the situation directly relates to how likely you are to get a warning

>It is usual, sometimes or very unusual for someone youre looking at to stare back at you?
Depends on the situation, but usually people avoid eye contact

We do, all the time in fact, but being rich affords them the access to lawyers who make sure they're post bond within 15 minutes and never actually face any real charges

I gotta love Chick-Fil-A, free coffee every morning

Has a girl ever flashed you or propositioned you for sex to avoid getting arrested?

I see. Faggot terrorists missed the NYSE.

>Do we not say repeatedly that PROPERTY is slavery?
>"The reason is clear: in reality the poverty that we defend is capitalist poverty
>namely poverty that allows its owners to live from the work of others and which therefore depends on the existence of a class of the disinherited and dispossessed, forced to sell their labour to the poverty owners for a wage below its real value


I've been flashed tons of times. I used to have a patrol zone that encompassed the local state university, so you'd get flashed fairly regularly during the school year

I personally never got an offer for sex, but we had a girl offer a patrol officer a blow job to get out of a DUI, the entire exchange got recorded on the officer's body cam, and was funny as fuck

Pursue, pull over, at minimum a wreckless driving ticket + excessive speed ticket, which a mandatory appearance on the wreckless driving

Any way to make small talk when walking past cops? I feel like making eye contact is weird and not making eye contact makes me look like a criminal. wat do

A friend of mine draws pedo shit but doesnt share it with anyone. How fucked is he?

The vtec is too tempting but i will try to drive cautiously from now on.

Have you ever shot a black man?
How many bullets?
How does it feel?

>large white man
>major metropolitan area
>polite and cooperative
if i were carrying a gun (legally, obviously) and had a ccw permit for it, how would you prefer i make you aware of that without making oyu feel like i'm a threat or that i'm gonna do something stupid?

No problem, I fully unload my mag all over your torso.
>it was an accident
>he attacked me
choose one

>If you hate them you're literally not white
No, I'm Ruskie. Russian cops are corrupted as fuck. They are basically gangsters in the uniform.

Any plans to promote?

What are the requirements of joining in the US? (As in the ones that'll get me accepted right away, not the minimum)
Can i try to apply as a foreigner if i'll live in the US legally?

What do you think needs to be done to reduce the strained relationship between police and the public?

Not OP, but I have a CCW, and on the few occasions I've gotten pulled over or needed to deal with a cop, I usually do the following.

Make sure my hands are in plain sight and don't move them.

Say "Officer, I need to let you know that I have a concealed pistol license and I have a firearm in the car/on me/wherever at the moment."

Usually he'll ask where it is and I'll tell him.

If I'm going to reach for something, tell him first. "My registration is in the glovebox, I'm going to reach over and get it now."

Never had a cop give me any problems or seem like he was nervous around me following those steps.

If an 80 year old man admits to you to smoking weed when he was 15, are you legally required to arrest him? Also, why do so many cops kill peoples' pets? I'm not even talking about dogs actively trying to attack them, I'm talking, I've seen a video of a cop throwing a grenade into a closed off space in someone's living room that held sleeping newborn puppies and their sleeping dachshund mother. Literally what kind of pussy ass piece of shit is such a horrible human being to do that? Even if the daschund attacked the cop (it didn't, it was ASLEEP), it's a freaking wiener dog....just throw it off of ya and move on. One of my old neighbors had his cat kicked by a cop for rubbing up against the cop.

>retards replying to a larp thread

Post proof or fuck off nigger

On what roleplay server are you a cop?
Did you have to apply on their forum?

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are you or do you know any cops that think they are above the law and treat citizens like shit.

This is somewhat off topic, but what other boards?

Oh, and how long have you been on Jow Forums?

why is it illegal to kill myself

just smile and wave at them if you're black, if you're white, they won't give you any trouble for side eying em. that is unless they're normal and couldnt give less of a shit what people think about them.

how many innocents have you and your coworkers killed?

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Only good cop is a dead cop. Kill yourself you boot licking fascist

Consider fucking killing yourself you commie kike. If you were living under a communist regime your body would be laying on a curb with your skull split for suspicion of planning against the state and insulting law enforcement.

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I'm an anarchist. Communists have cops too you fucking mong

I always go exactly 9 miles over the speed limit. Can I afford to go faster without triggering your radar or whatever you use?

If you hate the police, you should be blacklisted and forfeit all protections given by law enforcement. Somebody attacks you, you're on your own. Someone rapes you, oh well. You get stabbed, fend for yourself.

You pigs realize your thin blue line flag breaks us flag code right.
>muh respect for our flag
>muh country

Do yall niggas actually care about stopping people who go over the speed limit as a means of keeping the roads safe, or do you just care more about writing tickets? I've lived in 2 big areas in Florida, and for the most part, the only areas I mostly see police sitting are not so popular roads where the traffic in terms of speed and reckless driving aren't nearly as bad as nearby more popular roads. Like where I am at now, there is a 4 lane road (2 lanes each way) that goes through a neighborhood with a speed limit of 35. Barely ever see reckless driving, though people go 40-45 most of the time. What do you know, at nights they have multiple cops sitting back there willing to pull over 40-45. This despite the way more popular main road with more lanes and way more cars having people going 60+mph at times, and people commonly cutting each other off and similar.

Ever had to make a call in the heat of the moment that you wish you could have done differently?

Do female cops have a harder time than male cops when enforcing their authority?

What % of the people that you arrest are niggers?